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// ==UserScript== // @name 最优美网盘助手+全网VIP视频解析+全网音乐下载+一键领取优惠劵 // @namespace // @version 2.3.1 // @author qwq // @license MIT // @description 好用的网盘助手;插主要功能有:[1]百度网盘、腾讯微云、蓝奏云万能钥匙 [2]百度网盘生成并展示下载链接 [3]百度网盘分享时自定义提取码,精选解析线路为大家提供优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、乐视、芒果等各大视频网站视频解析服务,省去购买视频VIP费用,提供解析网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐免客户端下载和一键领取淘宝taobao,天猫,拼多多,京东功能。 // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match ** // @match ** // @match ** // @match ** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @exclude *://** // @connect // @connect // @require // @require // @require // @run-at document-start // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function () { var host =; var productNm = ''; var url = ""; var urll = ""; var label = "精选9.9包邮"; var labell = "获取优惠劵"; var cssSelector = ''; if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { productNm = $.trim($('.tb-main-title').text()); cssSelector = '.tb-action'; } else if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { productNm = $.trim($('.tb-detail-hd h1').text()); cssSelector = '.tb-action'; } else if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { productNm = $.trim($('.sku-name').text()); cssSelector = '#choose-btns'; url = ""; } $(cssSelector).append(obtainAppendHtml(host, url, productNm, label, urll, labell)); }); function obtainAppendHtml(host, url, productNm, label, urll, labell) { if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { return '<div class="div-inline"><div class="tb-btn-buy" style="padding-top:11px;"><a href="' + url + encodeURI(productNm) + '" target="_blank">' + label + '</a></div></div> <div class="div-inline"><div class="tb-btn-add" style="padding-top:11px;"><a href="' + urll + '" target="_blank">' + labell + '</a></div></div>'; } else if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { return '<div class="div-inline"><div class="tb-btn-buy tb-btn-sku" style="padding-top:11px;"><a href="' + url + encodeURI(productNm) + '" target="_blank">' + label + '</a></div></div> <div class="div-inline"><div class="tb-btn-basket tb-btn-sku " style="padding-top:11px;"><a href="' + urll + '" target="_blank">' + labell + '</a></div></div>'; } else if (host.indexOf('') > 0) { return '<a class="btn-special1 btn-lg" href="' + url + encodeURI(productNm) + '" target="_blank">' + label + '</a>'; } } })(); (function() { $(document).ready(function() { var url =; var itemName = '';//$(document).attr('title'); var itemId = window.location.href.split("id=")[1].split('&')[0]; var faNode = document.querySelector("div#J_Title p.tb-subtitle, div.tb-detail-hd"); if (url == '') { itemName = $('.tb-main-title').attr('data-title'); var btn_quan_taobao = '<a style="display: inline-block;padding: 6px 12px;margin-bottom: 0;font-size: 14px;font-weight: normal;height:26px;line-height:26px;text-align: center;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align: middle;-ms-touch-action: manipulation;touch-action: manipulation;cursor: pointer;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;background-image: none;border: 1px solid transparent;border-radius:2px;color: #fff;background-color: #DF231C;#FF0036;margin-left:10px" href="'+ encodeURI(itemName) +'&id='+ encodeURI(itemId) +'" " target="_blank">领取优惠券</a>'; $('.tb-action').append(btn_quan_taobao); }else if(url == ''){ itemName = $('meta[name=keywords]').attr('content'); var btn_quan_tmall = '<div class="tb-action" style="margin-top:0"><a style="display: inline-block;padding: 6px 12px;margin-bottom: 0;font-size: 14px;font-weight: normal;height:26px;line-height:26px;width:156px;text-align: center;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align: middle;-ms-touch-action: manipulation;touch-action: manipulation;cursor: pointer;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;background-image: none;border: 1px solid transparent;border-radius:2px;color: #fff;background-color: #DF231C;#FF0036;" href="'+ encodeURI(itemName) +'&id='+ encodeURI(itemId) +'" " target="_blank">领取优惠券</a></div>'; $('.tb-sku').append(btn_quan_tmall); }else if(url == ''){ itemName = $('input[name=title]').attr('value'); var btn_chaoshi_tmall = '<div class="tb-action tb-btn-add tb-btn-sku"><a href="'+ encodeURI(itemName) +'&id='+ encodeURI(itemId) +'" " target="_blank">领取优惠券</a></div>' $('.tb-sku').append(btn_chaoshi_tmall); }else if(url == ''){ itemName = $('meta[name=keywords]').attr('content'); var btn_tmall_hk = '<div class="tb-action" style="margin-top:0"><a style="display: inline-block;padding: 6px 12px;margin-bottom: 0;font-size: 14px;font-weight: normal;height:26px;line-height:26px;width:156px;text-align: center;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align: middle;-ms-touch-action: manipulation;touch-action: manipulation;cursor: pointer;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;background-image: none;border: 1px solid transparent;border-radius:2px;color: #fff;background-color: #DF231C;#FF0036;" href="'+ encodeURI(itemName) +'&id='+ encodeURI(itemId) +'" " target="_blank">领取优惠券</a></div>'; $('.tb-sku').append(btn_tmall_hk); } }); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; var injectConfig = { name: "wpzs", version: "0.3.7", addon: { options_page: "/page/wpzs/option.html" }, script: { options_page: "" } }; var container = (function () { var obj = { module_defines: {}, module_objects: {} }; obj.define = function (name, requires, callback) { name = obj.processName(name); obj.module_defines[name] = { requires: requires, callback: callback }; }; obj.require = function (name, cache) { if (typeof cache == "undefined") { cache = true; } name = obj.processName(name); if (cache && obj.module_objects.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return obj.module_objects[name]; } else if (obj.module_defines.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var requires = obj.module_defines[name].requires; var callback = obj.module_defines[name].callback; var module = obj.use(requires, callback); cache && obj.register(name, module); return module; } }; obj.use = function (requires, callback) { var module = { exports: {} }; var params = obj.buildParams(requires, module); var result = callback.apply(this, params); if (typeof result != "undefined") { return result; } else { return module.exports; } }; obj.register = function (name, module) { name = obj.processName(name); obj.module_objects[name] = module; }; obj.buildParams = function (requires, module) { var params = []; requires.forEach(function (name) { params.push(obj.require(name)); }); params.push(obj.require); params.push(module.exports); params.push(module); return params; }; obj.processName = function (name) { return name.toLowerCase(); }; return { define: obj.define, use: obj.use, register: obj.register, modules: obj.module_objects }; })(); container.define("gm", [], function () { var obj = {}; obj.ready = function (callback) { if (typeof GM_getValue != "undefined") { callback && callback(); } else { setTimeout(function () { obj.ready(callback); }, 100); } }; return obj; }); container.define("runtime", [], function () { var obj = { url: location.href, referer: document.referrer, }; obj.getUrl = function () { return obj.url; }; obj.setUrl = function (url) { obj.url = url; }; obj.getReferer = function () { return obj.referer; }; obj.setReferer = function (referer) { obj.referer = referer; }; obj.getUrlParam = function (name) { var param = obj.parseUrlParam(obj.getUrl()); if (name) { return param.hasOwnProperty(name) ? param[name] : null; } else { return param; } }; obj.parseUrlParam = function (url) { if (url.indexOf("?")) { url = url.split("?")