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// ==UserScript== // @name Jira append template to description // @namespace // @description Adds buttons to quickly assign story points to the current issue. // @copyright 2023, floodmeadows ( // @license MIT // @version 0.2 // @include https://jira.*.uk/browse/* // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ //--- Customise your template here ----// const templateText = ` PASTE_YOUR_TEMPLATE_HERE `; //-------------------------------------// const debug = false; const targetElementForButton = document.getElementById('descriptionmodule-label'); (function () { 'use strict'; if (debug) addButton("Clear description", targetElementForButton, clearDescription); addButton("Apply template", targetElementForButton, appendTemplateTextToCurrentDescription); })(); function addButton(buttonText, targetElement, functionName) { const button = document.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("class", "aui-button"); button.addEventListener("click", functionName); const text = document.createTextNode(buttonText); button.appendChild(text); targetElement.after(button); } function appendTemplateTextToCurrentDescription() { //--- Get standard info ---// const currentUrl = new URL(document.URL); const jiraBaseUrl = currentUrl.protocol + '//' +; const currentIssueKey = document.getElementById("key-val").childNodes[0].nodeValue; const apiUrl = `${jiraBaseUrl}/rest/api/latest/issue/${currentIssueKey}`; if(debug) console.log('URL: ' + apiUrl); var headers = new Headers(); headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); var requestOptions = { method: 'GET', headers: headers }; fetch(apiUrl, requestOptions) .then(response => { const jsonPromise = response.json() .then(data => { const currentIssue = data; if (debug) console.log(currentIssue); console.log("Current description = '" + currentIssue.fields.description + ".'"); const currentDescription = currentIssue.fields.description; var newDescription = ""; if (currentDescription != null) { newDescription = currentDescription + "\r\n" + templateText.trimStart(); } else { newDescription = templateText.trimStart(); } console.log("New description = '" + newDescription + ".'"); updateDescription(newDescription); }); }) .catch(error => { console.log('error', error); return false; }); } function clearDescription() { updateDescription(""); } function updateDescription(newDescription) { //--- Get standard info ---// const currentUrl = new URL(document.URL); const jiraBaseUrl = currentUrl.protocol + '//' +; const currentIssueKey = document.getElementById("key-val").childNodes[0].nodeValue; const updateIssueUrl = `${jiraBaseUrl}/rest/api/latest/issue/${currentIssueKey}`; var headers = new Headers(); headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); var jsonToUpdateIssue = JSON.stringify({ "fields": { "description": newDescription } }); if (debug) console.log(jsonToUpdateIssue); var requestOptions = { method: 'PUT', headers: headers, body: jsonToUpdateIssue }; fetch(updateIssueUrl, requestOptions) .then(response => { console.log(response.text()); if(!debug) window.location.assign(currentUrl); }) .catch(error => console.log('error', error)); }