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// ==UserScript== // @name CPC Staff Prices // @namespace // @include* // @include* // @description Script to show staff prices inline -- won't work unless you're an employee on the company network. Written by Matt Collinge. // @require // @copyright Matt Collinge // @author e14matt // @license MIT // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @updateURL // @version 2.3 // ==/UserScript== // GUID = 64a6bc68-0d6a-4df1-a22f-18ab15ff265f //debugger; if ($('#sProdList').length>0) { $('#sProdList .sku a').each(function() { var $productCode = $(this).attr('title'); console.log($productCode); $(this).after($('<br><a href="'+$productCode+'&mode=search" title="Staff price page" target="_blank" style="color:green;">» View on Intranet</a>')); }); } if ($('.mainPdpWrapper').length>0) { // NEW WAY - LOOK AT URL var productCode = window.location.pathname.split('/')[window.location.pathname.split('/').length-1] console.log(productCode); if (productCode!=='') { $('<a href="'+productCode+'&mode=search" title="Staff price page" style="padding-left:13px;color:green;" target="_blank">» View on Intranet</a><br><br>').insertAfter('.productPrice'); $('<p id="staffPrice" style="padding-top:5px">Fetching data from staff price server...</p>').insertAfter('.productPrice'); retrieveStaffPrice(productCode); } /* OLD WAY LOOKING AT DOM $('.productDescription dd[itemprop=""]').each(function(index) { var productCode = $(this).html(); productCode = productCode.replace(/ /g, ''); productCode = productCode.replace(/\t/g, ''); productCode = productCode.replace(/\n/g, ''); console.log(productCode); if (productCode!='') { $('<a href="'+productCode+'&mode=search" title="Staff price page" style="padding-left:13px;color:green;" target="_blank">» View on Intranet</a><br><br>').insertAfter('.productPrice'); $('<p id="staffPrice" style="padding-top:5px">Fetching staff price from Intranet...</p>').insertAfter('.productPrice'); retrieveStaffPrice(productCode); } });*/ } function retrieveStaffPrice(skus) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ''+skus+'&mode=search', headers: { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey', 'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml', }, onload: function(responseDetails) { var responseJSON = $.parseJSON(responseDetails.responseText); if (responseJSON.count=='0') { $('#staffPrice').html('Unable to find staff price for this item'); } else { $('#staffPrice').html('<font color="green" size=3><b>Staff Price: </b>£' + responseJSON.items[0].priceIncVat + ' inc VAT</font>'); } } }); }