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// ==UserScript== // @name video length // @namespace // @icon // @version 1.0 // @description Duration of video on // @author drdre1 // @match* // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // ==/UserScript== (function () { const onLength = function (milliseconds, a, video) { let s = milliseconds / 1000; const h = Math.floor(s / 3600); s -= h * 3600; const m = Math.floor(s / 60); s = Math.floor(s - m * 60); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` ${h > 0 ? `${h}:` : ''}${h > 0 ? m.toString().padStart(2, '0') : m}:${s.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`)); a.parentNode.insertBefore(span, a.nextElementSibling || a); if (video && video.dataset) { s = parseInt(milliseconds / 1000); video.dataset.length = s; const slider = document.getElementById('slider_min_length'); if (slider) { slider.max = Math.max(slider.max, s); } } }; const videoLength = function (url, a, video) { const storedTime = window.localStorage.getItem(`$vl#${url}`); if (storedTime && !isNaN(parseInt(storedTime))) { const t = parseInt(storedTime); if (t >= 0) { return onLength(t, a, video); } } const xmlHttpRequest = GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url, method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5', Referer: '', Range: 'bytes=0-140', }, responseType: 'blob', onprogress(response) { if (Math.max(response.loaded, > 150) { xmlHttpRequest.abort(); } }, onload(response) { const m = response.responseText.match(/\x03.*\xe8/); if (m) { const i = response.responseText.indexOf(m[0]) + m[0].length; const s = response.responseText.substring(i, i + 4); const ms = Array.from(s) .map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)) .map((value, index, values) => value * Math.pow(256, values.length - index - 1)) .reduce((a, b) => a + b); window.localStorage.setItem(`$vl#${url}`, ms); return onLength(ms, a, video); } }, }); }; const showSlider = function () { const div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); div.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed; right:0px; top:50px'); div.innerHTML = 'Minimal length:<br>'; const output = div.appendChild(document.createElement('output')); output.setAttribute('id', 'slider_min_length_output'); const slider = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); slider.setAttribute('id', 'slider_min_length'); slider.setAttribute('type', 'range'); slider.setAttribute('step', '1'); slider.setAttribute('min', '1'); slider.setAttribute('max', '5'); slider.setAttribute('value', '1'); slider.addEventListener('input', () => { const minS = parseInt(slider.value); if (minS > 1) { const m = parseInt(slider.value / 60); const s = minS - m * 60; output.textContent = `${m}:${s > 9 ? s : (`0${s}`)}`; document.querySelectorAll('.video') .forEach((vc) => { const video = vc.querySelector('.player video'); if (video && 'length' in video.dataset && video.dataset.length < minS) { = 'none'; } else { = ''; } }); } else { output.textContent = 'Off'; document.querySelectorAll('.video') .forEach((vc) => { = ''; }); } }); }; let minNumberOfVideos = 0; const showOnlyVideosThumbs = function () { document.querySelectorAll('.album') .forEach((album) => { const e = album.querySelector('.album-videos'); if (e && e.textContent && parseInt(e.textContent) && parseInt(e.textContent) >= minNumberOfVideos) { return; } = 'none'; }); }; const showOnlyVideos = function (ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } minNumberOfVideos++; if (document.location.hash.match(/onlyvideos=(\d+)/)) { document.location.hash = document.location.hash.replace(/onlyvideos=\d+/, `onlyvideos=${minNumberOfVideos}`); } else { document.location.hash = `#onlyvideos=${minNumberOfVideos}`; } if (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/a/')) { showOnlyVideosAlbum(); } else { showOnlyVideosThumbs(); } document.querySelectorAll('a[href]') .forEach((a) => { a.hash = `#onlyvideos=${minNumberOfVideos}`; }); }; const showOnlyVideosAlbum = function () { document.querySelectorAll('.media-group') .forEach((mediaGroup) => { if (!mediaGroup.querySelector('.video')) { mediaGroup.remove(); } }); }; const disableShowOnlyVideos = function (ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } document.location.hash = ''; document.location.reload(); }; if (document.querySelectorAll('video') .length > 1) { showSlider(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { document.querySelectorAll('.player video source') .forEach((source) => { const url = source.src; const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(url)); = '_blank'; source.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(a, source.parentNode.parentNode); videoLength(url, a, source.parentNode); }); }); if (document.querySelector('#app-navbar-collapse ul.navbar-right')) { const a = document.querySelector('#app-navbar-collapse ul.navbar-right') .appendChild(document.createElement('li')) .appendChild(document.createElement('a')); a.href = `#onlyvideos=${minNumberOfVideos + 1}`; a.title = 'Right click to disable'; a.addEventListener('click', showOnlyVideos); a.addEventListener('contextmenu', disableShowOnlyVideos); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('only videos')); } if (document.location.hash.match(/onlyvideos=(\d+)/)) { const n = parseInt(document.location.hash.match(/onlyvideos=(\d+)/)[1]); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { showOnlyVideos(); } } }());