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// ==UserScript== // @name HaremHeroes Automatic (Muffin Mans) // @namespace JDscripts // @version 2.7.3 // @description Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle and AutoArenaBattle. Messages are printed in local console. // @author JD (Muffin Mans) // @match http*://* // @match http*://** // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== GM_addStyle('/* The switch - the box around the slider */ .switch { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 60px; height: 34px; } /* Hide default HTML checkbox */ .switch input {display:none;} /* The slider */ .slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } .slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; height: 26px; width: 26px; left: 4px; bottom: 4px; background-color: white; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } input:checked + .slider { background-color: #2196F3; } input:focus + .slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3; } input:checked + .slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(26px); -ms-transform: translateX(26px); transform: translateX(26px); } /* Rounded sliders */ .slider.round { border-radius: 34px; } .slider.round:before { border-radius: 50%; }'); function getHero() { if(unsafeWindow.Hero === undefined) { setTimeout(autoLoop, Number(sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili)) //console.log(window.wrappedJSObject) } return unsafeWindow.Hero; } var proceedQuest = function () { //console.log("Starting auto quest."); var currentQuestURL = getHero().infos.questing.current_url; // Check if at correct page. if (currentQuestURL !== window.location.pathname) { // Click on current quest to naviagte to it. console.log("Navigating to current quest. ("+currentQuestURL+")"); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + currentQuestURL; return; } // Get the proceed button type var proceedButtonMatch = $("#controls button:not([style='display: none;'])"); var proceedCostEnergy = Number($("#controls .cost span[cur='*']").text()); var proceedCostMoney = Number($("#controls .cost span[cur='$']").text().trim().replace(',', '')); var proceedType = proceedButtonMatch.attr("act"); if (proceedButtonMatch.length === 0) console.log("Could not find resume button."); else if (proceedType === "free") { console.log("Proceeding for free.");; } else if (proceedType === "pay") { var energyCurrent = getHero().infos.energy_quest; var moneyCurrent = getHero().infos.soft_currency; if(proceedCostEnergy <= energyCurrent) { // We have energy. console.log("Spending "+proceedCostEnergy+" Energy to proceed."); } else { console.log("Quest requires "+proceedCostEnergy+" Energy to proceed."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "*"+proceedCostEnergy; return; } if(proceedCostMoney <= moneyCurrent) { // We have money. console.log("Spending "+proceedCostMoney+" Money to proceed."); } else { console.log("Spending "+proceedCostEnergy+" Money to proceed."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "$"+proceedCostMoney; return; }; sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; location.reload(); } else if (proceedType === "use_item") { console.log("Proceeding by using X" + Number($("#controls .item span").text()) + " of the required item.");; } else if (proceedType === "battle") { console.log("Proceeding to battle troll..."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "battle"; // Proceed to battle troll.; sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; location.reload(); } else if (proceedType === "end_archive") { console.log("Reached end of current archive. Proceeding to next archive."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false";; } else if (proceedType === "end_play") { console.log("Reached end of current play. Proceeding to next play."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false";; } else { console.log("Could not identify given resume button."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "unknownQuestButton"; } }; function getPage() { try{ var ob = document.getElementById("hh_nutaku"); if(ob===undefined || ob === null) { ob = document.getElementById("hh_hentai"); } return ob.className.substr(5).split(" ")[0].toLocaleLowerCase(); } catch(err) { return "" } } var getSalary = function () { try { if (getPage() === "harem") { console.log("Detected Harem Screen. Fetching Salary"); $("#harem_whole #harem_left .salary:not('.loads') button").each(function (index) { $(this).click(); }); Cookies.set('nextSalaryTime','none'); } else { // Not at Harem screen then goto the Harem screen. console.log("Navigating to Harem window."