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// ==UserScript== // @name GDPR Blaster // @description Automatically remove GDPR / Cookie Consent dialogs without accepting or denying prompts. // @namespace drez3000 // @author drez3000 // @copyright 2024, drez3000 ( // @license MIT // @tag productivity // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @version 0.2.0 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== ; (() => { 'use strict' const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 16 const MAX_TRIGGERS = 7 const MAX_DIALOG_REMOVALS = 5 const MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVALS = 5 const MAX_DIALOG_REMOVALS_PER_PASS = 2 const MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVALS_PER_PASS = 2 const MIN_CHECK_DELAY_MS = 50 const MAX_CHECK_DELAY_MS = 300 const MAX_SHADOW_ROOT_CRAWL_DEPTH = 24 const MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVAL_DEPTH = 12 let dialogsClosed = 0 let overlaysClosed = 0 let triggeredCount = 0 function all(conditions, item) { return conditions.find((f) => !f(item)) === undefined } function any(conditions, item) { return conditions.find((f) => f(item)) !== undefined } function oncePageLoaded(callback) { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { // Document is already ready, call the callback immediately callback() } else { // Document is not ready yet, wait for the DOMContentLoaded event document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback) } } function flatNodesOf(node, { minDepth = 0, maxDepth = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, includeShadowRoot = true } = {}) { const nodes = [] const stack = [{ node, depth: 0 }] while (stack.length > 0) { const { node: currentNode, depth } = stack.pop() if (depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth) { nodes.push({ node: currentNode, depth }) } // Add children to the stack with increased depth for (let i = currentNode.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push({ node: currentNode.childNodes[i], depth: depth + 1 }) } if (includeShadowRoot && currentNode.shadowRoot) { stack.push({ node: currentNode.shadowRoot, depth: depth + 1 }) } } return nodes.sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth).map((item) => item.node) } function subtreeMatching(element, conditions = []) { conditions = Array.isArray(conditions) ? conditions : [conditions] conditions = [(node) => != 'HTMLDocument', ...conditions] return flatNodesOf(element) .reverse() .filter((node) => all(conditions, node)) } function getBoundingClientRectWithShadowRoot(node) { const nodes = flatNodesOf(node, { maxDepth: MAX_SHADOW_ROOT_CRAWL_DEPTH }) const parentRect = { top: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, left: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, right: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, bottom: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, width: 0, height: 0 } for (let node of nodes) { const childRect = node?.getBoundingClientRect && node.getBoundingClientRect() if (!childRect || (childRect.bottom === && childRect.left === childRect.right)) { continue } if (childRect?.top < { = } if (childRect?.left < parentRect.left) { parentRect.left = childRect.left } if (childRect?.right > parentRect.right) { parentRect.right = childRect.right } if (childRect?.bottom > parentRect.bottom) { parentRect.bottom = childRect.bottom } } parentRect.width = parentRect.right - parentRect.left parentRect.height = parentRect.bottom - return parentRect } function methodA(node) { const banlist = [ /iubenda/i, /cookie-banner/i, /cookie-popup/i, /cookie-consent/i, /gdpr/i, /^didomi-popup$/i, /^notice-cookie-block$/i, /^tc-privacy-wrapper$/i, /^cmpbox$/i, /^cookie-note$/i, /^cookie-law-info-bar$/i, /^cf-root$/i, /^cookiefirst-root$/i, /^CybotCookiebotDialog$/i, /^usercentrics-root$/i, /^onetrust-consent-sdk$/i, /^onetrust-banner-sdk$/i, /^ppms_cm_popup_overlay$/i, /^consent_blackbar$/i, /^truste-consent-track$/i, /^consent-bump$/i, /^sp_message_container$/i, /^sp_message_container_.