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// ==UserScript== // @name dogdrip helper // @namespace // @updateURL // @version 0.3.7 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function($) { 'use strict'; class nextButton { constructor() { this.button = $('<a class="eq button-scroll-tool-item" />'); this.setNormal(); } click( fn ) { this.button.on('click', fn); } getElement() { return this.button; } set text( value ) { this.value = value; this.button.text(this.value); } setNormal() { this.text = '다음글'; } setTimeout(fn, timeout) { fn(); let $this = this; setTimeout(function() { $this.setNormal(); }, timeout||500) } } var viewed_list; var ONextButton = new nextButton(); var originalPage; var processingPage; var nextPageTimeout; function reload_viewed() { viewed_list = (localStorage.getItem('viewed') || '').split(',').map(e=>parseInt(e.match(/\d+/)[0])).filter(e => !!e); if (viewed_list.length > 1000) { viewed_list.splice(0, viewed_list.length - 1000); } } function viewd(view_id) { return viewed_list.includes(view_id); } function not_viewed_click() { reload_viewed(); let isWidget = !!$(this).parents('.xe-widget-wrapper').length; let article_list; if(isWidget) { article_list = $(this).parents('.xe-widget-wrapper').eq(0).find('ul li'); } else { article_list = $(this).parents('main#main').find('tr:not(.notice) td.title'); } let count = 0; let not_viewed_list = getNotViewed(article_list); not_viewed_list.forEach((href) => {'javascript:setTimeout(function(){ location.href="'+href+'"; }, '+((not_viewed_list.length - count++) * 400)+')', '_blank'); }); } function getNotViewed( article_list ) { let not_viewed_list = []; article_list.each(function() { let url = new URL($(this).find('a').last().attr('href')); let article_code = getArticleNumber(url); if (!viewd(article_code)) { not_viewed_list.push(url.href); } }); return not_viewed_list; } function getArticleNumber(url) { try { if(url) { return parseInt(((/\/(\d+)/g).exec(url)??(/document_srl=(\d+)/g).exec(url))[1]); } else { return parseInt(((/\/(\d+)/g).exec(location.pathname)??(/document_srl=(\d+)/g).exec([1]); } } catch(e) { return false; } } function isListPage() { return !!$('.board-list').length; } function isViewPage() { return !!getArticleNumber(); } function getNextPage() { let midLink = $('.link-primary.text-bold._module_title').attr('href'); return $.get(midLink + '?page=' + (processingPage++)); } var currentProcessingListPage = $('body'); function clickNextArticle( e ) { if(nextPageTimeout) { clearTimeout(nextPageTimeout); nextPageTimeout = 0; ONextButton.setTimeout(function() { ONextButton.text = '취소됨'; }); processingPage = originalPage; return; } let article_list = $('main#main', currentProcessingListPage).find('tr:not(.notice) td.title'); let notViewed = getNotViewed(article_list); if(!notViewed.length) { ONextButton.text = (processingPage)+'페이지에서 찾는중...'; nextPageTimeout = setTimeout(() => { getNextPage().then(body => { nextPageTimeout = 0; currentProcessingListPage = $(body); clickNextArticle(); }); }, 1000); return; } else { ONextButton.text = '이동중...'; nextPageTimeout = 0; location.href = notViewed[0]; } } function installNextArticle(target) {; target.append(ONextButton.getElement()); } reload_viewed(); if (isViewPage()) { // 게시글 let article_code = getArticleNumber(); if (!viewd(article_code)) { viewed_list.push(article_code); localStorage.setItem('viewed', viewed_list.toString()); } installNextArticle($('.button-scroll-tool-box')); } if(isListPage() || isViewPage() ) { originalPage = processingPage = parseInt($.trim($('.pagination.pagewide').last().text())); $('body').keydown(function(e) { e = e || window.event; switch( { case "TEXTAREA": case "INPUT": case "VIDEO": return; // do not process event at all } switch(e.keyCode) { case 39: clickNextArticle(); break; case 37: history.back(); break; case 68: $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + 500); break; case 85: $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - 500); break; case 71: $('.btn_voted').click(); break; } }); } let btn = $('<button />'); btn.text('안본거열기');; $('.xe-widget-wrapper').after(btn); $('.link-primary.text-bold._module_title').after(btn); })($);