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// ==UserScript== // @name DTX project shortcuts // @description Book your time faster using a list of frequently used projects and time entries // @namespace // @author // @copyright 2021, floodmeadows ( // @license MIT // @version 0.2 // @match* // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ var projects = [ /* Template { name: "", // Friendly name to show on the shortcut button projectCode: "", taskNumber: "", businessReason: "" }, */ { name: "My main project", projectCode: "123456789", taskNumber: "ABC.123.4", businessReason: "My project description" }, { name: "Holiday", projectCode: "HOL00", taskNumber: "1", businessReason: "Annual leave" }, { name: "Sickness", projectCode: "SCK00", taskNumber: "1", businessReason: "" }, { name: "Medical appointments", projectCode: "SCK10", taskNumber: "1", businessReason: "" }, ]; (function() { 'use strict'; addShortcutsContainer(); projects.forEach(p => addButton(p)); })(); function addShortcutsContainer() { const textNode = document.createTextNode('Project shortcuts:'); const label = document.createElement("p"); label.setAttribute("style","margin:0; padding:0;"); label.setAttribute("class","aspLabelCharacterMedium"); label.append(textNode); const d = document.createElement("div"); d.setAttribute("id","shortcuts-container"); d.setAttribute("style","padding:2px; margin-bottom:8px;"); d.append(label); const target = document.getElementById('lblProjectCaption').parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; target.prepend(d); } function addButton(project) { const textNode = document.createTextNode(; const b = document.createElement("button"); b.setAttribute("type","button"); b.setAttribute("style","margin:0.3em 0.3em 0 0"); b.addEventListener("click", function() { document.getElementById("drpProjectCode_input").value = project.projectCode; // Then we need to fake going into the text field and back out again, to trigger some other code elsewhere on the page that takes the text field value and applies it to another JS variable. document.getElementById("drpProjectCode_input").focus(); document.getElementById("drpProjectCode_input").blur(); document.getElementById("txtTaskNumber").value = project.taskNumber; document.getElementById("txtComments").value = project.businessReason; }, false); b.append(textNode); const target = document.getElementById('shortcuts-container'); target.append(b); }