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// ==UserScript== // @name Add Coapplicant // @namespace */Applicants/CreateCoApplicant/* // @version 0.1 // @description Autofill fields when creating a coapplicant on the retailer and agent portal // @author Eduardo Martinez // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match */Applicants/CreateCoApplicant/* // @match */Dealers/CreateCoApplicant/* // @exclude https://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; // Your code here... function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function capitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord(string) { var array = string.split(/(\s+)/), length = array.length, i = 0, word; while (i < length) { //array[i] = array[i].toLowerCase(); // make words lowercased first if you want word = array[i]; if (word.length > 2) { array[i] = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); } i += 1; } return array.join(""); } function findPlace(x) { // Finds the 'place' of the number X // e.g. x = 43,210 findPlace(x) = 10,000 n = 1; while (x >= 10) { x /= 10; n *= 10; } return n; } function findMaxFromPlace(x) { // Finds the max number of length X n = 1; y = 0; for (i = 1; i <= x; i++) { y += 9 * n; n *= 10; } return y; } function randomNumWithXDigits(n) { // With n = 5 places // y = 99999 // x = 10000 // result example: 12345 var y = findMaxFromPlace(n); var x = findPlace(y); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (y - x) + x); } function randomNumBetween(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } function randomPhone() { return ("(" + randomNumWithXDigits(3) + ") " + randomNumWithXDigits(3) + "-" + randomNumWithXDigits(4)); } function randomSocial() { return (randomNumWithXDigits(3) + "-" + randomNumWithXDigits(2) + "-" + randomNumWithXDigits(4)); } function appendLessThan10(x) { // Appends a 0 in from of any number less than 10 if(x < 10) { x = "0" + x; } return x; } /* ----------------------------------------------- */ $.ajax({ url: '', dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ var user = data.results[0].user; var firstName = capitalizeFirstLetter(; var lastName = capitalizeFirstLetter(; var generatedEmail = /g, "_"); var email = generatedEmail.replace("@example", (randomNumWithXDigits(3) + "@gmail")); var address = user.location.street; var streetLine1 = capitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord(address); var username = user.username; $("#FirstName").val(firstName); $("#LastName").val(lastName); $("#EmailAddress").val(email); $("#StreetLine1").val(streetLine1); $("#UserName").val(username); } }); // VARIABLES var today = new Date(); var month = appendLessThan10(today.getMonth() + 1); var year = today.getFullYear(); // APPLICANT INFO var dobYear = randomNumBetween(year - 70, year - 21); var dobMonth = appendLessThan10(randomNumBetween(1, 12)); var dobDay = appendLessThan10(randomNumBetween(1, 28)); //in case of Feb $("#DateOfBirth").val(dobMonth + "/" + dobDay + "/" + dobYear); $("#SocialSecurityNumber").val(randomSocial()); $("#PhoneNumber").val(randomPhone()); $("#FaxNumber").val(randomPhone()); $("#City").val("Salt Lake City"); $("#StateID").val("UT"); $("#PostalCode").val(randomNumWithXDigits(5)); $("#Password, #ConfirmPassword").val("test123!")