[1]; } var reg = /([^=&\s]+)[=\s]*([^=&\s]*)/g; var obj = {}; while (reg.exec(url)) { obj[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$2; } return obj; }; return obj; }); container.define("object", [], function () { var obj = {}; obj.keys = function (data) { var list = []; for (var key in data) { list.push(key); } return list; }; obj.values = function (data) { var list = []; for (var key in data) { list.push(data[key]); } return list; }; return obj; }); container.define("storage", [], function () { var obj = {}; obj.getValue = function (name, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(name, defaultValue); }; obj.setValue = function (name, value) { GM_setValue(name, value); }; obj.getValueList = function () { var nameList = GM_listValues(); var valueList = {}; nameList.forEach(function (name) { valueList[name] = obj.getValue(name); }); return valueList; }; return obj; }); container.define("addon", ["storage", "constant"], function (storage, constant) { var obj = { name: + "_status" }; obj.isEnable = function () { if (storage.getValue( == "off") { return false; } else { return true; } }; return obj; }); container.define("config", ["storage", "constant"], function (storage, constant) { var obj = { name: "config_json" }; obj.getConfig = function (name) { var configJson = storage.getValue(; var configObject = obj.parseJson(configJson); if (name) { name = obj.processName(name); return configObject.hasOwnProperty(name) ? configObject[name] : null; } else { return configObject; } }; obj.setConfig = function (name, value) { var configObject = obj.getConfig(); configObject[obj.processName(name)] = value; storage.setValue(, JSON.stringify(configObject)); }; obj.parseJson = function (jsonStr) { var jsonObject = {}; try { if (jsonStr) { jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonStr); } } catch (e) { } return jsonObject; }; obj.processName = function (name) { return + "_" + name; }; return obj; }); container.define("option", ["config", "constant", "object"], function (config, constant, object) { var obj = { name: "option", constant: constant.option }; obj.isOptionActive = function (item) { var name =; var option = obj.getOption(); return option.indexOf(name) >= 0 ? true : false; }; obj.setOptionActive = function (item) { var name =; var option = obj.getOption(); if (option.indexOf(name) < 0) { option.push(name); obj.setOption(option); } }; obj.setOptionUnActive = function (item) { var name =; var option = obj.getOption(); var index = option.indexOf(name); if (index >= 0) { delete option[index]; obj.setOption(option); } }; obj.getOption = function () { var option = []; var optionObject = obj.getOptionObject(); object.values(obj.constant).forEach(function (item) { var name =; if (optionObject.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (optionObject[name] != "no") { option.push(name); } } else if (item.value != "no") { option.push(name); } }); return option; }; obj.setOption = function (option) { var optionObject = {}; object.values(obj.constant).forEach(function (item) { var name =; if (option.indexOf(name) >= 0) { optionObject[name] = "yes"; } else { optionObject[name] = "no"; } }); obj.setOptionObject(optionObject); }; obj.getOptionObject = function () { var optionObject = config.getConfig(; return optionObject ? optionObject : {}; }; obj.setOptionObject = function (optionObject) { config.setConfig(, optionObject); }; return obj; }); container.define("mode", [], function () { var obj = { constant: { addon: "addon", script: "script" } }; obj.getMode = function () { if (GM_info.addon) { return obj.constant.addon; } else { return obj.constant.script; } }; return obj; }); container.define("user", ["storage"], function (storage) { var obj = {}; obj.getUid = function () { var uid = storage.getValue("uid"); if (!uid) { uid = obj.randString(32); storage.setValue("uid", uid); } return uid; }; obj.randString = function (length) { var possible = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var text = ""; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }; return obj; }); container.define("browser", [], function () { var obj = { constant: { firefox: "firefox", edge: "edge", baidu: "baidu", liebao: "liebao", uc: "uc", qq: "qq", sogou: "sogou", opera: "opera", maxthon: "maxthon", ie2345: "2345", se360: "360", chrome: "chrome", safari: "safari", other: "other" } }; obj.getBrowser = function () { return obj.matchBrowserType(navigator.userAgent); }; obj.matchBrowserType = function (userAgent) { var browser = obj.constant.other; userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.match(/firefox/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.firefox; } else if (userAgent.match(/edge/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.edge; } else if (userAgent.match(/bidubrowser/) != null) { browser =; } else if (userAgent.match(/lbbrowser/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.liebao; } else if (userAgent.match(/ubrowser/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.uc; } else if (userAgent.match(/qqbrowse/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.qq; } else if (userAgent.match(/metasr/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.sogou; } else if (userAgent.match(/opr/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.opera; } else if (userAgent.match(/maxthon/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.maxthon; } else if (userAgent.match(/2345explorer/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.ie2345; } else if (userAgent.match(/chrome/) != null) { if (obj.existMime("type", "application/vnd.chromium.remoting-viewer")) { browser = obj.constant.se360; } else { browser =; } } else if (userAgent.match(/safari/) != null) { browser = obj.constant.safari; } return browser; }; obj.existMime = function (option, value) { if (typeof navigator != "undefined") { var mimeTypes = navigator.mimeTypes; for (var mt in mimeTypes) { if (mimeTypes[mt][option] == value) { return true; } } } return false; }; return obj; }); container.define("env", ["mode", "user", "browser", "constant"], function (mode, user, browser, constant) { var obj = {}; obj.isAddon = function () { if (mode.getMode() == mode.constant.addon) { return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.isInject = function () { if (obj.isAddon()) { if ( != { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (GM_info.script.alias && GM_info.script.alias != { return true; } else { return false; } } }; obj.getMode = function () { return mode.getMode(); }; obj.getAid = function () { if (GM_info.addon && { return; } else if (GM_info.scriptHandler) { return GM_info.scriptHandler.toLowerCase(); } else { return "unknown"; } }; obj.getUid = function () { return user.getUid(); }; obj.getVersion = function () { if (obj.isInject()) { return injectConfig.version; } else { return GM_info.script.version; } }; obj.getBrowser = function () { return browser.getBrowser(); }; obj.getInfo = function () { return { mode: obj.getMode(), aid: obj.getAid(), uid: obj.getUid(), version: obj.getVersion(), browser: obj.getBrowser() }; }; return obj; }); container.define("http", [], function () { var obj = {}; obj.ajax = function (option) { var details = { method: option.type, url: option.url, responseType: option.dataType, onload: function (result) { option.success && option.success(result.response); }, onerror: function (result) { option.error && option.error(result.error); } }; // 提交数据 if ( { if ( instanceof FormData) { =; } else { var formData = new FormData(); for (var i in { formData.append(i,[i]); } = formData; } } // 自定义头 if (option.headers) { details.headers = option.headers; } // 超时 if (option.timeout) { details.timeout = option.timeout; } GM_xmlhttpRequest(details); }; return obj; }); container.define("router", [], function () { var obj = {}; obj.goUrl = function (url) { obj.runCode('location.href = "' + url + '";'); }; obj.openUrl = function (url) { obj.runCode('"' + url + '");'); }; obj.openTab = function (url, active) { GM_openInTab(url, !active); }; obj.runCode = function (script) { var node = document.createElementNS(document.lookupNamespaceURI(null) || "", "script"); node.textContent = script; (document.head || document.body || document.documentElement || document).appendChild(node); node.parentNode.removeChild(node) }; return obj; }); container.define("logger", ["env", "constant"], function (env, constant) { var obj = { level: 3, constant: { debug: 0, info: 1, warn: 2, error: 3 } }; obj.debug = function (message) { obj.log(message, obj.constant.debug); }; = function (message) { obj.log(message,; }; obj.warn = function (message) { obj.log(message, obj.constant.warn); }; obj.error = function (message) { obj.log(message, obj.constant.error); }; obj.log = function (message, level) { if (level < obj.level) { return false; }"[" + + "]" + env.getMode()); console.log(message); console.groupEnd(); }; obj.setLevel = function (level) { obj.level = level; }; return obj; }); container.define("meta", ["constant", "$"], function (constant, $) { var obj = {}; obj.existMeta = function (name) { name = obj.processName(name); if ($("meta[name='" + name + "']").length) { return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.appendMeta = function (name, content) { name = obj.processName(name); content || (content = "on"); $('<meta name="' + name + '" content="on">').appendTo($("head")); }; obj.processName = function (name) { return + "::" + name; }; return obj; }); container.define("unsafe_window", [], function () { if (typeof unsafeWindow == "undefined") { return window; } else { return unsafeWindow; } }); container.define("svg_crypt", ["snap"], function (snap) { var obj = {}; obj.getReqData = function () { var reqTime = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); var reqPoint = obj.getStrPoint("timestamp:" + reqTime); return { req_time: reqTime, req_point: reqPoint }; }; obj.getStrPoint = function (str) { if (str.length < 2) { return "0:0"; } var path = ""; var current, last = str[0].charCodeAt(); var sum = last; for (var i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { current = str[i].charCodeAt(); if (i == 1) { path = path + "M"; } else { path = path + " L"; } path = path + current + " " + last; last = current; sum = sum + current; } path = path + " Z"; var index = sum % str.length; var data = snap.path.getPointAtLength(path, str[index].charCodeAt()); return data.m.x + ":" + data.n.y; }; return obj; }); container.define("calendar", ["object"], function (object) { var obj = {}; obj.formatTime = function (timestamp, format) { timestamp || (timestamp = (new Date()).getTime()); format || (format = "Y-m-d H:i:s"); var date = new Date(timestamp); var year = 1900 + date.getYear(); var month = "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1); var day = "0" + date.getDate(); var hour = "0" + date.getHours(); var minute = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var second = "0" + date.getSeconds(); var vars = { "Y": year, "m": month.substring(month.length - 2, month.length), "d": day.substring(day.length - 2, day.length), "H": hour.substring(hour.length - 2, hour.length), "i": minute.substring(minute.length - 2, minute.length), "s": second.substring(second.length - 2, second.length) }; return obj.replaceVars(vars, format); }; obj.replaceVars = function (vars, value) { object.keys(vars).forEach(function (key) { value = value.replace(key, vars[key]); }); return value; }; return obj; }); /** custom start **/ container.define("constant", ["mode", "browser"], function (mode, browser) { return { name:, mode: mode.constant, browser: browser.constant, addon: injectConfig.addon, script: injectConfig.script, source: { baidu: "baidu", weiyun: "weiyun", lanzous: "lanzous" }, option: { send_usage: { name: "send_usage", value: "yes" }, baidu_page_home: { name: "baidu_page_home", value: "yes" }, baidu_page_share: { name: "baidu_page_share", value: "yes" }, baidu_page_verify: { name: "baidu_page_verify", value: "yes" }, baidu_share_status: { name: "baidu_share_status", value: "yes" }, baidu_custom_password: { name: "baidu_custom_password", value: "yes" }, baidu_show_origin: { name: "baidu_show_origin", value: "yes" }, baidu_multi_link: { name: "baidu_multi_link", value: "no" }, baidu_auto_jump: { name: "baidu_auto_jump", value: "no" }, weiyun_page_verify: { name: "weiyun_page_verify", value: "yes" }, weiyun_share_status: { name: "weiyun_share_status", value: "yes" }, weiyun_auto_jump: { name: "weiyun_auto_jump", value: "no" }, lanzous_page_verify: { name: "lanzous_page_verify", value: "yes" }, lanzous_share_status: { name: "lanzous_share_status", value: "yes" }, lanzous_auto_jump: { name: "lanzous_auto_jump", value: "no" } } }; }); container.define("share_log", ["object", "config", "constant"], function (object, config, constant) { var obj = { name: + "_share_list" }; obj.addShareLog = function (shareId, sharePwd, shareLink, shareSource) { var shareList = obj.getShareLogList(); shareList[shareId] = { share_id: shareId, share_pwd: sharePwd, share_link: shareLink, share_source: shareSource, share_time: (new Date()).getTime() }; config.setConfig(, shareList); }; obj.getShareLogList = function () { var shareList = config.getConfig(; return shareList ? shareList : {}; }; obj.buildShareLink = function (shareId, shareSource, shareLink) { if (shareSource == { shareLink = "" + shareId; } else if (shareSource == { shareLink = "" + shareId; } else if (shareSource == { shareLink = "" + shareId; } return shareLink; }; obj.buildShareTime = function (shareTime) { var date = new Date(shareTime); var year = 1900 + date.getYear(); var month = "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1); var day = "0" + date.getDate(); var hour = "0" + date.getHours(); var minute = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var second = "0" + date.getSeconds(); var vars = { "Y": year, "m": month.substring(month.length - 2, month.length), "d": day.substring(day.length - 2, day.length), "H": hour.substring(hour.length - 2, hour.length), "i": minute.substring(minute.length - 2, minute.length), "s": second.substring(second.length - 2, second.length) }; return obj.replaceVars(vars, "Y-m-d H:i:s"); }; obj.replaceVars = function (vars, value) { object.keys(vars).forEach(function (key) { value = value.replace(key, vars[key]); }); return value; }; return obj; }); container.define("api", ["object", "http", "env", "config", "option", "svg_crypt", "share_log", "constant"], function (object, http, env, config, option, svgCrypt, shareLog, constant) { var obj = { base: "" }; obj.versionQuery = function (callback) { obj.requestApi("/share/disk/version", {}, callback); }; obj.queryShareOrigin = function (shareSource, shareId, callback) { obj.queryShare(shareSource, shareId, function (response) { if (response && response.referrer) { var result = { code: 1, data: { list: object.values(response.referrer) } }; callback && callback(result); } else { callback && callback(""); } }); }; obj.querySharePwd = function (shareSource, shareId, shareLink, callback) { var data = { share_id: shareId, share_point: svgCrypt.getStrPoint(shareId), share_link: shareLink }; obj.requestApi("/share/disk/query", data, function (response) { if (response && response.code == 1) { callback && callback(response); } else { obj.querySharePwdYp(shareSource, shareId, callback); } }); }; obj.querySharePwdYp = function (shareSource, shareId, callback) { obj.queryShare(shareSource, shareId, function (response) { if (response && response.access_code) { var result = { code: 1, data: { share_pwd: response.access_code } }; callback && callback(result); } else { callback && callback(""); } }); }; obj.storeSharePwd = function (shareId, sharePwd, shareLink, shareSource, callback) { // 记录日志 shareLog.addShareLog(shareId, sharePwd, shareLink, shareSource); var data = { share_id: shareId, share_pwd: sharePwd, share_point: svgCrypt.getStrPoint(shareId), share_link: shareLink }; obj.requestApi("/share/disk/store", data, callback); }; obj.logOption = function (callback) { var data = { app_id: config.getConfig("app_id"), temp_path: config.getConfig("temp_path"), option_json: JSON.stringify(option.getOption()) }; obj.requestApi("/share/disk/option", data, callback); }; obj.queryShare = function (shareSource, shareId, callback) { var prefix = "BDY"; if (shareSource == constant.source.lanzous) { prefix = "LZY"; } var url = "" + prefix + "-" + shareId + "?client_version=2019.2"; http.