*$/i, /^consentBanner$/i, /^cookie-banner-root$/i, /^gdpr-banner-container$/i, /^as-oil$/i, /^iubenda$/i, /^iubenda-cs-banner$/i, /^gdpr$/i, /^cookies$/i, /^cookie$/i, /^privacy-policy$/i, /^privacyPolicy$/i, /^tracking$/i, /^privacy$/i, /^consent$/i, /^qc-cmp[0-9]?-container$/i, /^qc-cmp[0-9]?-ui-container$/i, /^qc-cmp[0-9]?-showing$/i, /^wt-cli-cookie-bar-container$/i, /^wt-cli-cookie-bar$/i, /^BorlabsCookie$/i, /^osano-cm-window$/i, /^js-cookie-consent-banner$/i, /^hx_cookie-banner$/i, /^ytd-consent-bump-v2-lightbox$/i, ] const classes = [...(node?.classList || [])] const id = const haystack = [id].concat(classes) const conditions = => (hay) => hay.match(ban)) const matches = undefined !== haystack.find((hay) => any(conditions, hay)) return matches } function methodB(node) { if (!hasPlausibleSize(node)) { return false } const confirmationHints = [/\ba(cc|kz)e(p)?t/i, /\bagree\b/i, /\bconsent\b/i, /\bcontinue\b/i, /\benable\b/i, /\ballow\b/i, /\bok\b/i] const denialHints = [ /\breject\b/i, /\brifiuta\b/i, /\bdeny\b/i, /\bclose\b/i, /\boptions\b/i, /\bcookie\bpreferences\b/i, /\bcookie\bsettings\b/i, /\b(non)?(-)?essen(t|z)ial\b/i, /\b(ab)?lehnen?/i, ] const contentHints = [/\bcookie(s)?\b/i, /(we|this site) use(s)?/i] const clickableElements = subtreeMatching( node, [ (node) => ( node?.tagName?.match(/^a$/i) || node?.tagName?.match(/button/i) || node?.classList?.toString().match(/(button|btn|clickable)/i) || (node?.tagName?.match(/^input$/i) && node?.attributes?.type?.value?.match(/^submit$/i)) ) ] ) const controlElementRequirements = [ (node) => typeof node?.innerText === 'string' && typeof node?.innerText?.match === 'function', (node) => !node?.classList?.toString().match(/(auth|login|log-in|signin|sign-in|signup|sign-up|register|registration)/i), (node) => node?.innerText?.length <= 32, (node) => !node?.innerText.match(/(auth|login|log in|signin|sign in|signup|sign up|register|registration)/i), ] const controlElements = clickableElements.filter(el => all(controlElementRequirements, el)) const acceptConditions = => (t) => t.match(h)) const has1Accept = controlElements.find((el) => any(acceptConditions, el.innerText)) const denyConditions = => (t) => t.match(h)) const has1Deny = controlElements.find((el) => any(denyConditions, el.innerText)) const contentConditions = => (t) => t.match(h)) const haystackText = node?.innerText || '' const hasMatchingContent = any(contentConditions, haystackText) return !!(node && clickableElements.length >= 2 && (has1Accept || has1Deny) && hasMatchingContent) } const whitelist = ['html', 'body', 'main', 'article'] const detectionMethods = [methodA, methodB] function isNotMain(node) { const qs = whitelist.join(', ') const found = node.querySelector(qs) const tagName = node?.tagName?.toLowerCase() || '' return !whitelist.includes(tagName) && node.role != 'main' && !found } function isNotWhitelisted(node) { const tag = node?.tagName?.toLowerCase() return !!tag && !whitelist.includes(tag) } function hasPlausibleSize(node) { const va = window.innerHeight * window.innerWidth const nr = node?.getBoundingClientRect && getBoundingClientRectWithShadowRoot(node) const na = nr && nr.width * nr.height const rat1 = na && Math.sqrt(na) / Math.sqrt(va) const rat2 = nr && nr.width / nr.height return rat1 > 0.05 && rat1 < 1.1 && rat2 > 0.9 && nr.height < window.innerHeight } function isInViewport(node) { const style = node?.constructor?.name?.match(/Element$/) && window.getComputedStyle(node) const isFixed = !!style && style.position === 'fixed' const fromY = !isFixed ? window.scrollY : 0 const toY = !isFixed ? fromY + window.innerHeight : window.innerHeight const bb = node?.getBoundingClientRect && getBoundingClientRectWithShadowRoot(node) return bb && (( >= fromY && <= toY) || (bb.bottom >= fromY && bb.bottom <= toY)) } function containsClickableSomething(node) { return ( typeof node?.querySelector === 'function' && (node.querySelector('button, a, input[type="submit"]') || subtreeMatching(node, (node) => node?.classList?.toString().match(/(button|btn|clickable)/i)).length) ) } function