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// ==UserScript== // @name (dm) Deviant Art Gallery Ripper (old slowmode) // @namespace DeviantRipperSlow // @description Click button and generate a list of direct image link urls for all images for a users gallery. // @version 1.1.11 // @lastupdated 2014-04-17 // @match *://** // @exclude *://** // @exclude *://** // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== /* * Known issue: Scanning browse pages with google chrome fails * because chrome does not allow cross site xmlHttp requests. * This is by design and I don't know of any workaround. * Button displays appropriate message and is disabled. * see * this might have been worked around by DA changing their server settings for origins * * When browsing a search/gallery and clicking a thumbnail to load full image * on HTML5 browsers the GET button disappears. This is because DA hides * the panel holding the button. Refreshing the page while viewing the single * image will redraw the GET button allowing you to grab all images in the * single image artist's gallery. * * */ // Clicking the button will make script locate first page of user gallery // (if viewing image page) then parse out each image in gallery and then // get direct image links for the gallery. If looking at index page of // thumbnails it will start at current page and work deeper. //************************* // Global Var's var ScriptDebug = false; var SuperVerbose = false; var GM_log; if (typeof GM_log === 'undefined') { GM_log = function (str) { console.log(str); }; } function DebugLog (str) { pages.debugLogText = pages.debugLogText + str + "\r\n"; if (ScriptDebug === true) { if (arguments.length === 1) { GM_log(str); } else { GM_log(arguments); } } } //recurse var used for thumbnail pages mainly. if set to non true and button //clicked on single page it doesn't really do anything useful. var pages = { debugLog: document.createElement('textarea'), debugLogText: '', tableFailed: document.createElement('table'), isChrome: /Chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent), isFireFox: /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent), loggedIn: false, recurse: true, // recurse into lower gallery pages ignorePages: { /* used in button generation function. If any return true button is not generated. place items here that are not easily matched to @exclude meta header make expression trigger to true for it to ignore page, false to act normal. */ ProfileTab: (document.querySelector(' > a[gpage_name="userpage"]')) ? true : false }, abort_links: false, // flag to abort link grabbing Current: 0, // current counter reused for image and gallery parsing TotalImages: 0, // total counter used for image parsing URLs: [], // holder for url html list URLbox: document.createElement('textarea'), GalleryData: {},// holds thumbnail image target info GalleryTemplate: function () { this.isFetched = false; // if page was fetched set during ScanImage this.Failed = null; // flag if page failed to find a image link this.error = ''; // error value to show on list this.url = null; // url of image page set during ScanGallery = null; // id of image set during ScanImage this.ddl = null; // ddl link to image file set by ScanImage this.title = null; // title of the image for failure display this.xhttp = null; // xHttpRequest result holder }, GalleryPages: [], // list of urls to thumbnail pages needed to fetch ToParse: [], // list of urls of single image pages that need to be parsed for DDL fetchStatus: 0, // status id for script checking status: // 0 = not started, 1 = getting indexes // 2 = getting image DDL, 3 = finished everything // 4 = displayed urls (finished or aborted) xmlHttp_Counter: { MAXREQ: 4, runCon: 0, interval: null }, // end xmlHttp_Counter btn: { // button holder btnID : null, debugToggleCheck : function (eventID) { DebugLog('debugToggleCheck()'); // if shift cause script reset if ((eventID.shiftKey === true) && (eventID.altKey === false) && (eventID.ctrlKey === false)) { DebugLog('*** Resetting script status. ***'); pages.ToParse = []; pages.fetchStatus = 0; pages.GalleryPages = []; pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon = 0; pages.URLs = []; pages.Current = 0; pages.TotalImages = 0; pages.GalleryData = {}; pages.abort_links = false; clearInterval(pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval); pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval = null; pages.debugLogText = '';['display'] = 'none'; pages.debugLog.value = '';['display'] = 'none'; pages.URLbox.innerHTML = '';['display'] = 'none'; pages.tableFailed.innerHTML = ''; pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Get URLs for Gallery'; pages.btn.btnID.removeEventListener('click', pages.btn.AbortLinkChecking, false); pages.btn.btnID.addEventListener('click', pages.btn.GetLinks, false); } // if control+alt toggle debug display if ((eventID.altKey === true) && (eventID.ctrlKey === true)) { DebugLog('debug log toggle current: ' +['display']); switch (['display']) { case '':['display'] = 'none'; //pages.debugLog.value = ''; break; case 'none': pages.debugLog.value = pages.debugLogText;['display'] = ''; break; } } }, // button click abort function AbortLinkChecking : function (eventID) { // ignore click if holding control+alt in order to trigger debug log view if ((eventID.altKey === true) || (eventID.ctrlKey === true) || (eventID.shiftKey === true)) { return; } pages.abort_links = true; DebugLog('AbortLinkChecking()'); pages.btn.btnID.removeEventListener('click', pages.btn.AbortLinkChecking, false); pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Aborted: ' + pages.btn.btnID.value; DebugLog('FetchStatus: ' + pages.fetchStatus); if (pages.fetchStatus > 1) pages.DoneDisplayUrlList(); pages.GalleryPages = []; pages.ToParse = []; }, // end AbortLinkChecking // creates the click button for our page GenerateButton : function () { DebugLog('Call: GenerateButton()'); var new_button; var btnLoc; var ignores; // Check if page is in the ignore list for (ignores in pages.ignorePages) { DebugLog('Checking ignore flag of ' + ignores + ' : ' + pages.ignorePages[ignores]); if (pages.ignorePages[ignores] === true) { DebugLog('We should ignore this page. No button creation.'); // get out if we hit a page match return; } } pages.loggedIn = (document.querySelector('td#oh-menu-deviant > a.oh-l > span > span.username')) ? true : false; DebugLog('User is logged in: ' + pages.loggedIn);['display'] = 'none'; document.body.insertBefore(pages.URLbox, document.body.firstChild);['display'] = 'none'; document.body.insertBefore(pages.tableFailed, document.body.firstChild);['display'] = 'none'; pages.debugLog.rows = 15;['width'] = '100%'; document.body.insertBefore(pages.debugLog, document.body.firstChild); new_button = document.createElement('input'); new_button.type = 'button'; new_button.value = 'Get URLs for Gallery'; new_button.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return false;'); new_button.addEventListener('click', pages.btn.debugToggleCheck, false); /* * use individual selector OR's to get target by preference instead of first * dom object availability * * alternate: btnLoc = document.querySelector('#gmi-ResViewContainer, #gmi-GalleryEditor, #output'); */ btnLoc = document.querySelector('#gmi-ResViewContainer') || document.querySelector('#gmi-GalleryEditor') || document.querySelector('#output'); if (btnLoc) { btnLoc.insertBefore(new_button, btnLoc.firstChild); new_button.addEventListener('click', pages.btn.GetLinks, false); } else { new_button.value = 'Root Thumbnail Page?'; document.body.insertBefore(new_button, document.body.firstChild); } // Disable button on base domain if using chrome due to same origin complications /* DA seems to have changed server settings to fix same origin * issues from and other subdomains commented * for testing. will re-enable if problems show up. * actually seems to have been Chrome whose behavior changed. If script is loaded * as an extension it is allowed to violate same origin rules. If pasted into the * developer console it errors out same origin failures. if (document.location.hostname === '' && pages.isChrome === true) { new_button.value = 'Script will fail on root'; new_button.disabled = true; } */ DebugLog('Created Button:'); DebugLog(new_button); return new_button; }, // end GenerateButton // called when