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, dataType: "json", success: function (response) { callback && callback(response); }, error: function () { callback && callback(""); } }); }; obj.requestApi = function (path, data, callback) { data.mode = env.getMode(); data.aid = env.getAid(); data.uid = env.getUid(); data.version = env.getVersion(); data.browser = env.getBrowser(); http.ajax({ type: "post", url: obj.base + path, dataType: "json", data: data, success: function (response) { callback && callback(response); }, error: function (error) { callback && callback(""); } }); }; return obj; }); container.define("updater", ["config", "calendar", "api"], function (config, calendar, api) { var obj = {}; obj.init = function () { var versionDate = config.getConfig("version_date"); var currentDate = calendar.formatTime(null, "Ymd"); if (!versionDate || versionDate < currentDate) { api.versionQuery(function (response) { config.setConfig("version_date", currentDate); if (response && response.code == 1) { config.setConfig("version_latest",; } }); } }; return obj; }); container.define("core", ["router", "env", "constant", "updater"], function (router, env, constant, updater) { var obj = {}; obj.openPage = function (url, mode) { switch (mode) { case 9: // self router.goUrl(url); break; case 6: // new router.openUrl(url); break; case 3: // new & not active router.openTab(url, false); break; case 1: // new & active router.openTab(url, true); break; } }; obj.openOptionPage = function () { if (env.isAddon()) { if (env.isInject()) { router.openTab(injectConfig.addon.options_page, true); } else { router.openTab(GM_info.addon.options_page, true); } } else { router.openTab(constant.script.options_page, true); } }; obj.initVersion = function () { updater.init(); }; obj.ready = function (callback) { obj.initVersion(); callback && callback(); }; return obj; }); /** app start **/ container.define("app_baidu", ["runtime", "config", "option", "router", "logger", "unsafe_window", "constant", "core", "api", "$"], function (runtime, config, option, router, logger, unsafeWindow, constant, core, api, $) { var obj = { app_id: 250528, temp_path: "/apps/temp", yun_data: null, verify_page: { share_pwd: null, setPwd: null, backupPwd: null, restorePwd: null, submit_pwd: null } }; = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_page_share) && obj.initSharePage(); return true; } else if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_page_home) && obj.initHomePage(); return true; } else if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_page_home) && obj.initTimeLinePage(); return true; } else if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_page_verify) && obj.initVerifyPage(); return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.initSharePage = function () { obj.registerCustomAppId(); obj.removeVideoLimit(); obj.prettySingleSharePage(); obj.initButtonShare(); obj.initButtonEvent(); if (option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_show_origin)) { obj.showShareOrigin(); } }; obj.initHomePage = function () { obj.registerCustomAppId(); obj.registerCustomSharePwd(); obj.initButtonHome(); obj.initButtonEvent(); }; obj.initTimeLinePage = function () { obj.registerCustomAppId(); obj.registerCustomSharePwd(); obj.initButtonTimeLine(); obj.initButtonEvent(); }; obj.initVerifyPage = function () { obj.registerStoreSharePwd(); if (obj.initVerifyPageElement()) { obj.autoPaddingSharePwd(); obj.registerPwdShareSwitch(); } }; obj.initVerifyPageElement = function () { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var $pwd = $(".input-area input"); if (shareId && $pwd.length) { // 设置提取码 obj.verify_page.setPwd = function (pwd) { $pwd.val(pwd); }; // 备份提取码 obj.verify_page.backupPwd = function (pwd) { $pwd.attr("data-pwd", pwd); }; // 还原提取码 obj.verify_page.restorePwd = function () { $pwd.val($pwd.attr("data-pwd")); }; // 提交提取码 var $button = $(".input-area .g-button"); if ($button.length) { obj.verify_page.submit_pwd = function () { $; }; } return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.autoPaddingSharePwd = function () { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = runtime.getUrl(); api.querySharePwd(, shareId, shareLink, function (response) { if (response && response.code == 1) { var sharePwd =; obj.verify_page.share_pwd = sharePwd; obj.verify_page.setPwd(sharePwd); obj.showTipSuccess("填充提取码成功"); if (option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_auto_jump)) { obj.verify_page.submit_pwd && obj.verify_page.submit_pwd(); } } else { obj.showTipError("暂无人分享提取码"); } }); }; obj.registerPwdShareSwitch = function () { // 添加开关 $(".pickpw").after('<dl class="clearfix"><dt>提取码分享设置<span style="float:right"><input type="checkbox" checked id="nd-share-check" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <a class="nd-open-page-option" href="javascript:;" title="点击查看更多脚本配置">共享提取码</a></span></dt></dl>'); obj.isPwdShareOpen() || $("#nd-share-check").removeAttr("checked"); // 开关-事件 $("#nd-share-check").on("change", function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { option.setOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_share_status); } else { option.setOptionUnActive(option.constant.baidu_share_status); } }); // 打开配置页 $(".nd-open-page-option").click(function () { core.openOptionPage(); }); }; obj.registerStoreSharePwd = function () { obj.getJquery()(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, options) { var requestUrl = options.url; if (requestUrl.indexOf("/share/verify") >= 0) { var match =[a-z0-9]+)/i); if (!match) { return logger.warn("pwd share not match"); } // 拒绝*号 if (obj.verify_page.backupPwd) { obj.verify_page.backupPwd(match[1]); setTimeout(obj.verify_page.restorePwd, 500); } var response = xhr.responseJSON; if (!(response && response.errno == 0)) { return logger.warn("pwd share error"); } var sharePwd = match[1]; if (sharePwd == obj.verify_page.share_pwd) { return logger.warn("pwd share not change"); } if (!obj.isPwdShareOpen()) { return logger.warn("pwd share closed"); } var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = runtime.getUrl(); api.storeSharePwd(shareId, sharePwd, shareLink,; } }); }; obj.registerCustomAppId = function () { obj.getJquery()(document).ajaxSend(function (event, xhr, options) { var requestUrl = options.url; if (requestUrl.indexOf("/api/download") >= 0 || requestUrl.indexOf("/api/sharedownload") >= 0) { var match = requestUrl.match(/app_id=(\d+)/); if (match) { options.url = requestUrl.replace(match[0], "app_id=" + obj.getAppId()); } } }); }; obj.registerCustomSharePwd = function () { // 功能开关 if (!option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_custom_password)) { return; } // 生成提取码 obj.async("function-widget-1:share/util/shareFriend/createLinkShare.js", function (shareLink) { shareLink.prototype.makePrivatePasswordOrigin = shareLink.prototype.makePrivatePassword; shareLink.prototype.makePrivatePassword = function () { var sharePwd = config.getConfig("share_pwd"); return sharePwd ? sharePwd : this.makePrivatePasswordOrigin(); }; }); // 分享事件 obj.async("function-widget-1:share/util/shareDialog.js", function (shareDialog) { shareDialog.prototype.onVisibilityChangeOrigin = shareDialog.prototype.onVisibilityChange; shareDialog.prototype.onVisibilityChange = function (status) { if ($(".nd-input-share-pwd").length == 0) { var sharePwd = config.getConfig("share_pwd"); var html = '<tr><td class="first-child"><label>提取码</label></td><td><input type="text" class="nd-input-share-pwd" value="' + (sharePwd ? sharePwd : "") + '" placeholder="为空则随机四位" style="padding: 6px; width: 100px;border: 1px solid #e9e9e9;"></td></tr>'; $("#share .dialog-body table").append(html); } this.onVisibilityChangeOrigin(status); }; }); // 提取码更改事件 $(document).on("change", ".nd-input-share-pwd", function () { var value = this.value; if (value && !value.match(/^[0-9a-z]{4}$/i)) { obj.showTipError("提取码只能是四位数字或字母"); } config.setConfig("share_pwd", value); }); }; obj.removeVideoLimit = function () { var message = obj.getSystemContext().message; if (message) { message.trigger("share-video-after-transfer"); } else { logger.warn("wait removeVideoLimit..."); obj.setTimeout(obj.removeVideoLimit, 500); } }; obj.prettySingleSharePage = function () { if (!obj.isSharePageMulti()) { $("#layoutMain").css({ "width": "auto", "min-width": "1180px", "margin": "88px 30px" }); } }; obj.showShareOrigin = function () { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); api.queryShareOrigin(, shareId, function (response) { if (response && response.code == 1) { var data =; if (data.list && data.list.length) { var html = '<div style="padding: 10px 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid #f6f6f6; line-height: 30px;">'; var item = data.list[0]; if (data.list.length > 1) { html += '<p>分享来源:<a target="_blank" href="' + item.url + '">' + item.title + '</a> [<a class="show-origin-dialog" href="javascript:;" style="color:#ff0000;"> 查看更多 </a>]</p>'; } else { html += '<p>分享来源:<a target="_blank" href="' + item.url + '">' + item.title + '</a></p>'; } html += '</div>'; $(".module-share-header").after(html); $(document).on("click", ".show-origin-dialog", function () { var title = "分享来源"; var body = '<div style="padding: 20px 20px;min-height: 120px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;">'; data.list.forEach(function (item, index) { body += '<p>' + (++index) + ':<a target="_blank" href="' + item.url + '">' + item.title + '</a></p>'; }); body += '</div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }); } else { obj.showTipError("暂未查询到分享的来源"); } } }); }; obj.initButtonShare = function () { if ($(".x-button-box").length) { var html = '<a class="g-button nd-button-build"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-disk" title="下载"></em><span class="text">生成链接</span></span></a>'; $(".x-button-box").append(html); } else { logger.warn("wait initButtonShare..."); setTimeout(obj.initButtonShare, 500); } }; obj.initButtonHome = function () { var listTools = obj.getSystemContext().Broker.getButtonBroker("listTools"); if (listTools && listTools.