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + $("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.harem)").attr("href"); return; } } catch (ex) { console.log("Could not collect salary... " + ex); } }; var doBossBattle = function() { var currentPower = getHero().infos.energy_fight; if(currentPower < 1) { //console.log("No power for battle."); return; } // Battles the latest boss. // Navigate to latest boss. if(window.location.pathname.startsWith("/battle.html")) { // On the battle screen. doBattle(); } else if(window.location.pathname.startsWith("/quest")) { // On some quest screen. // Goto this area's screen. console.log("Navigating to latest Troll."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + $("#breadcrumbs a[class='back']").last().attr("href"); return; } else if(window.location.pathname.startsWith("/world")) { // On some world screen. // Click on the local Boss's battle button. console.log("Entering battle with this troll."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + $("#worldmap a[class='troll_world']").attr("href"); return; } else{ console.log("Navigating to latest Troll."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + $("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.continue_quest)").attr("href"); return; } }; var doBattle = function () { //console.log("Performing auto battle."); // Confirm if on correct screen. var page = getPage(); if(page === "arena") { if ($("#arena[class='canvas']").length === 1) { // Oponent choose screen console.log("On opponent choose screen."); // Fight the first opponent in list. var selbutton = $(".opponents_arena .sub_block button:contains('Select')"); if(selbutton.length<1) { console.log("No arena opponents found, storing nextArenaTime...") var arenatime = 0; for(var e in unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timers){ if(unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timers[e].$elm.selector.startsWith(".arena_refresh_counter")) arenatime=unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timers[e]; } arenatime = arenatime.remainingTime; Cookies.set('nextArenaTime',arenatime,{expires:new Date(new Date().getTime() + arenatime * 1000)}); console.log("New arena time stored in nextArenaTime cookie.(+" + arenatime + " sec.)"); return; } selbutton[0].click(); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; } } else if (page === "battle") { // On battle page. //console.log("On Battle Page."); if ($("#battle[class='canvas']").length === 1) { // Battle screen console.log("On battle screen."); var battleButton = $("#battle_middle button[rel='launch']"); var currentPower = getHero().infos.energy_fight; if(battleButton === undefined)return; if(battleButton.attr("price_fe") === undefined){console.log("Could not detect battle button price. Maybe its not loaded yet.");return;} console.log("battle price: "+battleButton.attr("price_fe")+"P") if(currentPower >= battleButton.attr("price_fe")) { // We have the power. battleButton[0].click(); // Skip setTimeout(function(){$("#battle_middle button[rel='skip']").click();},1000); setTimeout(function(){$("#battle_end div[style*='display: block;'] .blue_text_button").click();},2500); if (sessionStorage.questRequirement === "battle") { // Battle Done. sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; } } else { // We need more power. console.log("Battle requires "+battleButton.attr("price_fe")+" power."); sessionStorage.battlePowerRequired = battleButton.attr("price_fe"); if(sessionStorage.questRequirement === "battle")sessionStorage.questRequirement = "P"+battleButton.attr("price_fe"); } } else { console.log("Could not identify battle screen."); if (sessionStorage.questRequirement === "battle") sessionStorage.questRequirement = "errorInAutoBattle"; return; } } else { // Switch to the correct screen console.log("Switching to battle screen."); window.location = window.location.origin + $("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.battle)").attr("href"); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; return; } }; var updateData = function () { //console.log("updating UI"); sessionStorage.autoSalary = document.getElementById("autoSalaryCheckbox").checked; sessionStorage.autoQuest = document.getElementById("autoQuestCheckbox").checked; sessionStorage.autoTrollBattle = document.getElementById("autoBattleCheckbox").checked; sessionStorage.autoArenaBattle = document.getElementById("autoArenaCheckbox").checked; sessionStorage.autoFreePachinko = document.getElementById("autoFreePachinko").checked; }; var getPachinko = function(){ try { if (getPage() === "pachinko") { console.log("Detected Pachinko Screen. Fetching Pachinko"); $("#pachinko button[free=1]")[0].click(); var npach; for(var e in unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timersListMin){ if(unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timersListMin[e].