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// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Shorts Blaster // @description A userscript to automatically detect and remove YouTube page elements containing shorts outside of the "/shorts" page itself. // @namespace drez3000 // @author drez3000 // @copyright 2024, drez3000 ( // @license MIT // @match *://** // @exclude *://* // @grant none // @version 0.2.0 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== ;(() => { 'use strict' const MAX_DOM_LOOKUP_DEPTH = 22 const MAX_CHECK_FREQUENCY_MS = 350 function oncePageLoaded(callback) { return new Promise((res) => { const resolve = () => res(callback()) if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { // Document is already ready, call the callback immediately resolve() } else { // Document is not ready yet, wait for the DOMContentLoaded event document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolve) } }) } function flatNodesOf( node, { minDepth = 0, maxDepth = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, includeShadowRoot = true } = {}, ) { const nodes = [] const stack = [{ node, depth: 0 }] while (stack.length > 0) { const { node: currentNode, depth } = stack.pop() if (depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth) { nodes.push({ node: currentNode, depth }) } // Add children to the stack with increased depth for (let i = currentNode.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push({ node: currentNode.childNodes[i], depth: depth + 1 }) } if (includeShadowRoot && currentNode.shadowRoot) { stack.push({ node: currentNode.shadowRoot, depth: depth + 1 }) } } return nodes.sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth).map((item) => item.node) } function isMain(node) { const tagName = node?.tagName || '' return tagName.match(/^(html|main|body|content|article)$/i) } function isShortsElement(node) { const tagName = node?.tagName || '' const headers = [...node.querySelectorAll('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6')] return ( tagName.match(/reel/i) || (node?.attributes && node.attributes['is-shorts'] !== undefined) || (headers.length === 1 &&^shorts$/i)) ) } function selectYoutubeShortsThumbnails() { return [...document.querySelectorAll('#contents > ytd-video-renderer')].filter( (node) => [...node.querySelectorAll('a')].filter((a) => a?.href?.match('/shorts')).length > 0, ) } function selectYoutubeShortsSections() { return flatNodesOf(document, { maxDepth: MAX_DOM_LOOKUP_DEPTH }).filter( (node) => typeof node?.querySelectorAll === 'function' && node?.attributes !== undefined && !isMain(node) && isShortsElement(node), ) } function removeYoutubeShorts() { return [...selectYoutubeShortsThumbnails(), ...selectYoutubeShortsSections()].map( (node) => { node?.remove && node.remove() return node }, ) } function check() { if ( document.location.href.match(/youtube\..*\/shorts/i) || document.location.href.match(/youtube\..*\/history/i) || document.location.href.match(/youtube\..*\/playlist/i) || document.location.href.match(/youtube\..*\/account/i) ) { return } const removed = removeYoutubeShorts() if (removed.length) {`[YOUTUBE SHORTS BLASTER] Removed ${removed.length} elements:`, removed) } } function main() { oncePageLoaded(check).then(() => setInterval(check, MAX_CHECK_FREQUENCY_MS)) } main() })()