$box) { var html = '<a class="g-button nd-button-build"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-disk" title="下载"></em><span class="text">生成链接</span></span></a>'; $(listTools.$box).prepend(html); } else { logger.warn("wait initButtonHome..."); setTimeout(obj.initButtonHome, 500); } }; obj.initButtonTimeLine = function () { if ($(".module-operateBtn .group-button").length) { var html = '<span class="button"><a class="g-v-button g-v-button-middle nd-button-build"><span class="g-v-button-right"><em class="icon icon-disk"></em><span class="text">生成链接</span></span></a></span>'; $(".module-operateBtn .group-button").prepend(html); } else { logger.warn("wait initButtonTimeLine..."); setTimeout(obj.initButtonTimeLine, 500); } }; obj.initButtonEvent = function () { // 生成链接 $(document).on("click", ".nd-button-build", function () { var yunData = obj.getYunData(); if (yunData.MYUK) { var fileList = obj.getSelectedFileList(); var fileStat = obj.getFileListStat(fileList); if (fileList.length) { if (fileList.length > 1 && fileStat.file_num) { obj.showDownloadSelect(fileList, fileStat); } else if (fileStat.file_num == 1 && !obj.isHomePage()) { obj.showDownloadSingle(fileList, fileStat); } else { var pack = fileStat.file_num ? false : true; if (obj.isHomePage()) { obj.showDownloadInfoHome(fileList, pack); } else { obj.showDownloadInfoShare(fileList, pack); } } } else { obj.showTipError("请至少选择一个文件或文件夹"); } } else { obj.showLogin(); } }); // 压缩包 $(document).on("click", ".nd-button-pack", function () { var fileList = obj.getSelectedFileList(); if (obj.isHomePage()) { obj.showDownloadInfoHome(fileList, true); } else { obj.showDownloadInfoShare(fileList, true); } }); // 多文件 $(document).on("click", ".nd-button-multi", function () { var fileList = obj.getSelectedFileList(); // 过滤文件夹 fileList = obj.filterFileListDir(fileList); if (obj.isHomePage()) { obj.showDownloadInfoHomeOffical(fileList, false); } else { obj.showDownloadInfoShareOffical(fileList, false); } }); // 多文件 $(document).on("click", ".nd-button-api", function () { var fileList = obj.getSelectedFileList(); // 过滤文件夹 fileList = obj.filterFileListDir(fileList); if (obj.isHomePage()) { obj.showDownloadInfoHome(fileList, false); } else { obj.showDownloadInfoShare(fileList, false); } }); // 应用ID $(document).on("click", ".nd-change-app-id", function () { obj.showAppIdChange(); }); $(document).on("change", ".nd-input-app-id", function () { obj.setAppId(this.value); }); // 打开配置页 $(document).on("click", ".nd-open-page-option", function () { core.openOptionPage(); }); // 打开临时页面 $(document).on("click", ".nd-open-page-temp", function () { router.openTab("" + encodeURIComponent(obj.getTempPath()), true); }); }; obj.showLogin = function () { obj.getJquery()("[node-type='header-login-btn']").click(); }; obj.showDownloadInfoShare = function (fileList, pack) {; if (pack) { obj.showDownloadInfoShareOffical(fileList, pack); } else { obj.applyTransferFile(fileList, obj.getTempPath(), function (response) { if (response && response.extra && response.extra.list) { var listMap = {}; response.extra.list.forEach(function (item) { listMap[item.from_fs_id] = item; }); var downList = []; fileList.forEach(function (item) { if (listMap.hasOwnProperty(item.fs_id)) { var fileName = listMap[item.fs_id].from.split("/").pop(); if (item.server_filename.indexOf(".") == 0) { item.server_filename = fileName; } item.dlink = obj.buildDownloadUrl(listMap[item.fs_id].to, fileName); downList.push(item); } }); obj.showDownloadLinkFile(downList); } }); } }; obj.showDownloadInfoShareOffical = function (fileList, pack) { obj.getDownloadShare(fileList, pack, function (response) { obj.hideTip();; if (response.list && response.list.length) { // 文件 obj.showDownloadLinkFile(response.list); } else if (response.dlink) { // 压缩包 obj.showDownloadLinkPack(fileList, { dlink: response.dlink }); } else { // 其他 obj.showDialogUnKnownResponse(response); } }); }; obj.showDownloadInfoHome = function (fileList, pack) {; if (pack) { obj.getDownloadHome(fileList, pack, function (response) { obj.hideTip();; if (response.dlink && typeof response.dlink == "string") { // 压缩包 obj.showDownloadLinkPack(fileList, { dlink: response.dlink }); } else { // 其他 obj.showDialogUnKnownResponse(response); } }); } else { fileList.forEach(function (item) { item.dlink = obj.buildDownloadUrl(item.path, item.server_filename); }); obj.showDownloadLinkFile(fileList); } }; obj.showDownloadInfoHomeOffical = function (fileList, pack) {; obj.getDownloadHome(fileList, pack, function (response) { obj.hideTip();; if (response.dlink && typeof response.dlink == "object" && response.dlink.length) { // 文件 var dlinkMapping = {}; response.dlink.forEach(function (item) { dlinkMapping[item.fs_id] = item.dlink; }); fileList.forEach(function (item) { item.dlink = dlinkMapping[item.fs_id]; }); obj.showDownloadLinkFile(fileList); } else if (response.dlink && typeof response.dlink == "string") { // 压缩包 obj.showDownloadLinkPack(fileList, { dlink: response.dlink }); } else { // 其他 obj.showDialogUnKnownResponse(response); } }); }; obj.showDownloadLinkFile = function (fileList) { var title = "文件下载"; var body = '<div style="padding: 20px 20px;min-height: 120px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; ">'; if (fileList.length > 1 && option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_multi_link)) { var dlinkList = []; var dlinkApiList = []; fileList.forEach(function (item) { dlinkList.push(item.dlink + "&filename=" + encodeURIComponent(item.server_filename)); item.dlink_api && dlinkApiList.push(item.dlink_api); }); body += '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">'; body += '<div>批量链接</div><div style="height: 80px; overflow: auto;"><textarea name="dlink_offical" style="width:2500px; border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;" rows="' + dlinkList.length + '">' + dlinkList.join("\n") + '</textarea></div>'; body += '</div>'; } fileList.forEach(function (item, index) { body += '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">'; body += '<div>' + (index + 1) + ':' + item.server_filename + '</div>'; body += '<div><a href="' + item.dlink + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(item.server_filename) + '" title="' + item.dlink + '" style="display:block; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;">' + item.dlink + '</a></div>'; body += '</div>'; }); body += '</div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.showDownloadLinkPack = function (fileList, data) { var title = "文件下载"; var body = '<div style="padding: 20px 20px;min-height: 120px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; ">'; var packName = obj.getDownloadPackName(fileList); body += '<div>' + packName + '</div><div><a href="' + data.dlink + '&zipname=' + encodeURIComponent(packName) + '" title="' + data.dlink + '" style="display:block; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;">' + data.dlink + '</a></div>'; body += '<div style="margin-top: 15px;">打包的文件/文件夹列表</div>'; fileList.forEach(function (item, index) { body += '<div title="' + item.path + '" style="color: ' + (item.isdir ? "blue" : "inherit") + ';">[' + (index + 1) + '] ' + item.server_filename + '</div>'; }); body += '</div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.getDownloadPackName = function (fileList) { return fileList[0].server_filename + " 等" + fileList.length + "个文件.zip"; }; obj.buildDownloadUrl = function (path, name) { return "" + obj.getAppId() + "&filename=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&path=" + encodeURIComponent(path); }; obj.showDownloadSingle = function (fileList, fileStat) { var title = "链接类型"; var body = '<div style="padding: 40px 20px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;">'; body += '<div class="normalBtnBox g-center">'; body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-multi" title="调用官方接口生成链接"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-download"></em> 官方链接</span></a>'; body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-api" style="margin-left:50px;" title="以转存文件的方式间接生成文件链接"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-save-disk"></em> 转存链接</span></a>'; body += '</div>'; if (fileStat.dir_num) { body += '<div style="margin-top: 40px; padding-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -20px; border-top: 1px solid #D0DFE7;"><p class="g-center">选择 [多文件] 会过滤当前选中的 <span style="color: red">' + fileStat.dir_num + '</span> 个文件夹</p>'; var index = 1; fileList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isdir) { body += '<p title="' + item.path + '" style="color: blue;">[' + index + '] ' + item.server_filename + '</p>'; index++; } }); body += '</div>'; } body += '</div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.showDownloadSelect = function (fileList, fileStat) { var title = "链接类型"; var body = '<div style="padding: 40px 20px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;">'; body += '<div class="normalBtnBox g-center">'; body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-multi"><span class="g-button-right" title="调用官方接口生成文件链接"><em class="icon icon-download"></em> 官方多文件</span></a>'; if (obj.isHomePage()) { body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-api" style="margin-left:50px;" title="以构造链接的形式生成文件链接"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-save-disk"></em> 接口多文件</span></a>'; } else { body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-api" style="margin-left:50px;" title="以转存文件的方式间接生成文件链接"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-save-disk"></em> 转存多文件</span></a>'; } body += '<a class="g-button g-button-large g-button-gray-large nd-button-pack" style="margin-left:50px;" title="调用官方接口生成压缩包链接"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-poly"></em> 压缩包</span></a>'; body += '</div>'; if (fileStat.dir_num) { body += '<div style="margin-top: 40px; padding-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -20px; border-top: 1px solid #D0DFE7;"><p class="g-center">选择 [多文件] 会过滤当前选中的 <span style="color: red">' + fileStat.dir_num + '</span> 个文件夹</p>'; var index = 1; fileList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isdir) { body += '<p title="' + item.path + '" style="color: blue;">[' + index + '] ' + item.server_filename + '</p>'; index++; } }); body += '</div>'; } body += '</div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.showAppIdChange = function () { var title = "应用ID"; var body = '<div style="padding: 60px 20px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;"><div class="g-center" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">当前应用ID:<input type="text" class="nd-input-app-id" style="border: 1px solid #f2f2f2; padding: 4px 5px;" value="' + obj.getAppId() + '"></div><div class="g-center"><p>如生成链接或者下载文件异常,请尝试修改为官方应用ID【' + obj.app_id + '】</p><p>修改应用ID可能存在未知的风险,请慎重使用,更多应用ID请查看<a target="_blank" href=""> 脚本主页 </a></p></div></div>'; var footer = ''; obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.showDialogUnKnownResponse = function (response) { var title = "未知结果"; var body = '<div style="padding: 20px 20px; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">' + JSON.stringify(response, null, 4) + '</pre></div>'; var footer = obj.renderFooterAppId(); obj.showDialog(title, body, footer); }; obj.renderFooterAppId = function () { return '<p style="padding-top: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #D0DFE7;">应用ID:' + obj.getAppId() + ' <a href="javascript:;" class="nd-change-app-id">修改</a>,其他页面: <a class="nd-open-page-option" href="javascript:;">配置页面</a> 、<a class="nd-open-page-temp" href="javascript:;">临时文件</a></p>'; }; obj.showDialog = function (title, body, footer) { var dialog = obj.require("system-core:system/uiService/dialog/dialog.js").verify({ title: title, img: "img", vcode: "vcode" }); // 内容 $(dialog.$dialog).find(".dialog-body").html(body); // 底部 $(dialog.$dialog).find(".dialog-footer").html(footer);; }; obj.showTipSuccess = function (msg, hasClose, autoClose) { obj.showTip("success", msg, hasClose, autoClose); }; obj.showTipError = function (msg, hasClose, autoClose) { obj.showTip("failure", msg, hasClose, autoClose); }; obj.showTipLoading = function (msg, hasClose, autoClose) { obj.showTip("loading", msg, hasClose, autoClose); }; obj.showTip = function (mode, msg, hasClose, autoClose) { var option = { mode: mode, msg: msg }; // 关闭按钮 if (typeof hasClose != "undefined") { option.hasClose = hasClose; } // 自动关闭 if (typeof autoClose != "undefined") { option.autoClose = autoClose; } obj.require("system-core:system/uiService/tip/tip.js").show(option); }; obj.hideTip = function () { obj.require("system-core:system/uiService/tip/tip.js").hide({ hideTipsAnimationFlag: 1 }); }; obj.isHomePage = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.isTimelinePage = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.isSharePageMulti = function () { var yunData = obj.getYunData(); if (yunData.SHAREPAGETYPE == "single_file_page") { return false; } else { return true; } }; obj.getSelectedFileList = function () { if (obj.isHomePage()) { return obj.getSelectedFileListHome(); } else { return obj.getSelectedFileListShare(); } }; obj.getSelectedFileListHome = function () { if (obj.isTimelinePage()) { return obj.require("pan-timeline:widget/store/index.js").getters.getChoosedItemArr; } else { return obj.require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem.list.getSelected(); } }; obj.getSelectedFileListShare = function () { return obj.require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem.list.getSelected(); }; obj.getFileListStat = function (fileList) { var fileStat = { file_num: 0, dir_num: 0 }; fileList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isdir == 0) { fileStat.file_num++; } else { fileStat.dir_num++; } }); return fileStat; }; obj.filterFileListDir = function (fileList) { var fileListFilter = []; fileList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isdir == 0) { fileListFilter.push(item); } }); return fileListFilter; }; obj.parseFidList = function (fileList) { var fidList = []; fileList.forEach(function (item) { fidList.push(item.fs_id); }); return fidList; }; obj.getDownloadShare = function (fileList, pack, callback) { obj.showTipLoading("生成链接中,请稍等..."); obj.initWidgetContext("function-widget-1:download/util/context.js"); obj.async("function-widget-1:download/service/dlinkService.js", function (dl) { var yunData = obj.getYunData(); var data = { list: fileList, share_uk: yunData.SHARE_UK, share_id: yunData.SHARE_ID, sign: yunData.SIGN, timestamp: yunData.TIMESTAMP, type: pack ? "batch" : "nolimit" }; dl.getDlinkShare(data, callback); }); }; obj.getDownloadHome = function (fileList, pack, callback) { obj.showTipLoading("生成链接中,请稍等..."); obj.initWidgetContext("function-widget-1:download/util/context.js"); obj.async("function-widget-1:download/service/dlinkService.js", function (dl) { var fidList = obj.parseFidList(fileList); var type = pack ? "batch" : "nolimit"; dl.getDlinkPan(JSON.stringify(fidList), type, callback); }); }; obj.applyTransferFile = function (fileList, path, callback) { obj.listDir(path, function (response) { if (response && response.errno == 0) { obj.transferFile(fileList, path, callback); } else if (response) { obj.createDir(path, function (response) { if (response && response.errno == 0) { obj.transferFile(fileList, response.path, callback); } else { callback && callback(""); } }); } else { callback && callback(""); } }); }; obj.transferFile = function (fileList, path, callback) { var yunData = obj.getYunData(); var fidList = obj.parseFidList(fileList); var url = "/share/transfer?ondup=newcopy&async=1&shareid=" + yunData.SHARE_ID + "&from=" + yunData.SHARE_UK var data = { fsidlist: "[" + fidList.join(",") + "]", path: path }; obj.