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// ==UserScript== // @name VK IM Filter // @namespace // @version 0.0.3 // @description Фильтрация и каталогизация списка диалогов на :3 // @author Flyink13 // @match* // @copyright 2018, flyink13 ( // @updateURL // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* global cur, uiActionsMenu, stManager, FlyVK */ function VkImFilter() { var ge = document.getElementById.bind(document); var qs = document.querySelector.bind(document); var qsa = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); var cats = localStorage.imFilter ? JSON.parse(localStorage.imFilter) : { list: ['f44336', 'c377e0', '2196f3', '4caf50', 'ffeb3b', 'ff9800', '9e9e9e'], active: ['f44336', 'c377e0', '2196f3', '4caf50', 'ffeb3b', 'ff9800', '9e9e9e'], ids: { } }; function ce(tagName, tags, style) { var el = document.createElement(tagName); Object.assign(el, tags); Object.assign(, style); return el; } VkImFilter.editStyle = function editStyle() { var style = ""; var hideAll = !qs('#VkImFilterBar'); if (hideAll) style += "#im_dialogs ._im_dialog{ display: none; }\n\n"; style += cats.list.filter(function checkExist(color) { return cats.ids.hasOwnProperty("cat_" + color); }).map(function getStyleByList(color) { var hide = !qs('#VkImFilterBar .VkImFilterCat.cat_' + color + '.active'); var catStyle = ""; catStyle += cats.ids["cat_" + color].map(function peerToStyle(pid) { return '#im_dialogs [data-list-id="' + pid + '"] .nim-peer--photo-w:after'; }).join(", ") + '{' + 'content: " ";' + 'background: #' + color + ';' + '}\n'; catStyle += cats.ids["cat_" + color].map(function peerToStyle(pid) { return '#im_dialogs [data-list-id="' + pid + '"]'; }).join(", ") + '{' + 'display: ' + (hide ? 'none' : 'block') + ';' + '}'; return catStyle; }).join("\n\n"); VkImFilter.imStyle.innerHTML = style; return hideAll; }; VkImFilter.toggleCat = function toggleCat(event) { switch (event.type) { case 'contextmenu': []'.VkImFilterCat'), function swClass(cat) { cat.classList.add('active'); }); this.classList.remove('active'); break; case 'dblclick': []'.VkImFilterCat'), function swClass(cat) { cat.classList.remove('active'); }); this.classList.add('active'); break; case 'click': this.classList.toggle('active'); break; default: console.log(event); } var hideAll = VkImFilter.editStyle(); if (hideAll) ge('im_dialogs').classList.add('hideAll'); = []; []'#VkImFilterBar'), function swClass(cat) {; }); localStorage.imFilter = JSON.stringify(cats); return false; }; VkImFilter.togglePeerCategory = function togglePeerCategory(color) { var peerIndex; // remove peer from categories for (var _color in cats.ids) { peerIndex = cats.ids[_color].indexOf(cur.peer); if (peerIndex > -1) cats.ids[_color].splice(peerIndex, 1); } var activeCats = this.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.active'); [], function removeActiveClass(activeCat) { activeCat.classList.remove('active'); }); // add peer to category if (!cats.ids["cat_" + color]) cats.ids["cat_" + color] = []; cats.ids["cat_" + color].push(cur.peer); this.classList.add('active'); // update style var hideAll = VkImFilter.editStyle(); if (hideAll) ge('im_dialogs').classList.add('hideAll'); localStorage.imFilter = JSON.stringify(cats); }; VkImFilter.insertStyles = function insertStyles() { VkImFilter.imStyle = ce('style', { id: 'VkImFilterImStyle' }); VkImFilter.mainStyle = ce('style', { id: 'VkImFilterMainStyle', innerHTML: "" + "#VkImFilterBar{" + "height: 35px;" + "text-align: center;" + "border: 1px solid #e7e8ec;" + "margin-left: -1px;" + "position: absolute;" + "z-index: 2;" + "width: 100%;" + "background: white;" + "}" + ".im-page_classic #VkImFilterBar { position: relative; z-index: 0; margin-bottom: -37px; }" + "#im_dialogs .ui_scroll_bar_container, #im_dialogs._im_page_dcontent { padding-top: 36px; }" + ".VkImFilterCat{ " + "box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px #e7e8ec; border-radius: 15px;" + "height: 15px; width: 15px; margin: 11px 10px;" + "display: inline-block; opacity: 0.3; " + "}" + "{ opacity: 1; }" + "#im_dialogs .nim-peer--photo-w:after{" + "width: 10px;" + "height: 10px;" + "position: absolute;" + "margin: 0px;" + "top: 0;" + "border-radius: 100%;" + "border: 2px solid #fff;" + "}" + "#VkImFilterSelector{ text-align: center; }" + "#VkImFilterSelector .VkImFilterCat{ margin: 6px 6px 3px 6px; opacity:1; }" + "#VkImFilterSelector{ box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px #4C77A6; }" + // Сфоткай типа ниже костыль: "#im_dialogs.hideAll .ui_scroll_content li:nth-last-child(4)," + "#im_dialogs.hideAll .ui_scroll_content li:nth-last-child(3)," + "#im_dialogs.hideAll .ui_scroll_content li:nth-last-child(2)," + "#im_dialogs.hideAll .ui_scroll_content li:last-child{ opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; height: 900px; display: block; }" }); document.head.appendChild(VkImFilter.mainStyle); document.head.appendChild(VkImFilter.imStyle); }; VkImFilter.insertFilterBar = function insertFilterBar() { var im_dialogs = ge('im_dialogs'); if (!im_dialogs) return; = ce('div', { id: 'VkImFilterBar', oncontextmenu: function rf() { return false; } }); im_dialogs.parentNode.insertBefore(, im_dialogs); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); cats.list.forEach(function addTag(color) { var cat = ce("span", { className: 'VkImFilterCat cat_' + color + ' ' + ( > -1 ? 'active' : ''), id: 'cat_' + color, onclick: VkImFilter.toggleCat, ondblclick: VkImFilter.toggleCat, oncontextmenu: VkImFilter.toggleCat }, { background: '#' + color }); fragment.appendChild(cat); });; }; VkImFilter.insertMenu = function insertMenu(args) { var cm = args[0].querySelector('.im-action_search'); if (!cm || cm.tagInjected) return; cm.tagInjected = 1; var catSelector = ce('div', { id: 'VkImFilterSelector' }); cm.parentNode.insertBefore(catSelector, cm.nextElementSibling); cm.parentNode.insertBefore(ce("div", { className: "ui_actions_menu_sep" }), cm.nextElementSibling); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); cats.list.forEach(function addTag(color, i) { var active = ""; if (cats.ids.hasOwnProperty("cat_" + color) && cats.ids["cat_" + color].indexOf(cur.peer) > -1) { active = ' active'; catSelector.catSelector = "cat_" + color; } if (cats.list.length - 1 == i && !catSelector.catSelector) { active = ' active'; catSelector.catSelector = "cat_" + color; } var cat = ce("span", { className: 'VkImFilterCat' + active, id: 'cat_' + color, }, { background: '#' + color }); cat.onclick = VkImFilter.togglePeerCategory.bind(cat, color); fragment.appendChild(cat); }); catSelector.appendChild(fragment); }; VkImFilter.insertImWaiter = function insertImWaiter() { if (ge('im_dialogs') && !ge('VkImFilterBar')) { VkImFilter.insertFilterBar(); VkImFilter.editStyle(); } }; function injectFunction(org, func) { return function FakeFunction() { func(arguments); return org.apply(this, arguments); }; } VkImFilter.insertStyles(); VkImFilter.insertFilterBar(); VkImFilter.editStyle(); window.addEventListener('load', function onLoad() { stManager.add(["ui_common.js"], function functionName() { = injectFunction(, VkImFilter.insertMenu); }); stManager.add = injectFunction(stManager.add, VkImFilter.insertImWaiter); var hideAll = VkImFilter.editStyle(); if (hideAll && ge('im_dialogs')) ge('im_dialogs').classList.add('hideAll'); if (typeof FlyVK !== 'undefined' && FlyVK.module) FlyVK.module.loaded('oujs_VK_IM_Filter.user.js', VkImFilter, {}); }); } (function injectScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('!' + VkImFilter + '();')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); })();