button is clicked to start grabbing thumnail pages GetLinks : function (eventID) { // ignore click if holding control+alt in order to trigger debug log view if ((eventID.altKey === true) || (eventID.ctrlKey === true) || (eventID.shiftKey === true)) { return; } DebugLog('Call: GetLinks()'); var galleryLink = document; var a_gallery; pages.btn.btnID.removeEventListener('click', pages.btn.GetLinks, false); pages.btn.btnID.addEventListener('click', pages.btn.AbortLinkChecking, false); if (!checkers.isThumbnailGallery(galleryLink)) { DebugLog('Current page is not a gallery trying to find it.'); // find the gallery thumbnail link a_gallery = document.querySelector('a[onclick*="gallery"]'); if (a_gallery) { galleryLink = a_gallery.href; } if (!galleryLink) { throw 'Error finding upper gallery'; } GM_log(galleryLink); } else { galleryLink = document.location.href; } pages.GalleryPages.push(galleryLink); DebugLog(pages.GalleryPages); pages.fetchStatus = 1; pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval = setInterval(heartBeats.LoadGalleries, 50); } // end GetLinks }, // end btn DoneDisplayUrlList : function () { DebugLog('Call: DoneDisplayUrlList()'); if (pages.fetchStatus > 3) return; var urlList; urlList = pages.URLbox; urlList.rows = 15; //urlList.cols = 140;['width'] = '100%'; urlList.innerHTML = pages.URLs.join('\r\n');['display'] = ''; pages.fetchStatus = 4; if (pages.TotalImages !== pages.URLs.length) { pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Some pages failed to find links (found ' + pages.URLs.length + ' of ' + pages.TotalImages + ')'; pages.ShowFailedUrlList(); } else { pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Displaying (found ' + pages.URLs.length + ' of ' + pages.TotalImages + ')'; } }, // end DoneDisplayUrlList ShowFailedUrlList : function () { DebugLog('Call: ShowFailedUrlList()'); var counter; var failedURLs; var tableFailed, tableInner; tableFailed = pages.tableFailed; tableFailed.width = '100%'; tableFailed.border = '2 px'; tableInner = ''; for (counter in pages.GalleryData) { if (pages.GalleryData[counter].Failed === true) { tableInner = tableInner + '<a href="' + pages.GalleryData[counter].url + '">' + pages.GalleryData[counter].title + '</a> ' + pages.GalleryData[counter].error + '<br/>'; DebugLog(pages.GalleryData[counter]); } } tableInner = '<tbody><tr><td>' + '<b>Failed Pages:</b>' + '</td></tr><tr><td>' + tableInner + '</td></tr></tbody>'; tableFailed.innerHTML = tableInner;['display'] = ''; }, // end ShowFailedUrlList /* function Get_URL_CB(url_link, callback, GalleryIndex) multithreaded url fetching routine url_link : downloads contect from this url callback : function to call once content is downloaded called as callback(DOM object, GalleryIndex) DOM object containing newly downloaded page content GalleryIndex: identifier of the image # to reference pages.GalleryPage gets url contents and puts in an on the fly div then calls routine "callback" with div object */ Get_URL_CB : function (url_link, callback, GalleryIndex) { DebugLog('Call: Get_URL_CB(' + url_link + '): index: ' + GalleryIndex); pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon += 1; try { var http_req = new XMLHttpRequest(); http_req.onreadystatechange = function(xHttpRequest) { //if (GalleryIndex) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].xhttp = xHttpRequest; } DebugLog('args', arguments); DebugLog('xmlhttpRequest readystate_change: ' + + ' ' + url_link); if ( == 4) { if ( == 200) { DebugLog('xmlhttpRequest response: ' + + ' ' + + ' ' + url_link); if (checkers.isAborted()) return; if (ScriptDebug && SuperVerbose) { DebugLog('Response: ' +; } DebugLog('Got 200 OK: ' + url_link); var xmlDoc = document.createElement('div'); xmlDoc.innerHTML =; callback(xmlDoc, GalleryIndex); while (xmlDoc.firstChild) { xmlDoc.removeChild(xmlDoc.firstChild); } xmlDoc = null; } else { DebugLog('xmlhttpRequest status error: ' + + '. If 0, Probably using chrome and errored on cross-domain issue.'); if ( === 0) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error = 'Cross Domain Block'; } // call the callback so we decrement the fetch counter and try another