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// ==UserScript== // @name Facebook Cleaner // @namespace // @version 1.12 // @author - // @description Cleans the Facebook UI // @copyright 2019, freeos ( // @license MIT; // @include* // @include* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== let processOptions = true let options = { hideWatch: true, hideMarketplace: true, hideGaming: true, hideLeftSideBar: false, hideRightSideBar: true, hideCovid: true, hideCreatePostTypes: false, hideStories: false, hideVideoChat: false, hideSuggestedGroups: false, hideSponsored: true, hidePaidPartnerships: true, hideFooter: true, hideLoopInterval: 1000 } let hideClass = 'displayNoneImportant' let onDocReady = function(){ //console.log('domain: ' + document.domain) if (processOptions) { switch (document.domain) { case "": addCSSClasses() removeOnce() removeLoop() setInterval(removeLoop, options.hideLoopInterval) break; } } } function removeLoop() { if(options.hideCovid) { removeCovid() } if(options.hideSponsored) { removeSponsored() } if(options.hidePaidPartnerships) { removePaidPartnerships() } } function removeSponsored() { hideXPath("//div[@aria-label='Sponsored']/ancestor::div[starts-with(@data-pagelet,'FeedUnit')]") hideXPath("//a[@aria-label='Sponsored']/ancestor::div[starts-with(@data-pagelet,'FeedUnit')]") hideXPath("//div[text()='Sponsored']/ancestor::div[starts-with(@data-pagelet,'FeedUnit')]") } function removePaidPartnerships() { hideXPath("//span[text()='Suggested Groups']/ancestor::div[starts-with(@data-pagelet,'FeedUnit')]") } function removeSuggestedGroups() { hideXPath("//div[text()='Paid Partnership']/ancestor::div[starts-with(@data-pagelet,'FeedUnit')]") } function removeCovid() { hideXPath("//span[text()='COVID-19 Information Center']/ancestor::li") } function removeOnce() { let cssWatch = ` div[role="navigation"][aria-label="Facebook"]>ul>li:nth-child(2) { /* watch */ display: none !important; } `; let cssMarketplace = ` div[role="navigation"][aria-label="Facebook"]>ul>li:nth-child(3) { /* gaming */ display: none !important; } `; let cssGaming = ` div[role="navigation"][aria-label="Facebook"]>ul>li:nth-child(5) { /* gaming */ display: none !important; } `; let cssLeftSideBar = ` div[data-pagelet="LeftRail"] { /* left side bar */ visibility: hidden !important; } `; let cssRightSideBar = ` div[role="complementary"] { /* right side bar */ visibility: hidden !important; } `; let cssFooter = ` footer { visibility: hidden !important; } `; let cssCreatePostTypes = ` div[aria-label="Create a post"]>div:nth-child(2) { display: none !important; } `; let cssStories = ` div[aria-label="Stories"] { display: none !important; } `; let cssVideoChat = ` div[data-pagelet="VideoChatHomeUnit"] { display: none !important; } `; if(options.hideWatch) { GM_addStyle(cssWatch); } if(options.hideMarketplace) { GM_addStyle(cssMarketplace); } if(options.hideGaming) { GM_addStyle(cssGaming); } if(options.hideLeftSideBar) { GM_addStyle(cssLeftSideBar); } if(options.hideRightSideBar) { GM_addStyle(cssRightSideBar); } if(options.hideFooter) { GM_addStyle(cssFooter); } if(options.hideCreatePostTypes) { GM_addStyle(cssCreatePostTypes); } if(options.hideStories) { GM_addStyle(cssStories); } if(options.hideVideoChat) { GM_addStyle(cssVideoChat); } if(options.hideSuggestedGroups) { removeSuggestedGroups() } } function addCSSClasses() { let css = ` .displayNoneImportant { display: none !important; } .visibilityHiddenImportant { visibility: hidden !important; } `; GM_addStyle(css); } function hideXPath(xPathStr) { let matchingElement = document.evaluate(xPathStr, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) if(matchingElement) { for(var i = 0; i < matchingElement.snapshotLength; i++) { let curElement = matchingElement.snapshotItem(i) if(!curElement.classList.contains(hideClass)) { curElement.className += ' ' + hideClass } } } } if (document.readyState === "complete" || (document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll)) { onDocReady() } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDocReady) }