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, data: data, dataType: "json", timeout: 1e5, error: function () { callback && callback(""); }, success: function (response) { callback && callback(response); } }); }; obj.listDir = function (path, callback) { var url = "/api/list"; obj.ajax({ type: "get", url: url, data: { order: "name", desc: 0, showempty: 0, web: 1, page: 1, num: 10, dir: path }, dataType: "json", timeout: 1e5, error: function () { callback && callback(""); }, success: function (response) { callback && callback(response); } }); }; obj.createDir = function (path, callback) { var url = "/api/create?a=commit"; obj.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, data: { path: path, isdir: 1, block_list: "[]" }, dataType: "json", timeout: 1e5, error: function () { callback && callback(""); }, success: function (response) { callback && callback(response); } }); }; obj.getShareId = function () { var shareId = runtime.getUrlParam("surl"); if (shareId) { return shareId; } else { var match = location.pathname.match(/\/s\/1(\S+)/); return match ? match[1] : null; } }; obj.isPwdShareOpen = function () { return option.isOptionActive(option.constant.baidu_share_status); }; obj.getYunData = function () { if (!obj.yun_data) { obj.yun_data = unsafeWindow.yunData; } return obj.yun_data; }; obj.getTempPath = function () { var tempPath = config.getConfig("temp_path"); if (tempPath) { return tempPath; } else { return obj.temp_path; } }; obj.setTempPath = function (tempPath) { config.setConfig("temp_path", tempPath); api.logOption(); }; obj.getAppId = function () { var appId = config.getConfig("app_id"); if (appId) { return appId; } else { return obj.app_id; } }; obj.setAppId = function (appId) { config.setConfig("app_id", appId); api.logOption(); }; obj.initWidgetContext = function (name, callback) { var initFunc = function (widget) { if (!widget.getContext()) { widget.setContext(obj.getSystemContext()); } callback && callback(); }; if (callback) { obj.async(name, initFunc); } else { initFunc(obj.require(name)); } }; obj.ajax = function (option) { obj.getJquery().ajax(option); }; obj.getSystemContext = function () { return obj.require("system-core:context/context.js").instanceForSystem; }; obj.getJquery = function () { return obj.require("base:widget/libs/jquerypacket.js"); }; obj.require = function (name) { return unsafeWindow.require(name); }; obj.async = function (name, callback) { unsafeWindow.require.async(name, callback); }; return obj; }); container.define("app_weiyun", ["runtime", "object", "option", "logger", "unsafe_window", "constant", "core", "api", "$"], function (runtime, object, option, logger, unsafeWindow, constant, core, api, $) { var obj = { axios: null, modal: null, store: null, inject_name: "_nd_inject_", webpack_require: null, verify_page: { setPwd: null, share_pwd: null, submit_pwd: null } }; = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.weiyun_page_verify) && obj.initVerifyPage(); return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.initVerifyPage = function () { obj.initWebpackRequire(function () { obj.registerStoreSharePwd(); }); obj.initVerifyPageElement(function () { obj.autoPaddingSharePwd(); obj.registerPwdShareSwitch(); }); }; obj.initVerifyPageElement = function (callback) { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var $pwd = $(".card-inner .input-txt[type='password']"); var $button = $(".card-inner .btn-main"); if (shareId && $pwd.length && $button.length) { // 显示分享密码 $pwd.attr("type", "text"); // 设置分享密码 obj.verify_page.setPwd = function (pwd) { $pwd.val(pwd); }; // 重造按钮 var $itemButton = $button.parent(); $itemButton.html($button.prop("outerHTML")); $button = $itemButton.find(".btn-main"); // 按钮事件 $button.on("click", function () { obj.getStore() && obj.getStore().default.dispatch("shareInfo/loadShareInfoWithoutLogin", $pwd.val()); }); // 提交密码 obj.verify_page.submit_pwd = function () { $; }; callback && callback(); } else { setTimeout(function () { obj.initVerifyPageElement(callback) }, 500); } }; obj.initWebpackRequire = function (callback) { var moreModules = {}; moreModules[obj.inject_name] = function (module, exports, __webpack_require__) { obj.webpack_require = __webpack_require__; callback && callback(); }; unsafeWindow.webpackJsonp([obj.inject_name], moreModules, [obj.inject_name]); }; obj.autoPaddingSharePwd = function () { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = obj.getShareLink(); api.querySharePwd(constant.source.weiyun, shareId, shareLink, function (response) { if (response && response.code == 1) { var sharePwd =; obj.verify_page.share_pwd = sharePwd; obj.verify_page.setPwd(sharePwd); obj.showTipSuccess("填充密码成功"); if (option.isOptionActive(option.constant.weiyun_auto_jump)) { obj.verify_page.submit_pwd && obj.verify_page.submit_pwd(); } } else { obj.showTipError("暂无人分享密码"); } }); }; obj.registerPwdShareSwitch = function () { // 添加开关 $(".card-inner .form-item-label .form-item-tit").html('<span class="form-item-tit">请输入分享密码<span style="margin-left: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" checked id="nd-share-check" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <a class="nd-open-page-option" href="javascript:;" title="点击查看更多脚本配置">共享密码</a></span></span>'); obj.isPwdShareOpen() || $("#nd-share-check").removeAttr("checked"); // 开关-事件 $("#nd-share-check").on("change", function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { option.setOptionActive(option.constant.weiyun_share_status); } else { option.setOptionUnActive(option.constant.weiyun_share_status); } }); // 打开配置页 $(".nd-open-page-option").click(function () { core.openOptionPage(); }); }; obj.registerStoreSharePwd = function () { obj.addResponseInterceptor(function (request, response) { var requestUrl = request.responseURL; if (requestUrl.indexOf("weiyunShareNoLogin/WeiyunShareView") > 0) { if ( == 0) { var match =\\"share_pwd\\":\\"([\w]+)\\"/); if (!match) { return logger.warn("pwd share not match"); } var sharePwd = match[1]; if (sharePwd == obj.verify_page.share_pwd) { return logger.warn("pwd share not change"); } if (!obj.isPwdShareOpen()) { return logger.warn("pwd share closed"); } var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = obj.getShareLink(); api.storeSharePwd(shareId, sharePwd, shareLink, constant.source.weiyun); } else { return logger.warn("pwd share error"); } } }); }; obj.addResponseInterceptor = function (callback) { var success = function (response) { try { callback && callback(response.request, response); } catch (e) { logger.warn(e); } return response; }; var error = function () { return Promise.reject(error); }; obj.getAxios() && obj.getAxios().interceptors.response.use(success, error); }; obj.showTipSuccess = function (msg) { obj.getModal() && obj.getModal().success(msg); }; obj.showTipError = function (msg) { obj.getModal() && obj.getModal().error(msg); }; obj.getShareId = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); var match = url.match(/\/([0-9a-z]+)/i); return match ? match[1] : null; }; obj.getShareLink = function () { return runtime.getUrl(); }; obj.isPwdShareOpen = function () { return option.isOptionActive(option.constant.weiyun_share_status); }; obj.getAxios = function () { if (!obj.axios) { obj.axios = obj.matchWebpackModule(function (module, name) { if (module && module.Axios) { return module; } }); } return obj.axios; }; obj.getModal = function () { if (!obj.modal) { obj.modal = obj.matchWebpackModule(function (module, name) { if (module && module.confirm && module.success) { return module; } }); } return obj.modal; }; obj.getStore = function () { if (! { = obj.matchWebpackModule(function (module, name) { if (module && module.default && module.default._modulesNamespaceMap) { return module; } }); } return; }; obj.matchWebpackModule = function (matchFunc) { var names = object.keys(obj.webpack_require.c); for (var i in names) { var name = names[i]; var match = matchFunc(obj.webpack_require(name), name); if (match) { return match; } } }; return