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// ==UserScript== // @name Uludağ Ders // @namespace - // @version 0.2 // @description İyi bi araç. // @author - // @match* // @grant none // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; = []; //$.ajaxSetup({async:false}); $('body').append('<dialog id="window"><div style="display: flex;"></div><button id="calc" onclick="calc();">Hesapla</button><button id="freeDay" style="float: right;" onclick="haveAFreeDay();">Boş Günüm Olsun</button><button id="freeSleep" style="float: right;" onclick="haveASleepyDay();">İlk 2 Saatler Boş Olsun</button><p style="white-space: pre-wrap" id="info"></p><button style="float: right;" onclick="$(\'#window\')[0].close();$(\'#window table\').remove();$(\'#select\').remove();">Kapat</button></dialog>'); setInterval(function () { if ($('body').html().indexOf("DERS ALMAM")) { if (!~$('body').html().indexOf("Çalıştır")) { jQuery('#formIntibak > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)').html("<input class='button' onclick='schedMaker()' type='button' value='Çalıştır'>"); } } }, 2000); window.schedMaker = function () { jQuery('#calc').show(); jQuery('#info').hide(); jQuery('#freeDay').hide(); jQuery('#freeSleep').hide(); var courses = []; localStorage.setItem("courses", ""); jQuery('iframe').first().contents().find('table tr').each(function () { if (!jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).find('img').length || jQuery(this).css("background-color") == "rgb(234, 107, 57)") { if (localStorage.getItem("courses") !== "") courses = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("courses")); courses.push({ name: jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()), term: jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()), onWeek: [] }); localStorage.setItem("courses", JSON.stringify(courses)); } }); var uniqueItems = Array.from(new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("courses")))); uniqueItems = uniqueItems.filter((uniqueItems, index, self) => index === self.findIndex((t) => ( === )) ) localStorage.setItem("courses", JSON.stringify(uniqueItems)); //done getting names jQuery('iframe').first().contents().find('table tr').each(function () { if (!jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).find('img').length || jQuery(this).css("background-color") == "rgb(234, 107, 57)") { var code = jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(3)).text()); var name = jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()); $.get("" + jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).find('a').first().attr('href').split('_').pop(), function (data) { justDo(data, code, name) }); } }); $('#window div').prepend('<table style="font-size: 9px;" border="1"><thead><tr><td></td><td>Ders</td><td>Dönem</td></tr></thead></table>'); courses = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("courses")); $.each(courses, function (index, value) { $('#window').find('table').append('<tr><td><input class="radiobutton" type="checkbox" value="' + index + '"></td><td>' + + '</td><td>' + value.term + '</td></tr>'); }); $('#window')[0].showModal(); } function justDo(html, code, name) { var dom_nodes = $($.parseHTML(html)); var onWeek = []; var test = []; fill2DimensionsArray(onWeek, 7, 10); fill2DimensionsArray(test, 7, 10); dom_nodes.find('#tblstr > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table').find('tr').each(function () { if (jQuery(this).find('td').length == 5) { if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Gün") == -1) { if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Pazartesi") == 1) onWeek[0][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Salı") == 1) onWeek[1][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Çarşamba") == 1) onWeek[2][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Perşembe") == 1) onWeek[3][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Cuma") == 1 && jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Cumartesi") != 1) onWeek[4][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Cumartesi") == 1) onWeek[5][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; if (jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Pazar") == 1 && jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(1)).text().search("Pazartesi") != 1) onWeek[6][jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(2)).text()) - 2] = name + " (" + jQuery.trim(jQuery(jQuery(this).find('td').get(4)).text()) + ")"; } } }); if (JSON.stringify(test) == JSON.stringify(onWeek)) return false; var courses = []; courses = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("courses")); var index = courses.findIndex(p => == name) courses[index]["onWeek"].push({ [code]: onWeek }); localStorage.setItem("courses", JSON.stringify(courses)); } function fill2DimensionsArray(arr, rows, columns) { for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { arr.push([0]) for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) { arr[i][j] = 0; } } } window.calc = function () { if ( > 0) { setTimeout(calc, 1000); console.log("bekle"); return; }"table:eq(1)").width(1200); var chosen = []; jQuery('#window').find('table tr').each(function () { if (jQuery(this).find('input').is(':checked')) chosen.push(jQuery(this).find('input').val()); }); localStorage.setItem("chosen", JSON.stringify(chosen)); jQuery('#window