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// ==UserScript== // @name Create subtask // @namespace // @version 2.1 // @description Automate some tedious tasks in JIRA when creating a subtask // @license MIT // @author Denzel Van Belle, 2019 ( // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @require // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; /** Fill in some default fields with only 1 click. **/ GM_addStyle(` .Tampered_span:hover { opacity: 0.7; } .Tampered_span_blue { background-color: #2A67A5 } .Tampered_span_green { background-color: #4CAF50 } `); var checkExistInterval; setListenerInterval() function setListenerInterval() { checkExistInterval = setInterval(() => { const fieldToTamper = document.getElementsByClassName('qf-field-issuetype')[0]; if (fieldToTamper) { createButton(fieldToTamper, 'development'); createButton(fieldToTamper, 'Biz+Dev'); createButton(fieldToTamper, 'BUSINESS'); fill_summary(); clearInterval(checkExistInterval); addCloseListeners(); } }, 1000); } function addCloseListeners() { const cancelBtn = document.querySelectorAll('#create-issue-submit ~ .cancel')[0]; const submitBtn = document.getElementById('create-issue-submit'); cancelBtn.onclick = setListenerInterval; submitBtn.onclick = setListenerInterval; } function fill_summary() { document.getElementById('summary').addEventListener('input', function (evt) { const summary_field = document.getElementById('summary'); switch (summary_field.value) { case 'dev ': summary_field.value = '[DEV] '; break; case 'test ': summary_field.value = '[TEST] '; break; case 'val ': summary_field.value = '[VAL] '; break; case 'doc ': summary_field.value = '[DOC] '; break; case 'ana ': summary_field.value = '[ANA] '; break; } }); } function createButton(element, name) { const span = document.createElement('span'); if (name === 'development') { span.innerText = "</development>"; span.className = "Tampered_span Tampered_span_blue"; = 'development'; } else { span.innerText = name; span.className = "Tampered_span Tampered_span_green"; = name; } = ` margin-left: 63px; margin-top: 10px; line-height: 3em; color: white; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; cursor: pointer;`; span.onclick = fill_fields; element.append(span); } function fill_fields(e) { fill_labels(; fill_assignedTeam(); check_createAnother(); } function fill_labels(text) { // Add the label in front-end for UX (this label does not affect the subtask) const representation_lbl = document.querySelectorAll('#labels-multi-select .representation .items')[0]; representation_lbl.innerHTML = `<li class=\"item-row\" role=\"option\" aria-describedby=\"label-0\" id=\"item-row-2\"><button type=\"button\" tabindex=\"-1\" class=\"value-item\"><span><span class=\"value-text\">${text}</span></span></button><em class=\"item-delete\" aria-label=\" \" original-title=\"\"></em></li>`; // for the actual value to be picked up, add option to hidden select const hidden_labels_select = document.getElementById('labels'); hidden_labels_select.innerHTML = `<option value="development" title="development" selected="selected">${text}</option>`; trigger_enter() } function fill_assignedTeam() { const assignedTeam_parent = document.getElementById('customfield_14800'); assignedTeam_parent.value = '14200'; trigger_onchange(assignedTeam_parent); const assignedTeam_child = document.getElementById('customfield_14800:1'); assignedTeam_child.value = '14205'; } function check_createAnother() { const createAnother = document.getElementById('qf-create-another'); createAnother.checked = "checked"; } function trigger_onchange(el) { const evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("change", false, true); el.dispatchEvent(evt); } function trigger_enter() { const e = $.Event("keydown"); e.which = 13; e.keyCode = 13; $(document).trigger(e); } })();