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// ==UserScript== // @name BravoTV - Open Largest Images // @namespace TVMaze // @version 1.06 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @description Get the largest BravoTV images of each type // @author gazza911 // @match* // @icon // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { $("body").on("mousedown", '.player__inner-wrapper,.video-card__thumbnail,picture,figure', async function(e) { var $container = $(this).attr("class") === "player__inner-wrapper" ? $(this).find("picture") : $(this); if (e.which === 3) { var img = await getLargestImageByElements($container.children("source,img")); if (img) { GM.openInTab(img); } } }); })(); async function getLargestImageByElements(elements) { var highest = 0; var image; var onlyThumbnails = true; if (elements.length > 0) { elements.each(function(i) { var width = parseInt($(this).attr("width") || $(this).width()); var src = $(this).attr("srcset") || $(this).attr("src"); if (src.indexOf(" ") > 0) { src = src.split(" ")[0]; } if (src.indexOf("thumbnail") === -1) { onlyThumbnails = false; } if (width > highest) { image = src; highest = width; } }); if (image.indexOf("") > 0) { image = "" + image.split("")[1]; } else if (onlyThumbnails) { var match = image.match(/(.*)(_\d+x\d+.*)(\.jpg|\.png).*/); var original = image; // Route SD pictures through NBC instead if (image.indexOf("proxy_SD") > 0) { var slashes = image.split("/"); var path = slashes[slashes.length - 1]; match = path.match(/.*?_\d+x\d+_\d+/g); if (!match) { image = "" + path; } else if (match.length === 1) { image = "" + path.split("proxy_SD_thumb")[0] + "proxy_SD_thumb.jpg"; } else { image = "" + match[0] + ".jpg"; } } else { var res = await fetch(image.replace("watch_thumbnail__tablet","episode_detail__tablet__1_5x"), { method: "HEAD" }); if (res.ok) { image = image.replace("watch_thumbnail__tablet","episode_detail__tablet__1_5x"); } else if (match) { image = match[1].replace("watch_thumbnail__tablet","episode_detail__tablet__1_5x") + match[3] + "?id=" + match[2]; } } } if (image.indexOf("http") !== 0) { image = "https://" + + image; } var final = await fetch(image, { method: "HEAD" }); if (!final.ok) { if (original.indexOf("http") !== 0) { image = "https://" + + original; } else { image = original; } alert('Larger image could not be found, try going to the episode page'); } } return image; }