doesntContainEditableInputFields(node) { const inputTypes = [ 'color', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'email', 'file', 'image', 'month', 'number', 'password', 'range', 'search', 'tel', 'text', 'time', 'url', 'week', ] const qs = => `input[type="${t}"]`).join(', ') const found = node.querySelector(qs) return !found } function isOverlay(node) { const style = window.getComputedStyle(node) const viewport = window.innerHeight * window.innerWidth const rect = node?.getBoundingClientRect && node.getBoundingClientRect(node) const area = node && rect.width * rect.height const rat = area / viewport return ( rat >= 0.8 && (style.height === '100%' || style.height === '100vh' || style.position === 'fixed' || style.position === 'absolute' || style.zIndex >= 1000 || style.opacity < 0.99) ) } function getGdprDialogs() { return subtreeMatching(document, [ (node) => typeof node?.querySelectorAll === 'function', (node) => isNotMain(node), (node) => isNotWhitelisted(node), (node) => containsClickableSomething(node), (node) => doesntContainEditableInputFields(node), (node) => isInViewport(node), (node) => any(detectionMethods, node), ]).sort((a, b) => { const ar = a.getBoundingClientRect() const br = b.getBoundingClientRect() const aa = ar.height * ar.width const ba = br.height * br.width return ba - aa }) } function closeGdprDialogs(limit = 1) { return getGdprDialogs() .filter(node => !!node.remove) .slice(0, limit) .map((node) => {'[GDPR BLASTER] Removing dialog:', node) node.remove() return node }) } function restoreScroll() { // Many websites disable scrolling when the gdpr dialog is open // Since we harshly remove()'d the dialogs, we need to do our best to ensure user can scroll page content const elements = [ document.body, document.querySelector('html'), document.querySelector('main') || document.querySelector('#main'), document.documentElement, document.scrollingElement, ].filter((x) => !!x) const needles = [/no[-_]?scroll/i, /scroll(ing)?[-_]?disabl/i, /disabl.*scroll/i, /(modal|popup|banner|gdpr|consent)[-_]?open/i] for (const element of elements) { const classes = [...element.classList] for (const cls of classes) { for (const needle of needles) { if (cls.match(needle)) { element.classList.remove(cls) } } } = 'scroll' = '' } } function removeOverlays(limit = 1) { return flatNodesOf(document, { maxDepth: MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVAL_DEPTH }) .filter((node) => { return ( typeof node?.querySelector === 'function' && isNotWhitelisted(node) && isOverlay(node) && isNotMain(node) && doesntContainEditableInputFields(node) ) }) .filter(node => !!node.remove) .slice(0, limit) .map((node) => {'[GDPR BLASTER] Removing overlay:', node) node.remove() return node }) } function getDialogsLeftToClose() { return Math.max(0, MAX_DIALOG_REMOVALS - dialogsClosed) } function getOverlaysLeftToClose() { return Math.max(0, MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVALS - overlaysClosed) } function check() { const dltc = Math.min(getDialogsLeftToClose(), MAX_DIALOG_REMOVALS_PER_PASS) const oltc = Math.min(getOverlaysLeftToClose(), MAX_OVERLAY_REMOVALS_PER_PASS) let once = 1 if (dltc > 0) { const closed = closeGdprDialogs(dltc) if (closed.length) { triggeredCount += once once = 0 } } if (oltc > 0) { const closed = removeOverlays(oltc) overlaysClosed += closed.length if (closed.length) { triggeredCount += once once = 0 } } if (once === 0) { document.querySelector('html').style.overflow = '' document.querySelector('html').classList.remove('sp-message-open') restoreScroll() } } function enqueue(i = 0, ms = 0) { const before = setTimeout(() => { check() if ( triggeredCount <= MAX_TRIGGERS && i < MAX_ATTEMPTS && (getDialogsLeftToClose() || getOverlaysLeftToClose()) ) { const elapsed = - before const ms = Math.max(MIN_CHECK_DELAY_MS, Math.min(MAX_CHECK_DELAY_MS, MIN_CHECK_DELAY_MS + ((1.337 ** (i + 23)) / 42) - elapsed)) enqueue(i + 1, ms) } }, ms) } oncePageLoaded(enqueue) })()