table').html('<colgroup><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"></colgroup><tr><th>Ders Saati</th><th>08:50 - 09:35</th><th>09:40 - 10:25</th><th>10:30 - 11:15</th><th>11:15 - 12:00</th><th>12:05 - 12:50</th><th>13:00 - 13:45</th><th>13:50 - 14:35</th><th>14:40 - 15:25</th><th>15:30 - 16:15</th><th>16:15 - 17:00</th></tr>') var parts = []; var parts2 = []; var parts3 = []; var courses = []; courses = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("courses")); for (var i = 0, len = chosen.length; i < len; i++) { parts.push(courses[chosen[i]].onWeek); parts2.push(courses[chosen[i]].name); } combine(parts, parts2); jQuery('#window div').append('<select style="width: 75px;" onchange="changeSelected()" id="select" size="5"></select>'); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (i = 1; i < final.length + 1; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = i; option.value = i; frag.appendChild(option); } document.querySelector("#select").appendChild(frag); if ($('#select').children('option').length > 0) { $("#select").val($("#select option:first").val()); $('#select').trigger('change'); } else { alert("Bu dersler aynı anda alınamıyor."); jQuery('#window button').last().click(); } jQuery('#calc').hide(); jQuery('#info').show(); jQuery('#freeDay').show(); //jQuery('#freeSleep').show(); } window.changeSelected = function () { var selected = document.querySelector("#select").options[document.querySelector("#select").selectedIndex].value; var days = ['Pazartesi', 'Salı', 'Çarşamba', 'Perşembe', 'Cuma', 'Cumartesi', 'Pazar']; var tbody = $('#window table'); tbody.html('<colgroup><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"><col style="width: 80px"></colgroup><tr><th>Ders Saati</th><th>08:50 - 09:35</th><th>09:40 - 10:25</th><th>10:30 - 11:15</th><th>11:15 - 12:00</th><th>12:05 - 12:50</th><th>13:00 - 13:45</th><th>13:50 - 14:35</th><th>14:40 - 15:25</th><th>15:30 - 16:15</th><th>16:15 - 17:00</th></tr>') for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var tr = "<tr>"; tr += '<td>' + days[i] + '</td>'; for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (final[selected - 1].onWeek[i][j] == 0) tr += '<td></td>'; else tr += '<td>' + final[selected - 1].onWeek[i][j] + '</td>'; } document.querySelector("#window table").innerHTML = document.querySelector("#window table").innerHTML + tr; } console.log(final[selected - 1]); $('#info').text("Seçenek:" + selected + "\n" + final[selected - 1].info.join("\n")); } window.haveAFreeDay = function () { $('#select').remove(); jQuery('#window div').append('<select style="width: 75px;" onchange="changeSelected()" id="select" size="5"></select>'); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 1; i < final.length + 1; i++) { if (final[i - 1].freeDay) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = i; option.value = i; frag.appendChild(option); } } document.querySelector("#select").appendChild(frag); if ($('#select').children('option').length > 0) { $("#select").val($("#select option:first").val()); $('#select').trigger('change'); } else { alert("Bu dersler aynı anda alınamıyor."); jQuery('#window button').last().click(); } } window.haveASleepyDay = function () { $('#select').remove(); jQuery('#window div').append('<select style="width: 75px;" onchange="changeSelected()" id="select" size="5"></select>'); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 1; i < final.length + 1; i++) { if (final[i - 1].freeSleep) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = i; option.value = i; frag.appendChild(option); } } document.querySelector("#select").appendChild(frag); $("#select").val($("#select option:first").val()); $('#select').trigger('change'); } function fancyMixer(arr, arr2) { var blankArr = []; var freeDay = []; fill2DimensionsArray(freeDay, 1, 10) var freeInfo = false; var freeSleep = true; fill2DimensionsArray(blankArr, 7, 10); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++) { if (blankArr[j][k] == 0) blankArr[j][k] = arr[i][j][k]; else if (arr[i][j][k] != 0) return false; } } } for (var lel = 0; lel < 5; lel++) { if (blankArr[lel].toString() == freeDay[0].toString()) freeInfo = "is:" + lel; } for (var ada = 0; ada < 5; ada++) { if (blankArr[ada][0] != 0 || blankArr[ada][1] != 0) freeSleep = false; } return { info: arr2, onWeek: blankArr, freeDay: freeInfo, freeSleep: freeSleep }; } function combine(array, array2) { function c(part, index) { array[index].forEach(function (a) { var p = part.concat(a); if (p.length === array.length) { r.push(p); return; } c(p, index + 1); }); } var r = []; c([], 0); final = []; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { /*var splitResult = r[i].substring(3).split("|||"); for (var j = 0; j < splitResult.length; j++) { splitResult[j]=JSON.parse(splitResult[j]); }*/ var temp = []; var temp2 = []; /*for (var k = 0; k < splitResult.length; k++) { temp.push(Object.values(splitResult[k])[0]); temp2.push(array2[k]+" / "+Object.keys(splitResult[k])[0]); }*/ for (var k = 0; k < r[i].length; k++) { temp.push(Object.values(r[i][k])[0]); temp2.push(array2[k] + " / " + Object.keys(r[i][k])[0]); } var toPush = fancyMixer(temp, temp2); if (toPush) final.push(fancyMixer(temp, temp2)); } return r; } })();