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// ==UserScript== // @name adminerImprovements // @namespace Adminer // @description VisualizaciĆ³n de Adminer // @include http://localhost/adminer/* // @version 1 // @grant none // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function vistaOn(){ $('#menu').toggle(); if ($('#menu').css('display') == 'none'){ $('#content').css('marginLeft', '1em'); $('').text('Vista | On'); $('pre.sqlarea').css('display', 'none'); $('pre#sql-1').css('display', 'none'); }else{ $('#content').css('marginLeft', '21.5em'); $('').text('Vista | Off'); $('pre.sqlarea').css('display', 'block'); $('pre#sql-1').css('display', 'block'); } } function adaptMenu(){ var nuheight = window.innerHeight - $('#menu').offset().top -30; $('#menu').css({ 'height': nuheight+'px', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', 'overflow-x': 'visible', 'position': 'fixed', 'background-color': 'white', 'margin': 0 }); $(document).scroll(function(){ console.log($('#menu').position().top +' '+ $(window).scrollTop()); if ($('#menu').position().top < $(window).scrollTop()) { $('#menu').css({'top': 0}); } else { $('#menu').css({'top': '2em'}); } }); } function addFilter(){ var $searchBox = $('<p id="search-box" />'); $('#tables').before($searchBox); $searchBox.append($('<input type="text" id="search-input" style="width:120px" />')); $searchBox.append($('<input type="button" id="filter-button" value="Filter" />')); $searchBox.append($('<input type="button" id="all-button" value="Clean" />')); // Filter events. $('body').on('keypress', '#search-input', function (e) { if(e.which === 13){ locationToLink("#tables li.keyselect a.structure"); } }); $('body').on('keydown', '#search-input', function (e) { if (e.which == 27) { // Esc resetFilter(); } var currenttable = $("#tables li.keyselect"); if (e.which == 38) { // Up var prevtable = currenttable.prevAll('li:visible:first'); if (":visible")){ currenttable.removeClass('keyselect'); prevtable.addClass('keyselect'); } return false; } if (e.which == 40) { // Down var nexttable = currenttable.nextAll('li:visible:first'); if (":visible")){ currenttable.removeClass('keyselect') nexttable.addClass('keyselect'); } return false; } if (e.which > 96 && e.which < 100) { // Numpad 1, 2, 3, 4 var n = e.which - 96; locationToLink("#content p.links a:nth-child(" + n + ")"); } if (e.which == 36) { // home currenttable.removeClass('keyselect'); $("#tables li:visible:first").addClass('keyselect'); } if (e.which == 35) { // end currenttable.removeClass('keyselect'); $("#tables li:visible:last").addClass('keyselect'); } $('#filter-button').click(); }); $('body').on('click', '#filter-button', filterTables); $('body').on('click', '#all-button', resetFilter); // Set current filter if any var currentFilter = storedFilter(); if (currentFilter){ $searchInputVal = $('#search-input').val(currentFilter); $('#filter-button').click(); } } function locationToLink(selector){ var Href = $(selector).attr('href'); if (Href != undefined){ document.location = Href; } } function filterTables(){ $searchInputVal = $('#search-input').val(); storedFilter($searchInputVal); $aTags = $('', $("#tables")); $aTags .each(function() { Href = $(this).attr('href'); IndexOfSelect = Href.indexOf("select="); IndexOfSelectPlus = IndexOfSelect + 6; if (Href.indexOf($searchInputVal, IndexOfSelectPlus) >= 0) { $(this).parent('li').show(); // select } else { $(this).parent('li').hide(); // select } }).promise().done( function() { if ($("#tables li.keyselect:visible:first").length == 0) { $("#tables li.keyselect").removeClass('keyselect'); $("#tables li:visible:first").addClass('keyselect'); } }); } function resetFilter(){ $('#search-input').val(''); $('#filter-button').click(); } function storedFilter (newval){ var nuid = "adminerfilter_"+$('select[name=db]').children("option:selected").val(); if (newval != undefined) { localStorage.setItem(nuid, $searchInputVal); } return localStorage.getItem(nuid); } $(document).ready(function(){ var tablaClone = $('pre#sql-1 + table.nowrap').clone(); $('pre#sql-1 + table.nowrap').remove(); $('form#form fieldset').after(tablaClone); // Button to show/hide the tables list. $('#lang').append('<a class="vista-adminer" href="#">Vista | On</a>'); $('textarea.sqlarea').css({ 'display':'block' }); $('').css({ 'margin-right': '1em' }); // Add some styling. $("<style type='text/css'> .keyselect{ text-decoration: underline;} </style>").appendTo("head"); // Simplify table list. $('#menu li') .text("[S]") .css({'color': 'green'}); // Remove Moodle prefix from table list. $('#menu li a.structure').each(function() { var text = $(this).text(); $(this).text(text.replace('mdl_', '')); }); // Add filter form addFilter(); if ($(document.activeElement).prop("tagName") == 'BODY') { $('#search-input').focus(); } // Add scroll to table list. adaptMenu(); $( window ).resize(adaptMenu); $('').on('click', function(){ vistaOn(); }) // Helps for Moodle SQL $("pre.sqlarea").bind('keyup', function() { // Wait a few miliseconds to let all aminder editor work. setTimeout(function(){ var curr = $('textarea.sqlarea').val(); curr = curr.replace(/\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}/mg, "mdl_\$1"); $('textarea.sqlarea').val(curr); }, 300); }); });