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// ==UserScript== // @name Proxer HD Player und Controls // @version 1.09 // @description Diese Erweiterung fügt den Proxer HD Videos zusätzliche Kontrolloptionen hinzu und ändert den Video Player. // @author fraenkthetaenk, WorldSEnder // @contributor Dragowynd, Desnoo // @include* // @include* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== $(document).ready(function (e) { console.log("document.ready start"); var KEYS = { UP: 38, DOWN: 40, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, RIGHT: 39, K: 75, L: 76, F: 70, M: 77, T: 84, C: 67, S: 83, B: 66, N: 78 }; var KEYNAMES = []; for(var name in KEYS) { KEYNAMES[KEYS[name]] = name; } var showControls = false; var VOLUME_STEP = 0.01; var TIME_STEP_SMALL = 5; var TIME_STEP_BIG = 85; var FORCEHIDE_INTERFACE_CLASS = "hide-controls"; var BUTTON_DOWN = []; BUTTON_DOWN[KEYS.UP] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("volume", (i, val) => Math.min(val + VOLUME_STEP, 1)); BUTTON_DOWN[KEYS.DOWN] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("volume", (i, val) => Math.max(val - VOLUME_STEP, 0)); var BUTTON_UP = []; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.SPACE] = togglePlay; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.LEFT] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("currentTime", (i, val) => val -= TIME_STEP_SMALL); BUTTON_UP[KEYS.RIGHT] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("currentTime", (i, val) => val += TIME_STEP_SMALL); BUTTON_UP[KEYS.K] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("currentTime", (i, val) => val -= TIME_STEP_BIG); BUTTON_UP[KEYS.L] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("currentTime", (i, val) => val += TIME_STEP_BIG); BUTTON_UP[KEYS.F] = toggleFull; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.M] = () => $("#htmlstream_html5_api").prop("muted", (i, val) => !val); BUTTON_UP[KEYS.T] = function() { var videojsvideo = $("#htmlstream_html5_api")[0]; videojsvideo.pause(); var time = window.prompt("Which time do you want to skip to (format mm:ss) ?", "00:00"); videojsvideo.currentTime = time.substring(0,2) * 60 + time.substring(3,5) * 1;; }; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.C] = function() { showControls = !showControls; $(".video-js").toggleClass(FORCEHIDE_INTERFACE_CLASS, showControls); $(".vjs-control-bar").css(); }; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.S] = function() { var videojsvideo = $("#htmlstream_html5_api")[0]; videojsvideo.pause(); var rate = window.prompt("Which Speed would you like to watch in? ", "1"); videojsvideo.playbackRate = rate;; }; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.N] = function() { console.log(document.getElementsByClassName("menu")[0]); }; BUTTON_UP[KEYS.B] = function() { }; function loadInlineStyle(styledef) { var sheet = document.createElement('style'); sheet.innerHTML = styledef; $(document.head).append(sheet); } function loadStylesheet(url) { var style = document.createElement('link'); style.href = url; style.rel = "stylesheet"; $(document.head).append(style); } function cancelFullScreen(el) { var requestMethod = el.cancelFullScreen||el.webkitCancelFullScreen||el.mozCancelFullScreen||el.exitFullscreen; if (requestMethod) { // cancel full screen.; } else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined") { // Older IE. var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); if (wscript !== null) { wscript.SendKeys("{F11}"); } } } function requestFullScreen(el) { var requestMethod = el.requestFullScreen || el.webkitRequestFullScreen || el.mozRequestFullScreen || el.msRequestFullscreen; if (requestMethod) { // Native full screen.; } $("#htmlstream_html5_api").css({position: "fixed"}); return false; } function toggleFull() { var elem = document.body; // Make the body go full screen. var isInFullScreen = (document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null) || (document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen); if (isInFullScreen) { cancelFullScreen(document); } else { requestFullScreen(elem); } return false; } function togglePlay() { var videojsvideo = $("#htmlstream_html5_api")[0]; if (videojsvideo.paused) {; } else { videojsvideo.pause(); } } window.oncontextmenu = function () { return true; }; loadInlineStyle("\ .video-js {\ width: 100% !important;\ height: 100% !important;\ }\ .video-js button.vjs-big-play-button {\ position: absolute;\ top: 50%;\ left: 50%;\ -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\ -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\ }\ .video-js.hide-controls .vjs-control-bar {\ position: fixed !important;\ backgroundColor: #000;\ display: none;\ visibility: invisible;\ opacity: 0;\ }\ .video-js .vjs-control-bar {\ position: fixed !important;\ backgroundColor: #000;\ display: none;\ visibility: invisible;\ opacity: 0;\ }\ .hide-controls, .vjs-playing.vjs-user-inactive {\ cursor: url(''),\ url(images/blank.cur),\ none !important;\ }" ); loadStylesheet(""); $(document).keydown(function (e) { var func = BUTTON_DOWN[e.which]; if(func) { console.log("keydown " + KEYNAMES[e.which]); func(); } }); $(document).keyup(function (e) { var func = BUTTON_UP[e.which]; if(func) { console.log("keyup " + KEYNAMES[e.which]); func(); } }); console.log("document.ready end"); }); $(window).load(function(){ srctag = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].src; if(srctag===''){ srctag = document.getElementsByTagName("source")[0].src; } console.log(srctag); function loadScript(url, callback) { var head = document.head; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; script.onreadystatechange = callback; script.onload = callback; head.appendChild(script); } loadScript("", function () { var video = document.createElement("video"); video.setAttribute("id", "htmlstream"); video.setAttribute("class", "video-js"); video.setAttribute("data-setup", "{}"); video.setAttribute("controls", ""); video.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); video.setAttribute("width", "50%"); video.setAttribute("height", "15%"); video.setAttribute("src", srctag); $(video).css({position: "fixed"}); var oldplayer = $("#player_code"); oldplayer.replaceWith(video); videojs("htmlstream").ready(function() { var volume = readCookie("videojsvolume"); var videojsvideo = document.getElementById("htmlstream_html5_api"); videojsvideo.volume = volume !== "" ? volume : videojsvideo.volume; videojsvideo.muted = false; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (30*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString(); videojsvideo.addEventListener("volumechange", function() { document.cookie="videojsvolume="+ videojsvideo.volume +"; "+ expires;}); }); }); });