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// ==UserScript== // @name DuckDuckGO - Extended 5 // @description Extends DuckDuckGo by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines. // @homepage // @icon // @include *://* // @match *://* // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @license MIT // @version 1.0.6 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @author Shubham Singh // ==/UserScript== //[Based on DuckduckMenu script from Shubham Singh]( //Styles function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head') [0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } //Main Menu Style addGlobalStyle('.ddgm { background-color: #FAFAFA; height: 30px; float:left; position:relative; top:0px; left:158px; z-index:999 }'); //Button Style addGlobalStyle('.ddgmbtn { float:left; width:100%; position:relative; top:0px; z-index:999; background-color: #FAFAFA; width: auto; text-align: center; padding: 2px 6px 6px 6px; font-size:1.0em; font-weight:300; color: black;}'); addGlobalStyle('.ddgmbtn:hover { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; text-decoration:none;}'); addGlobalStyle('.ddgmbtn:visited {color: black;}'); //Custom Engine Style addGlobalStyle('.cddgmbtn { background-color: #FAFAFA;}'); //Engine Add Style addGlobalStyle('.addengine { float: right;}'); addGlobalStyle('.addengine:hover { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; text-decoration:none;}'); addGlobalStyle('.addengine:visited {background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black;}'); //Edit Menu Style addGlobalStyle('.enginedit { float: right;}'); addGlobalStyle('.enginedit:hover { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; text-decoration:none;}'); addGlobalStyle('.enginedit:visited {background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black;}'); addGlobalStyle('.removex { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; font-weight: bold; position:relative;}'); addGlobalStyle('.removex:visited {background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black;}') addGlobalStyle('.removex:hover { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; text-decoration:none;}'); addGlobalStyle('.ddgembtn { float: right; background-color: #FAFAFA; width: auto; position:relative; top:0px; z-index:999; padding: 2px 6px 6px 6px; font-size:1.0em; font-weight:300; color: black; text-decoration: none;}'); addGlobalStyle('.ddgembtn:hover { background-color: #FAFAFA; color: black; text-decoration:none;}'); //-DDG-// function ddm() { //Create Menu var searchVal = $('#search_form_input').val(); $('<div>').addClass('ddgm').attr('id', 'ddg_extented').appendTo('.header'); //Load default Engines function LoadDefault() { var gname = GM_getValue('ddgmDisEngines', 'empty'); var dname; var durl; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: dname = 'MapyCZ'; durl = ''; break; case 1: dname = 'GoogleMaps'; durl = ''; break; case 2: dname = 'Wikipedia'; durl = ''; break; case 3: dname = 'Google'; durl = ''; break; case 4: dname = 'IMDB'; durl = ''; break; case 5: dname = 'Youtube'; durl = ''; break; default: alert('Error'); } if (gname.indexOf(dname) < 0) { btncreate(dname, durl, searchVal); } } } //Load Custom Engines function LoadCustom() { var _CEngineName = [undefined]; var _CEngineURL = [undefined]; var arrayLength; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { _CEngineName[i] = GM_getValue('CEngineName' + i, 'empty'); _CEngineURL[i] = GM_getValue('CEngineUrl' + i, 'empty'); if (_CEngineName[i] != 'empty') { cbtncreate(_CEngineName[i], _CEngineURL[i], searchVal); } } } LoadDefault(); LoadCustom(); //Create Settings Menu $('<a>').addClass('ddgembtn').attr('id', 'addmengine').text('Add').attr('href', '#').appendTo('.ddgm'); $('<a>').addClass('enginedit').addClass('ddgmbtn').text('Remove').attr('href', '#').appendTo('.ddgm'); /* Logic */ //Default Engine Creator function btncreate(name, searchEngine, _searchVal) { if (name != undefined & searchEngine != undefined) { $('<a>').addClass('ddgmbtn').addClass('engine').attr('target','_blank').hide().text(name).attr('href', searchEngine + _searchVal).appendTo('.ddgm').fadeIn(100); } }; //Custom Engine Creator function cbtncreate(name, searchEngine, _searchVal) { if (name != undefined & searchEngine != undefined) { searchEngine = searchEngine.replace('{searchTerms}', _searchVal); $('<a>').addClass('ddgmbtn').addClass('engine').addClass('cddgmbtn').hide().text(name).attr('href', searchEngine).prependTo('.ddgm').fadeIn(100); } }; //Edit