obj; }); container.define("app_lanzous", ["runtime", "option", "logger", "unsafe_window", "constant", "core", "api", "$"], function (runtime, option, logger, unsafeWindow, constant, core, api, $) { var obj = { verify_page: { setPwd: null, share_pwd: null, submit_pwd: null } }; = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { option.isOptionActive(option.constant.lanzous_page_verify) && obj.initVerifyPage(); return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.initVerifyPage = function () { obj.registerStoreSharePwd(); obj.initVerifyPageElement(function () { obj.autoPaddingSharePwd(); obj.registerPwdShareSwitch(); }); }; obj.initVerifyPageElement = function (callback) { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var $pwd = $("#pwd"); if (shareId && $pwd.length) { // 设置分享密码 obj.verify_page.setPwd = function (pwd) { $pwd.val(pwd); }; // 提交密码 obj.verify_page.submit_pwd = function () { $("#sub").click(); }; callback && callback(); } else { setTimeout(function () { obj.initVerifyPageElement(callback) }, 500); } }; obj.autoPaddingSharePwd = function () { var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = obj.getShareLink(); api.querySharePwd(constant.source.lanzous, shareId, shareLink, function (response) { if (response && response.code == 1) { var sharePwd =; obj.verify_page.share_pwd = sharePwd; obj.verify_page.setPwd(sharePwd); obj.showTip(1, "填充密码成功", 2000); if (option.isOptionActive(option.constant.lanzous_auto_jump)) { obj.verify_page.submit_pwd && obj.verify_page.submit_pwd(); } } else { obj.showTip(0, "暂无人分享密码", 2000); } }); }; obj.registerPwdShareSwitch = function () { var html = '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;">分享设置 <input type="checkbox" checked id="nd-share-check" style="vertical-align: middle;" > <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="nd-open-page-option" href="javascript:;" title="点击查看更多脚本配置">共享密码</a></div>'; if ($(".off").length) { $(".off").after(html); } else { $(".passwddiv-user").after(html); } obj.isPwdShareOpen() || $("#nd-share-check").removeAttr("checked"); // 开关-事件 $("#nd-share-check").on("change", function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { option.setOptionActive(option.constant.lanzous_share_status); } else { option.setOptionUnActive(option.constant.lanzous_share_status); } }); // 打开配置页 $(".nd-open-page-option").click(function () { core.openOptionPage(); }); }; obj.registerStoreSharePwd = function () { unsafeWindow.$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, options) { var match =\w+)/); if (!match) { var match =\w+)/); if (!match) { return logger.warn("pwd share not match"); } } var sharePwd = match[1]; if (sharePwd == obj.verify_page.share_pwd) { return logger.warn("pwd share not change"); } if (!obj.isPwdShareOpen()) { return logger.warn("pwd share closed"); } var shareId = obj.getShareId(); var shareLink = obj.getShareLink(); var response = obj.parseJson(xhr.response); if (response && response.zt == 1 && sharePwd) { api.storeSharePwd(shareId, sharePwd, shareLink, constant.source.lanzous); } else { logger.warn("pwd share error"); } }); }; obj.showTip = function (code, msg, timeout) { if (unsafeWindow.sms) { unsafeWindow.sms(msg); } else { var selector; if ($(".off").length) { selector = "#pwderr"; } else { selector = "#info"; } if (code) { $(selector).html('<span style="color: green;">' + msg + '</span>'); } else { $(selector).html('<span style="color: red;">' + msg + '</span>'); } setTimeout(function () { $(selector).html(""); }, timeout); } }; obj.getShareId = function () { return location.pathname.split("/")[1]; }; obj.getShareLink = function () { return top.location.href; }; obj.isPwdShareOpen = function () { return option.isOptionActive(option.constant.lanzous_share_status); }; obj.parseJson = function (jsonStr) { var jsonObject = {}; try { if (jsonStr) { jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonStr); } } catch (e) { } return jsonObject; }; return obj; }); container.define("app_newday", ["object", "meta", "config", "option", "router", "env", "constant", "api", "share_log", "core", "$", "vue"], function (object, meta, config, option, router, env, constant, api, shareLog, core, $, vue) { var obj = {}; = function () { if (meta.existMeta("info")) { obj.initInfoPage(); return true; } else if (meta.existMeta("option")) { obj.initOptionPage(); return true; } else if (meta.existMeta("share")) { obj.initSharePage(); return true; } else if (meta.existMeta("dev")) { obj.initDevPage(); return true; } else { return false; } }; obj.initInfoPage = function () { new vue({ el: "#container", data: { info: env.getInfo() }, created: function () { obj.initAddonReady(); } }); }; obj.initOptionPage = function () { new vue({ el: "#container", data: { app_id: config.getConfig("app_id"), temp_path: config.getConfig("temp_path"), info: env.getInfo(), option: option.getOption() }, created: function () { obj.initAddonReady(); }, watch: { option: function (value) { option.setOption(value); api.logOption(); }, app_id: function (value) { config.setConfig("app_id", value); value && api.logOption(); }, temp_path: function (value) { config.setConfig("temp_path", value); value && api.logOption(); } }, methods: { openTempPage: function () { router.openTab("" + encodeURIComponent(this.temp_path ? this.temp_path : "/apps/temp"), true); } } }); }; obj.initSharePage = function () { var shareLogList = shareLog.getShareLogList(); new vue({ el: "#container", data: { info: env.getInfo(), list: [] }, created: function () { obj.initAddonReady(); this.loadShareLogList("all"); }, methods: { showShareLogList: function (source) { $(".am-nav-tabs .am-active").removeClass("am-active"); $(".source-" + source).addClass("am-active"); this.loadShareLogList(source); }, loadShareLogList: function (source) { this.list = this.processShareLogList(source); }, processShareLogList: function (source) { var filterShareLogList = []; object.keys(shareLogList).forEach(function (shareId) { var item = shareLogList[shareId]; if (source == "all" || source == item.share_source) { filterShareLogList.push({ share_id: shareId, share_pwd: item.share_pwd, share_link: shareLog.buildShareLink(shareId, item.share_source, item.share_link), share_time: shareLog.buildShareTime(item.share_time), create_time: item.share_time }); } }); return filterShareLogList.sort(function (a, b) { return b.create_time - a.create_time; }); } } }); }; obj.initDevPage = function () { $("#dev-addon-info").val(JSON.stringify(env.getInfo())); $(".dev-open-page-option").addClass("nd-open-page-option").removeClass("dev-open-page-option"); $(document).on("click", ".nd-open-page-option", function () { core.openOptionPage(); }); }; obj.initAddonReady = function () { $("body").addClass("nd-addon-ready"); }; return obj; }); container.define("app", ["runtime", "addon", "logger", "meta", "$"], function (runtime, addon, logger, meta, $, require) { var obj = {}; = function () { var metaName = "status"; if (meta.existMeta(metaName)) { logger.warn("setup already"); } else if (addon.isEnable()) {"setup success"); // 添加meta meta.appendMeta(metaName); // 运行应用 $(obj.runApp); } else { logger.warn("addon disabled"); } }; obj.getAppList = function () { return [ { name: "app_baidu", matchs: [ "" ] }, { name: "app_weiyun", matchs: [ "" ] }, { name: "app_lanzous", matchs: [ "" ] }, { name: "app_newday", matchs: [ "*" ] } ]; }; obj.runApp = function () { var url = runtime.getUrl();; var appList = obj.getAppList(); for (var i in appList) { var app = appList[i]; logger.debug(app); var match = obj.matchApp(url, app); logger.debug("match " + (match ? "yes" : "no")); if (match == false) { continue; }"run " +; if (require( == true) { break; } } }; obj.matchApp = function (url, app) { var match = false; app.matchs.forEach(function (item) { if (url.indexOf(item) > 0 || item == "*") { match = true; } }); return match; }; return obj; }); // lib container.define("$", [], function () { return window.$; }); container.define("snap", [], function () { if (typeof Snap != "undefined") { return Snap; } else { return window.Snap; } }); container.define("vue", [], function () { return window.Vue; }); container.use(["gm", "core", "app", "logger", "share_log"], function (gm, core, app, logger, shareLog) { gm.ready(function () { // 日志级别 logger.setLevel(; core.ready(; }); }); })();