drhouse / 9anime Bingewatcher+ OUJS


Version: 1.1+e1f594d updated

Summary: Automatically plays video in fullscreen, auto-advances to next episode on finish, customizable skip intro and end credits, skip opening titles hotkey (advance 90s forward)

License: MIT

License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0;

Tested on Chrome & Tampermonkey, (Firefox / ViolentMonkey incompatible)

9anime BingeWatcher+
Automatically plays video in fullscreen, auto-advances to next episode on finish, customizable skip intro and end credits, skip opening titles hotkey (advance 90s forward).

After Kissanime removed the ability to watch videos without captcha (Hydrax server removed) a lot of the usefulness from my Kissanime Bingewatcher+ script was gone, so I converted it to work with 9anime, which never has captcha - there were many changes to make, but finally it is out and it should work the same, if it helps get you through quarantine drop some positive feedback :)

I added a 10 second cue of audio beeps before auto-advancing to the next episode, this is intended to give the user time to see if there's extra content before end credits. if so, users can cancel custom 'auto-advancing' as always using (clear end) 'shift + ]'

Default Features:
► autoplays
► fullscreen
► rewind/forward, next episode hotkeys
► auto-advances to next episode when the video ends

N - next episode
K - rewind 90 seconds
L - forward 90 seconds
; - rewind 1 second
' - forward 1 second
. - stored time settings

**Customize keys:** 
        [ - marks start 
        ] - marks end 
shift + [ - clears start 
shift + ] - clears end 
        \ - clear start & end markers

|-[----------| L |----------------------------------------------------------------]-----|

If using custom start/end, you may visualize how it works like above:
| - real start, [ - skip id intro, L - skip opening titles, ] - skip end credits, | - real end

id intro = short company intro, at video start (if exists), around 10 seconds
opening titles = long animation/music sequence, at any time, around 90 seconds
Pressing [ L ] skips forward 90 seconds: **
I've found the modern industry standard for most anime show's opening titles is exactly 90 seconds, the time it starts playing often varies from episode to episode within the same series.
This is why pressing [ L ] as soon as the opening titles start is a perfect way to skip it, whenever it may appear.

How to Use Custom Start:
Pause the video at the end of the id intro (if there is one), then press ' [ '. Pressing ' shift + [ ' will clear the start marker.
The video time will be saved and all episodes in this series will now automatically start playing after the intro.

How to Use Custom End:
Pause the video at the end of the episode content, where the end credits begin, then press ' ] '. Pressing ' shift + ] ' will clear the end marker.
The video time will be saved and all episodes in this series will now automatically advance to the next episode before the end credits.

► Pressing [ \ ] will clear both start & end markers
► Pressing [ . ] will show a notification with 'start time' & 'end time' stored time settings

►You can use [ ; ] & [ ' ] hotkeys (rewind/forward 1 second) and left & right arrow keys (rewind/forward 5s) to help move the player to the time you want to set custom start & end times.
minor note - if you paused and marked an end with ' ] ', unpausing at that time will automatically advance to the next episode.

►Sometimes anime episodes will randomly have extra content over the end credits - so, if you want to give yourself time to check for that, when marking a custom end you may want to include a bit of the end credits, then if needed you can press **' shift + ] **' to clear the end mark and watch them.

User Notes:
► Due to newer browser security, a user must interact with a page before fullscreen will work.
This means that for the first time opening a video page, you should click anywhere empty on the page while the video loads. Afterwards, all other episodes in the session will automatically play in fullscreen.

Alternatively, just click anywhere empty on the page and reload, all pages should autofullscreen from then on.

► The video player should have focus for hotkeys to work (script does auto-focus the player when it first auto-fullscreen's). If the video player does not have focus, regular 9anime hotkeys will probably work instead.

► If you don't want auto-fullscreen, comment out this line:
// openFullscreen(elem);

► On rare occasions, if the page loads too slowly, the video player will show a black screen with the video playing under it - to fix this press numpad '0' key (or regular '0'), this will reset the player screen and start it from the beginning

Rating: 0