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// ==UserScript== // @name Rioters posts on reddit 2 // @description Load variables // @match* // @version 2 // ==/UserScript== function parse() { var total = 0; var linkiterator = 1; var linksarray = []; var namesarray = []; $("").each(function() { var str = $(this).text(); if ($(this).next().hasClass("flair-riot")) { var idname = "rioterlink" + linkiterator; $(this).attr("id", idname); linksarray.push(idname); namesarray.push(str); linkiterator++; total++; } }); var style = "position: fixed;top: 160px;border: 1px solid black;background-color: white;z-index: 999;padding: 15px 10px 10px 10px;right: 100px;"; var styleclose ="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;cursor:pointer;"; if (total >= 1) { $('body').append("<div style='" + style + "' id='rioterlinkstable'><div style='" + styleclose + "' id='closeriotertable'>[X]</div>" + total + " rioter posts found ! <br/><br/></div>"); var list = "<ul>"; $.each(linksarray, function(index, value) { var linkid = "ul_link" + index; list += "<li ><a href='#" + value + "' id='" + linkid + "' >" + namesarray[index] + "</a></li>"; }); $("#rioterlinkstable").append(list); } else { $('body').append("<div style='" + style + "' id='rioterlinkstable'> No rioter posted here :( </div>"); } $("#closeriotertable").click(function(){$("#rioterlinkstable").remove();}); } function updatemorecommentslinks() { $("a.button").click(function() { setTimeout(function() { $("#rioterlinkstable").remove(); }, 2000); setTimeout(function() { parse(); updatemorecommentslinks(); }, 2500); }); } $(document).ready(function() { parse(); updatemorecommentslinks(); });