$elm.selector.startsWith(".pachinko_change")) npach=unsafeWindow.HHTimers.timersListMin[e].remainingTime; } if(npach !== undefined || npach !== 0) { Cookies.set('nextPachinkoTime',npach,{expires:new Date(new Date().getTime() + npach * 1000)}); } else { Cookies.remove('nextPachinkoTime'); } } else { // Not at Pachinko screen then goto the Pachinko screen. console.log("Navigating to Pachinko window."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; window.location = window.location.origin + $("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.pachinko)").attr("href"); return; } } catch (ex) { console.log("Could not collect pachinko... " + ex); } }; var autoLoop = function () { updateData(); var busy = false; var page = window.location.href; var currentPower = getHero().infos.energy_fight; //console.log("sal="+sessionStorage.autoSalary); if(sessionStorage.autoFreePachinko === "true" && busy === false) { // Navigate to pachinko if (Cookies.get("nextPachinkoTime") === undefined) { console.log("Time to fetch Pachinko."); getPachinko(); busy = true; } } if (sessionStorage.autoSalary === "true" && busy === false) { Cookies.set('possibleSalaryTime', Number($("#collect_all .sum").attr('amount'))); if (!isNaN(Cookies.get("possibleSalaryTime"))) { Cookies.set('nextSalaryTime', Cookies.get("possibleSalaryTime")); } if (Cookies.get("nextSalaryTime") > 0) { console.log("Time to fetch salary."); getSalary(); busy = true; } else if (Cookies.get("nextSalaryTime") === "none") { if ($("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.home)").attr("href") !== window.location.pathname) { console.log("Moving to home."); sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false"; // Goto Home page. window.location = window.location.origin + $("nav div[rel='content'] a:has(.home)").attr("href"); busy=true; return; } busy = false; } } if (sessionStorage.autoQuest === "true" && busy === false) { if (sessionStorage.questRequirement === "battle") { console.log("Quest requires battle."); doBossBattle(); busy = true; } else if (sessionStorage.questRequirement[0] === '$') { if (Number(sessionStorage.questRequirement.substr(1)) < getHero().infos.soft_currency) { // We have enough money... requirement fulfilled. console.log("Continuing quest, required money obtained."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; proceedQuest(); busy = true; } else { if(isNaN(sessionStorage.questRequirement.substr(1))) { sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; console.log("Invalid money in session storage quest requirement !"); } else{ // Else we need more money. //console.log("Need money for quest, cannot continue. Turning ON AutoSalary."); sessionStorage.autoQuest = "true"; } busy = false; } } else if (sessionStorage.questRequirement[0] === '*') { var energyNeeded = Number(sessionStorage.questRequirement.substr(1)); var energyCurrent = getHero().infos.energy_quest; if (energyNeeded <= energyCurrent) { // We have enough energy... requirement fulfilled. console.log("Continuing quest, required energy obtained."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; proceedQuest(); busy = true; } // Else we need energy, just wait. else { busy = false; //console.log("Replenishing energy for quest.(" + energyNeeded + " needed)"); } } else if (sessionStorage.questRequirement[0] === 'P') { // Battle power required. var neededPower = Number(sessionStorage.questRequirement.substr(1)); if(currentPower < neededPower) { console.log("Quest requires "+neededPower+" Battle Power for advancement. Waiting..."); busy = false; } else { console.log("Battle Power obtained, resuming quest..."); sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; proceedQuest(); busy = true; } } else if (sessionStorage.questRequirement === "unknownQuestButton") { console.log("AutoQuest disabled.AutoQuest cannot be performed due to unknown quest button. Please manually proceed the current quest screen."); document.getElementById("autoQuestCheckbox").checked = false; sessionStorage.autoQuest = "false"; sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; busy = false; } else if (sessionStorage.questRequirement === "errorInAutoBattle") { console.log("AutoQuest disabled.AutoQuest cannot be performed due errors in AutoBattle. Please manually proceed the current quest screen."); document.getElementById("autoQuestCheckbox").checked = false; sessionStorage.autoQuest = "false"; sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; busy = false; } else if(sessionStorage.questRequirement === "none") { //console.log("NONE req."); busy = true; proceedQuest(); } else { console.log("Invalid quest requirement : "+sessionStorage.questRequirement); busy=false; } } else if(sessionStorage.autoQuest === "false"){sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none";} if(sessionStorage.autoArenaBattle === "true" && busy === false) { if(Cookies.get("nextArenaTime") === undefined) { console.log("Time to fight in arena."); doBattle(); busy = true; } } if(sessionStorage.autoTrollBattle === "true") { if(busy === false && currentPower >= Number(sessionStorage.battlePowerRequired) && currentPower > 0) { sessionStorage.battlePowerRequired = "0"; busy = true; if(sessionStorage.autoQuest === "true") { if(sessionStorage.questRequirement[0] === 'P') { console.log("AutoBattle disabled for power collection for AutoQuest."); document.getElementById("autoBattleCheckbox").checked = false; sessionStorage.autoTrollBattle = "false"; busy = false; } else { doBossBattle(); } } else { doBossBattle(); } } } else{sessionStorage.battlePowerRequired = "0";} if(busy === true && sessionStorage.userLink==="none" && !window.location.pathname.startsWith("/quest")) { sessionStorage.userLink = page; } else if(sessionStorage.userLink !=="none" && busy === false) { console.log("Restoring page "+sessionStorage.userLink); window.location = sessionStorage.userLink; sessionStorage.userLink = "none"; } if(isNaN(sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili)){ console.log("AutoLoopTimeMili is not a number."); setDefaults(); } else{ if (sessionStorage.autoLoop === "true") setTimeout(autoLoop, Number(sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili)); else console.log("autoLoop Disabled"); } }; var setDefaults = function () { console.log("Setting Defaults."); sessionStorage.autoSalary = "false"; sessionStorage.autoFreePachinko = "false"; sessionStorage.autoLoop = "true"; sessionStorage.userLink = "none"; sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili = "200"; sessionStorage.autoQuest = "false"; sessionStorage.autoTrollBattle = "false"; sessionStorage.autoArenaBattle = "false"; sessionStorage.battlePowerRequired = "0"; sessionStorage.questRequirement = "none"; sessionStorage.freshStart = "no"; }; var start = function () { //console.log("script started"); // Add UI buttons. var UIcontainer = $("#contains_all nav div[rel='content']"); UIcontainer.html('<div style="position: absolute;right: 16.475%; padding: 10px;width: inherit;text-align: center;display:flex;flex-direction:column;">' + '<span>AutoSal.</span><div><label class=\"switch\"><input id=\"autoSalaryCheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"slider round\"></span></label></div>' +'<span>AutoQuest</span><div><label class=\"switch\"><input id=\"autoQuestCheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"slider round\"></span></label></div>' +'<span>AutoTrollBattle</span><div><label class=\"switch\"><input id=\"autoBattleCheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"slider round\"></span></label></div>' +'<span>AutoArenaBattle</span><div><label class=\"switch\"><input id=\"autoArenaCheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"slider round\"></span></label></div>' +'<span>AutoPachinko(Free)</span><div><label class=\"switch\"><input id=\"autoFreePachinko\" type=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"slider round\"></span></label></div>' +'</div>'+UIcontainer.html()); document.getElementById("autoSalaryCheckbox").checked = sessionStorage.autoSalary === "true"; document.getElementById("autoQuestCheckbox").checked = sessionStorage.autoQuest === "true"; document.getElementById("autoBattleCheckbox").checked = sessionStorage.autoTrollBattle === "true"; document.getElementById("autoArenaCheckbox").checked = sessionStorage.autoArenaBattle === "true"; document.getElementById("autoFreePachinko").checked = sessionStorage.autoFreePachinko === "true"; sessionStorage.autoLoop = "true"; if (typeof sessionStorage.freshStart == "undefined" || isNaN(Number(sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili))) { setDefaults(); } autoLoop(); }; $("document").ready(start);