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// ==UserScript== // @name Skype Auto Scroll // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description auto scroll skype web version when images are loaded; auto scroll runs as long as you don't scroll up // @author Stefan Curcan // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== //@require // load jQuery and execute the main function addJQuery(waitForInit); function addJQuery(callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src", ""); script.addEventListener('load', function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);(" + callback.toString() + ")();"; document.body.appendChild(script); }, false); document.body.appendChild(script); } function waitForInit() { if (jQ('#shellSplashScreen').length) { setTimeout(waitForInit, 1000); console.log('not yet initiated'); return null; } console.log('skype finally loaded'); main(); } window.main = function(){ //Jquery Here // bind click on chat selector to reset global var var availableChats = jQ('.history.scrollable'); chatScrolled = false; availableChats.on('click', function() { globalChatHeight = 0; chatScrolled = false; //console.log('chat changed'); }); // start trigger jQ(function(){ setInterval(function() { //console.debug('checking for different height'); //console.debug('scrollTop: ', jQ('.conversation.scrollable').scrollTop()); // get chat height var conversation = jQ('.conversation.scrollable:visible'); var chat = conversation.find('div.messageHistory:visible'); var currentHeight = parseInt(chat.css('height')) || 0; var scrolledHeight = conversation.scrollTop(); // set global var if not set if (typeof globalChatHeight == 'undefined' || !globalChatHeight) { //console.debug('setting global var'); //console.debug('currentHeight: ', currentHeight); globalChatHeight = 1; } if (!chatScrolled && !scrolledHeight) { conversation.scrollTop(currentHeight); } else { chatScrolled = true; } // if global var < current height then scroll to bottom if (scrolledHeight && globalChatHeight < currentHeight && globalChatHeight - scrolledHeight < conversation.height()) { //console.debug('currentScrollTop: ', scrolledHeight); //console.debug('globalChatHeight: ', globalChatHeight); //console.debug('currentHeight: ', currentHeight); //console.debug('scrolling to bottom'); // scroll to bottom conversation.scrollTop(scrolledHeight + currentHeight - globalChatHeight); // and update global var //console.debug('scrolled to: ' , scrolledHeight + currentHeight - globalChatHeight ); //console.debug('newScrollTop: ', conversation.scrollTop()); globalChatHeight = currentHeight; } }, 100); console.log('sequence initiated'); }); };