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// ==UserScript== // @name kb_track // @version 0.1 // @description Управляем группами котиков // @author Кышбрысь // @match https://** // @include /https:\/\/\w?\.?catwar\.su\/.*/ // @license MIT; // @updateurl // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== /*global jQuery*/ (function (window, document, $) { 'use strict'; if (typeof $ === 'undefined') return; const version = '0.1'; const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; const isDesktop = !$('meta[name=viewport]').length; const defaults = { 'la_version' : version , 'la_min_value' : '-10000000000' , 'la_max_value' : '10000000000' , 'la_last_command' : '0' , 'la_cats_visible' : false , 'la_cats_list' : '' , 'la_maps_list' : '' , 'la_show_id' : true , 'la_show_title' : true }; const globals = {}; //Настройки for (var key in defaults) { let settings = getSettings(key); if (settings === null) { globals[key] = defaults[key]; } else { if (Array.isArray(defaults[key])) { globals[key] = JSON.parse(settings); } else { globals[key] = settings; } } } function getSettings(key) { //Получение настроек let setting = 'cws_sett_' + key; let val = window.localStorage.getItem(setting); switch (val) { case null: return null; case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: return val; } } var error_tm; function error(t) { $("#error").text(t).show(); clearTimeout(error_tm); error_tm = setTimeout(function () { hideError() }, 10000); } function hideError() { clearTimeout(error_tm); $("#error").fadeOut(500); } function setSettings(key, val) { let setting = 'cws_sett_' + key; window.localStorage.setItem(setting, val); } function removeSettings(key) { let setting = 'cws_sett_' + key; window.localStorage.removeItem(setting); } function addCSS(css) { $('head').append(`<style>${css}</style>`); } const pageurl = window.location.href; const isCW3 = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/cw3(?!(\/kns|\/jagd))/.test(pageurl)); const isDM = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/ls/.test(pageurl)); const isHunt = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/cw3\/jagd/.test(pageurl)); const isSett = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/settings/.test(pageurl)); const isMyCat = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/$/.test(pageurl)); const isBlog = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/blog\d+/.test(pageurl)); const isCUMoves = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/moves$/.test(pageurl)); const isProfile = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/cat(\d+|\/)/.test(pageurl)); const isChat = (/^https:\/\/\w?\.?\/chat/.test(pageurl)); try { console.log('start'); if (isCW3) cw3(); //if (isDM) dm(); //if (isSett) sett(); //if (isHunt) hunt(); //if (isMyCat) myCat(); //if (isBlog) blog(); //if (isProfile) profile(); //if (isCUMoves) cumoves(); //if (isChat) chat(); } catch (err) { window.console.error('la: Syslap error: ', err); } function cw3() { addCSS(`#la_group {background-color: #222222;} #la_table.hidden {display:none} #la_group hr { margin: 2px 0; padding: 0; height: 1px; border: none; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #333, #ddd); }`); let ids = []; let names = []; let statuses = []; let titles = []; let needUpdate = false; let old_location = ''; function change_statuses() { let color = '#000000'; let list = $('#la_cats_list').val(); let N = 0; let catlist = ''; ids.forEach(id => { if (statuses[id] == '[ В игре ]') color = '#006400'; if (statuses[id] == '[ Спит ]') color = '#640000'; if (list.length == 0 || list.includes(names[id]) || list.includes(id)) { catlist = catlist + `<font size=2px color=${color}><a id="cats_click" href=#>${names[id]}</a> (${id}), ${titles[id]}</font><br> `; N = N + 1; } }); catlist = catlist + ''; $('#la_cmd_title').html(catlist); $('#la_cats_count').html('[' + N + ']'); }; function update_maps() { let N = 0; let maplist = ''; let maps = $('#la_maps_list').val().split(/[\,,;,➝]/); let currentMap = false; maps.forEach(map => { if (map.trim() != '') { currentMap = map.trim().includes($('#location').html()); maplist = maplist + `<font size=2 color=#000000>${(currentMap ? '<b>' : '')}<a id="maps_click" href=#>${map.trim()}</a>${(currentMap ? '</b>' : '')}</font> -> `; N = N + 1; }; }); maplist = maplist + '<font size=2 color=#000000><b><a id="maps_click" href=#>Отмена</a></b></font>'; $('#la_maps_title').html(maplist); $('#la_maps_count').html('[' + N + ']'); } function updateCatsList() { let cages = document.getElementById('cages'); let elemList = cages.querySelectorAll('.catWithArrow'); ids = []; elemList.forEach(elem => { let hrefa = $(elem).find('.cat_tooltip > u > a'); let href = hrefa.attr('href'); //debugger; if (href !== undefined) { let cat_id = href.replace(/\D/g, ''); ids[cat_id] = cat_id; } }) } function updateTimerTick() { if (globals.la_cats_visible && needUpdate) { needUpdate = false; updateCatsList(); change_statuses(); update_maps(); }; }; setInterval(updateTimerTick, 1000); $(document).ready(function () { ids = []; $("#cages").on('DOMNodeInserted', '.catWithArrow', function () { let href = $(this).find('.cat_tooltip > u > a').attr('href'); if (href !== undefined) { let cat_id = href.replace(/\D/g, ''); ids[cat_id] = cat_id; if (titles[cat_id] === undefined) { let title = $(this).find('.cat_tooltip > small > i').html(); titles[cat_id] = title; } if (names[cat_id] === undefined) { let name = $(this).find('.cat_tooltip > u > a').html(); names[cat_id] = name; } let status = $(this).find('.online').text(); // [ На удалении ] let is_punished = $(this).find('div[style*="costume/295."]').length; // Подстилки? if (is_punished) { status = "[ В подстилках ]"; } statuses[cat_id] = status; needUpdate = true; } }); $("#cages").on('DOMNodeRemoved', '.catWithArrow', function () { let href = $(this).find('.cat_tooltip > u > a').attr('href'); if (href !== undefined) { let cat_id = href.replace(/\D/g, ''); delete ids[cat_id]; needUpdate = true; } }); $(` <tr id="la_group"> <td><input type="checkbox" id="la_show_cats" ${(globals.la_cats_visible ? 'checked' : '')}><label><b>Коты и локации</b></label> <table id="la_table"${(globals.la_cats_visible ? '' : ' class="hidden"')}><tr> <td colspan=2><hr class="la_hr"></td> </tr><tr> <td width=50%> <b>Коты: </b> <label id="la_cats_count"></label> <input id="la_cats_list" type="text" size="50"></td> <td width=50%> <b>Локации: </b> <label id="la_maps_count"></label> <input id="la_maps_list" type="text" size="50"></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><hr class="la_hr"></td> </tr><tr> <td id="la_cmd_title"></td> <td id="la_maps_title"></td> </tr></table> </td> </tr>`).insertAfter('#tr_chat'); $('#la_cats_list').val(globals.la_cats_list); $('#la_maps_list').val(globals.la_maps_list); update_maps(); $('body').on('change', '#la_show_cats', function () { globals.la_cats_visible = $(this).prop('checked'); $('#la_table').toggleClass('hidden'); setSettings('la_cats_visible', globals.la_cats_visible) needUpdate = true; }); $('body').on('change', '#la_cats_list', function () { globals.la_cats_list = $('#la_cats_list').val(); setSettings('la_cats_list', globals.la_cats_list); needUpdate = true; }); $('body').on('change', '#la_maps_list', function () { globals.la_maps_list = $('#la_maps_list').val(); setSettings('la_maps_list', globals.la_maps_list); update_maps(); }); $('body').on('click', '#cats_click', function () { $('#text').val($('#text').val() + $(this).html() + ', '); }); $('body').on('click', '#maps_click', function () { $('#text').val($(this).html()); update_maps(); }); }); } })(window, document, jQuery);