callback(document.createElement('div'), GalleryIndex); } pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon -= 1; } };'GET', url_link, true); http_req.send(''); } catch (err) { //nothing to do really pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon -= 1; DebugLog('Error occured: ' + err.message); } }, // end Get_URL_CB /* function GM_Get_URL_CB(url_link, callback, GalleryIndex) multithreaded url fetching routine url_link : downloads contect from this url callback : function to call once content is downloaded called as callback(DOM object, GalleryIndex) DOM object containing newly downloaded page content GalleryIndex: identifier of the image # to reference pages.GalleryPage gets url contents and puts in an on the fly div then calls routine "callback" with div object grease monkey specific url fetching routine needs to be used in firefox when handling search thumbnail pages to get around the same origin limitations. can be used in google chrome as converted userscript but still has same origin restriction so will fail on search pages. */ GM_Get_URL_CB : function (url_link, callback, GalleryIndex) { DebugLog('Call: GM_Get_URL_CB(' + url_link + '): index: ' + GalleryIndex); pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon += 1; try { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method:'GET', url:url_link, onload:function(xHttpRequest) { //if (GalleryIndex) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].xhttp = xHttpRequest; } DebugLog('GM_xmlhttpRequest onload: ' + xHttpRequest.readyState + ' ' + url_link); if (checkers.isAborted()) return; if (xHttpRequest.readyState == 4) { if (xHttpRequest.status == 200) { DebugLog('xmlhttpRequest response: ' + xHttpRequest.readyState + ' ' + xHttpRequest.status + ' ' + url_link); if (checkers.isAborted()) return; if (ScriptDebug && SuperVerbose) { GM_log('Response: ' + xHttpRequest.responseText); } DebugLog('Got 200 OK: ' + url_link); var xmlDoc = document.createElement('div'); xmlDoc.innerHTML = xHttpRequest.responseText; callback(xmlDoc, GalleryIndex); while (xmlDoc.firstChild) { xmlDoc.removeChild(xmlDoc.firstChild); } xmlDoc = null; } else { DebugLog('xmlhttpRequest status error: ' + xHttpRequest.status + '. If 0, Probably using chrome and errored on cross-domain issue.'); if (xHttpRequest.status === 0) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error = 'Cross Domain Block'; } // call the callback so we decrement the fetch counter and try another callback(document.createElement('div'), GalleryIndex); } pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon -= 1; } } }); } catch (err) { //nothing to do really pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon -= 1; DebugLog('Error occured: ' + err.message); } } // end GM_Get_URL_CB }; // end pages var //if (pages.isChrome) pages.Get_URL_CB = GM_Get_URL_CB; if (pages.isFireFox === true) { pages.Get_URL_CB = pages.GM_Get_URL_CB; } //END Global Var's DebugLog('Current URL loaded from: ' + document.location.href); pages.btn.btnID = pages.btn.GenerateButton(); var parsers = { FindThumbnailContainer : function (docbase) { return docbase.querySelector( // regular gallery 'div[gmi-pager_id="gallery_pager"], ' + //'div#gmi-ResourceStream, ' + //', ' + //'div.browse2-results, ' + //'div.results-page-thumb, ' + // channels 'div#channelContent, ' + // critique's page //'div#critique-fullpage-page, ' + // daily deviations 'div#dailyDevs, ' + // personal favorites and gallery // uses global regular gallery //'div#gmi-EditableResourceStream, ' + // more like this search results // generic browse 'div#browse-results' //'div.browse-results-page >' ); }, /* GetImageLinksOnGalleryPage(docbase, GalleryURL) requires docbase: DOM Object to scan requires GalleryURL: String containing url of page that is being scanned */ GetImageLinksOnGalleryPage : function (docbase, GalleryURL) { DebugLog('Call: GetImageLinksOnGalleryPage(' + GalleryURL + ')'); var image_links; var thumb_count; var newdocbase; var GalleryIndex; // look for thumbnail container DebugLog('Searching for thumbnail container on: ' + GalleryURL); newdocbase = parsers.FindThumbnailContainer(docbase); if (newdocbase) { image_links = newdocbase.querySelectorAll('a[class*="thumb"]'); } else { throw 'Error finding thumbnail window.'; } if (!image_links) { // no thumbnails found so stop searching pages // this happens if you scan browse pages and it runs over the 1000 image limit if (docbase.querySelector('div.browse-no-results')) { pages.recurse = false; } return; } thumb_count = image_links.length; for (image_counter = 0; image_counter < thumb_count; image_counter += 1) { DebugLog('image_counter=' + image_counter + '; ' + 'thumb_count=' + thumb_count + '; ' + image_links[image_counter].href); pages.TotalImages += 1; GalleryIndex = pages.TotalImages; // DebugLog('Push parse: ' + GalleryIndex + ' ' + image_links[image_counter].href); pages.ToParse.push([GalleryIndex, image_links[image_counter].href]); pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex] = new pages.GalleryTemplate; pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].url = image_links[image_counter].href; pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].ImageID = 'NotLoaded-' + pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].url.split('/').pop(); pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].title = pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].ImageID; pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].Failed = true; // DebugLog(pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex]); } if (ScriptDebug && SuperVerbose) { GM_log(pages); } }, // end GetImageLinksOnGalleryPage /* GetNextGalleryPageLink(docbase) requires docbase: DOM Object returns string of url for next page */ GetNextGalleryPageLink : function (docbase) { DebugLog('Call: GetNextGalleryPageLink()'); var newdocbase; var rtn_val; // test for prev-next-links - works on browse pages DebugLog('Looking for pagination container'); newdocbase = docbase.querySelector('div#prev-next-links, div#gallery_pager, div.pagination'); DebugLog('Looking for next button'); if (newdocbase) rtn_val = newdocbase.querySelector(' > a, a.load_more'); if (rtn_val) { DebugLog('NextGallery: ' + rtn_val.href); return rtn_val.href; } else return false; } // end GetNextGalleryPageLink }; // end parsers var callbacks = { /* function callback_ScanPages(docbase) called when gallery page html is loaded so we can parse images out and set next page */ ScanGallery : function (docbase, GalleryURL) { DebugLog('Call: ScanGallery(' + GalleryURL + ')'); pages.Current += 1; pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Loading gallery page ' + pages.Current; parsers.GetImageLinksOnGalleryPage(docbase, GalleryURL); if (pages.recurse === true) { nextPage = parsers.GetNextGalleryPageLink(docbase); if (nextPage) pages.GalleryPages.push(nextPage); } }, // end ScanGallery // callback routine when getting an image page to parse out the DDL link. ScanImage : function (docbase, GalleryIndex) { DebugLog('Call: ScanImage(' + docbase + ', ' + GalleryIndex + ')'); if (SuperVerbose) { DebugLog("docbase code: \n" + docbase.innerHTML); } var dlbutton; var fullimage; var title; var ImageID; pages.Current += 1; pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Loading image page ' + pages.Current + ' of ' + pages.TotalImages; DebugLog('Loading image page ' + pages.Current + ' of ' + pages.TotalImages); ImageID = docbase.querySelector('*[gmi-id]'); if (!ImageID) { ImageID = 'FailedID-' + pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].url.split('/').pop(); } else { ImageID = ImageID.getAttribute('gmi-id'); } //if (ImageID) { ImageID = ImageID.getAttribute('gmi-id'); } DebugLog('ImageID: ' + ImageID); pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].id = ImageID; pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].isFetched = true; title = docbase.querySelector('meta[name="og:title"], meta[name="title"]'); if (title) { title = title.getAttribute('content'); } pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].title = title || ImageID; if (pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error !