Engines $('.enginedit').click(function () { if ($('#restoredengines').length) { //if removex exists remove edit menu $('.removex').fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).remove(); }); $('.ddgem').slideUp(300, function () { $(this).remove(); }); } else { //if removex doesn't exist add menu $('<a>').text('x').addClass('removex').hide().attr('href', '#').appendTo('.engine').fadeIn(300); $('<div>').addClass('ddgem').slideDown(300).insertAfter('.ddgm'); $('<a>').addClass('ddgembtn').attr('id', 'addmengine').text('Add new Engine (Manual)').attr('href', '#').appendTo('.ddgem'); $('<a>').addClass('ddgembtn').attr('id', 'restoredengines').text('Restore default Engines').attr('href', '#').appendTo('.ddgem'); } }); //Add Engines Manually $(document).on('click', '#addmengine', function () { var cName = prompt('Engine Name', 'Display Name'); if (name.length < 25) { var cSearchEngine = prompt('Engine URL (Example:{searchTerms})', 'URL'); cbtncreate(cName, cSearchEngine, searchVal); //Save Custom engine var cEnginesave = [undefined]; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { cEnginesave[i] = GM_getValue('CEngineName' + i, 'empty'); if (cEnginesave[i] == 'empty') { GM_setValue('CEngineName' + i, cName); GM_setValue('CEngineUrl' + i, cSearchEngine); break; } } } else { alert('Your title is too long'); } }); //Restore Default Engines $(document).on('click', '#restoredengines', function () { GM_setValue('ddgmDisEngines', 'empty'); location.reload(); }); //Remove Engine $(document).on('click', '.removex', function () { var comparedel = $(this).parent('.engine').clone().children().remove().end().text(); $(this).closest('.engine').remove(); var cEnginedel = [undefined]; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { cEnginedel[i] = GM_getValue('CEngineName' + i, 'empty'); if (cEnginedel[i] == comparedel) { GM_setValue('CEngineName' + i, 'empty'); GM_setValue('CEngineUrl' + i, 'empty'); break; } } var disabledengines = GM_getValue('ddgmDisEngines', 'empty'); GM_setValue('ddgmDisEngines', disabledengines + ' ' + comparedel); disabledengines = GM_getValue('ddgmDisEngines', 'empty'); }); } //-MyCroft-// var mycroft = { plugins: null, addLinks: function (p) { if (p) { this.plugins = document.evaluate('//a[@href="/jsreq.html"]', p, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var reviews = document.evaluate('//a[.="[Review]"]', p, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var addLink = document.createElement('a'); addLink.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0)'); addLink.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left:5px; color:#000099'); addLink.innerHTML = '[Add to DDM]'; for (var i = 0, tmp; i < reviews.snapshotLength; i++) { tmp = addLink.cloneNode(true); tmp.setAttribute('data-ind', i); tmp.addEventListener('click', this.addNewEngine, false); reviews.snapshotItem(i).parentNode.insertBefore(tmp, reviews.snapshotItem(i).nextSibling); } } }, addNewEngine: function () { var i = this.getAttribute('data-ind'); var name = mycroft.plugins.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML.split(' (') [0].split(' -') [0]; var newEngine = mycroft.plugins.snapshotItem(i).getAttribute('onClick').split('\'') [1]; var newName = prompt('This engine will be added to DDG Extended.\nGive a name or cancel.', name); if (newName && newName.length > 0) { this.innerHTML = '[Added]'; this.removeEventListener('click', this.addNewEngine, false); = '#009900'; this.removeAttribute('href'); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '' + newEngine + '.xml', onload: function (response) { var responseXML = null; // Inject responseXML into existing Object (only appropriate for XML content). if (!response.responseXML) { responseXML = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/xml'); } var engine = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('Url'); if (engine.length > 0 && engine[0].getAttribute('template')) { var cEnginesave = [undefined]; for (var f = 0; f < 15; f++) { cEnginesave[f] = GM_getValue('CEngineName' + f, 'empty'); if (cEnginesave[f] == 'empty') { GM_setValue('CEngineName' + f, newName); GM_setValue('CEngineUrl' + f, engine[0].getAttribute('template')); break; } } } } }); } } }; //Function Calling if (window.location.href.indexOf('') !== - 1) { mycroft.addLinks(document.getElementById('plugins')); } else { ddm(); }