ford.lambert / xa_ice_blue_theme

// ==UserScript==
// @name xa_ice_blue_theme
// @description Colored blue theme
// @version  0.43.06
// @require
// @require
// @include /^https://.*-des\.f.v..d\.com//
// @license MIT
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
// ==OpenUserJS==
// @author ford.lambert
// ==/OpenUserJS==
// jshint esversion: 6
// jshint jquery: true
// globals $, jQuery

(function(jQuery) {
    'use strict';
    jQuery.noConflict(); // do not use $ bdecause it's also used by Prototype
    console.log(`%c Loading Ice Blue Theme (designed for lean_)`, 'color: #38C4CC')
    const addCss = (css) => {
        const node = document.createElement("style");
    	node.type = "text/css";
    	const heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
    	if (heads.length > 0) {
    	} else {
    		console.log('no head detected to append ice blue theme')

    (function() {
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    		"	Navbar and aside background-color: #26094B",
    		"	Main sharp color: #514C8F",
    		"	clearer main color: rgba(38, 9, 75, 0.5)",
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    		"	.tree_parts FIELDSET.if>SPAN, .tree_parts FIELDSET.unless>SPAN, .tree_parts FIELDSET.if>FIELDSET, .tree_parts FIELDSET.unless>FIELDSET {",
    		"    	width: auto;",
    		"	}",
    		"        #diagnostic {",
    		"            display: none;",
    		"        }",
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    		"            display: none;",
    		"        }",
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    		"	a, a:visited {",
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    		"	option[selected='selected'] {",
    		"	    background-color: rgb(208,200,200);",
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    		"	color: white !important;",
    		"	text-decoration: underline;",
    		"#login a i {",
    		"	margin-right: 5px;",
    		"  ",
    		"  .working-on a {",
    		"       color: orange !important; ",
    		"  }",
    		"	",
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    		"		background-image: url( !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	.ready {",
    		"		background-image: url( !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	.waiting {",
    		"		background-image: url( !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
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    		"		background-image: url( !important;",
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    		"  }",
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    		"       font-size: 1.1em;",
    		"       font-weight: bold; ",
    		"   }",
    		"  ",
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    		"       color: #D04158;",
    		"   }",
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    		"            width: 500px;",
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    		"            opacity: 1 !important;",
    		"        }",
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    		"            width: auto !important;",
    		"        }",
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    		"            width: 12em;",
    		"        }",
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    		"           padding: 4px;",
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    		"	}",
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    		"     margin: 2px 3px 0 0;",
    		"	}",
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    		"     background-color: #26094B !important;",
    		"     border: 1px solid white;",
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    		"#project_menu_table h3 {",
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    		"	width: auto;",
    		"	min-width: 160px;",
    		"	height: 40px;",
    		"   position: relative;",
    		"body.tasks .management {",
    		"    position: initial;",
    		".management h2 {",
    		"	margin: 0 !important;",
    		"	padding: 0;",
    		"	height: 100%;",
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    		"	height: auto !important;",
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    		"    justify-content: center;",
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    		"	margin: 0 !important;",
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    		"	        font-size: 1.2em;",
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    		"	        width: 100px;",
    		"	        margin-top: 0;",
    		"	        margin-bottom: 10px;",
    		"	    }",
    		"	",
    		"	    #header .management h2 {",
    		"	        margin-bottom: 15px;",
    		"	    }",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
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    		"	    width: 250px;",
    		"	    margin-top: 10px;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
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    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	#header .management UL LI:hover {",
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    		"	/* ----- Designer Navbar Sliding menus ----- */",
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    		"	    color: white !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	/* ----- Designer Navbar Production Monitor ----- */",
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    		"	    margin-top: 15px !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	#production_monitor {",
    		"		background-color: #26094B !important;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	/* ----- Designer Aside (Maveocs list) ----- */",
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    		"	",
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            "    ",
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            "#menu .menu-element h2.title, #menu .menu-element h2.title {",
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            "    ",
            "#menu .menu-element h2.title a.status_, #menu .menu-element h2.title a[accesskey='1'] {",
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            "    ",
            "#menu .menu-element h2.title a.diagram {",
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    		"	",
    		"	/* ----- Designer buttons and inputs ----- */",
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    		"	a[href=\"/javascripts/new?\"], a[href=\"/js_groups/new\"], a[href=\"/style_variables/new?\"] {",
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    		"	",
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    		"	/* ----- Designers tabs (everywhere) ----- */",
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    		"	/* ----- Designer Stylesheet Editor ----- */",
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            "      background-color: #514C8F;",
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            "   }",
            "   ",
    		"	#pick_style {",
    		"	    position: relative;",
    		"	}",
    		"	",
    		"	#pick_style > a {",
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    		"	",
    		"	#pick_style > a:hover {",
    		"	    color: white;",
    		"	    background-color: #514C8F;",
    		"	}",
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    		"	#styles a:hover {",
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