== '') { if (pages.Current === pages.TotalImages) { pages.DoneDisplayUrlList(); } return; } /* * download examples: * PSD: * TXT: * HTML: * SWF: * */ dlbutton = docbase.querySelector('a#download-button,'); if (dlbutton) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].ddl = dlbutton.href; pages.URLs.push(dlbutton.href); } else { fullimage = docbase.querySelector('img[name="gmi-ResViewSizer_fullimg"],'); if (fullimage) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].ddl = fullimage.href; pages.URLs.push(fullimage.src); } else { // no image found, check for mature filter if (docbase.querySelector('div#filter-warning')) { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error = 'Mature content filter.'; } // no mature filter so set generic no image error. probably a text page for a poem or something. else { pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error = 'No download or large image found.'; } // check if we're done loading since the throw below will prevent a if (pages.Current === pages.TotalImages) { pages.DoneDisplayUrlList(); } throw pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].error + ' (' + pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].url + ')'; } } pages.GalleryData[GalleryIndex].Failed = false; if (pages.Current == pages.TotalImages) { pages.DoneDisplayUrlList(); } } // end ScanImage }; // end callbacks var heartBeats = { // heartbeat while loading galleries LoadGalleries : function () { if ((pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon < pages.xmlHttp_Counter.MAXREQ) && (pages.GalleryPages.length)) { DebugLog("HeartBeat LoadGalleries()\n" + 'running connections: (' + pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon + ') ' + 'max running (' + pages.xmlHttp_Counter.MAXREQ + ')'); checkers.NextGallery(); } if ((pages.GalleryPages.length == 0) && (pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon == 0)) { DebugLog('Stopping heartbeat out of galleries to check.'); clearInterval(pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval); pages.btn.btnID.value = 'Finished loading galleries (' + pages.Current + ')'; pages.Current = 0; pages.fetchStatus = 2; pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval = setInterval(heartBeats.LoadImages, 50); } }, // end LoadGalleries // heartbeat while loading images LoadImages : function () { if ((pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon < pages.xmlHttp_Counter.MAXREQ) && (pages.ToParse.length)) { DebugLog("HeartBeat LoadImages()\n" + 'running connections: (' + pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon + ') ' + 'max running (' + pages.xmlHttp_Counter.MAXREQ + ')'); checkers.NextImage(); } if ((pages.ToParse.length == 0) && (pages.xmlHttp_Counter.runCon == 0)) { DebugLog('Stopping heartbeat out of images to load.'); pages.fetchStatus = 3; clearInterval(pages.xmlHttp_Counter.interval); } } // end LoadImages }; // end heartBeats var checkers = { // checkers.isThumbnailGallery (doc) // return true if page seems to be a gallery // or false if it looks like its a single image page // detection is looking for the comments by the artist // usually found on the single image page isThumbnailGallery : function (docbase) { var rtnval; DebugLog('Call: isThumbnailGallery()'); rtnval = (parsers.FindThumbnailContainer(docbase)) ? true : false; DebugLog('return ' + rtnval); return rtnval; }, // end isThumbnailGallery // get our next gallery page from our stack NextGallery : function () { var link_info; DebugLog('Call: NextGallery()'); if (checkers.isAborted()) return; if (pages.GalleryPages.length) { link_info = pages.GalleryPages.shift(); pages.Get_URL_CB(link_info, callbacks.ScanGallery, link_info); } }, // end NextGallery // get the next image page from our stack NextImage : function () { var link_info; DebugLog('Call: NextImage()'); if (checkers.isAborted()) return; if (pages.ToParse) { // pull image page url and index off the stack // index 0 is the page #, index 1 is the url link_info = pages.ToParse.shift(); pages.Get_URL_CB(link_info[1], callbacks.ScanImage, link_info[0]); } }, // end NextImage // function checkers.isAborted () // check if we clicked the button to abort script // if we did it requires a page reload to start again isAborted : function () { DebugLog('checkers.isAborted(): ' + pages.abort_links); if (pages.abort_links) { return true; } return false; } // end isAborted }; // end checkers