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// ==UserScript== // @name ChatFilter // @description Allow user to create ignore and white lists and add Autopilot bot for manage of broadcast // @version 1.0 // @include* // @include http://*/live/* // @match* // @match http://*/live/* // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // [1] не запускаем скрипт во фреймах if (window.self != {return} // [2] дополнительная проверка для хрома if (!window.location.href.match(/\/live\//)) {return} // [3] не хлопаем ушами - без регистрации выход if (!document.getElementById('UserInbox')) {return} // prevent console errors on browsers without firebug original = {}; original = window.console; original.print = window.console.log; // API ведения логов веб-консоли (console.log,, console.warn, console.error) был отключен скриптом на этой странице. window.console = {}; window.console.log = function(){}; window.console.debug = function(){}; function Createfunc( name, attributes ) { var el = document.createElement( name ); if ( typeof attributes == 'object' ) { for ( var i in attributes ) { el.setAttribute( i, attributes[i] ); if ( i.toLowerCase() == 'class' ) { el.className = attributes[i]; } else if ( i.toLowerCase() == 'style' ) { = attributes[i]; } } } for ( var i = 2;i < arguments.length; i++ ) { var val = arguments[i]; if ( typeof val == 'string' ) { val = document.createTextNode( val ) }; el.appendChild( val ); } return el; } var Variables = 'var CFScript_ver = "1.0"; var CFNotify_flag = false; ' var vrbls = Createfunc( "script",{type: "text/javascript"}); vrbls.innerHTML = Variables; document.getElementById('chat_block').appendChild(vrbls); var Scrpt = Createfunc("script",{type: "text/javascript", src: ""+"?"+Math.random() }); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(Scrpt); var DocStile = Createfunc( "link",{href: ""+"?"+Math.random(), type: "text/css", rel: "stylesheet"}); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(DocStile); if(!document.getElementById('myaudio')){ document.body.appendChild(Createfunc( "audio", { id: "myaudio"})); } //creating Chat Filter elements on page document.getElementById('chat_block').appendChild(Createfunc( "div", { id: "ChatFilterBase"}, Createfunc( "div", { id:'ChFMenu_div', class:'ChFMainElements', onclick:"ChatFilterMenu(); return false;"},'ChatFilter:'), Createfunc( "div", { id:'ChFOnOff_div', class:'ChFMainElements OnOffMark_Off'},'OFF'), Createfunc( "div", { id:'ChFBtn_div', class:'ChFMainElements'}, Createfunc("input", {id:'BtnOnOff', type:'button', onclick: "OnOffFilter(); return false;", value:'Вкл'}) ) ));