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// ==UserScript== // @name auto bet x2.5(cay RP) // @namespace Hacking // @description Auto bet x2.5 // @author ... // @include* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @version 0.0.1 // @icon // @credit ... // ==/UserScript== (function() { var _maxProfitPercent = 1.003; var _startBalance = $('#balance').text(); function higherBet() { $(".max-bet").text("Cược cao nhất: " + higherbet + " BTC"); } function changeBet(a) { startValue = a; } function realtime(a) { var b = parseInt(a, 10), c = Math.floor(b / 3600), d = Math.floor((b - 3600 * c) / 60), e = b - 3600 * c - 60 * d; if(0 != c) c += " Hours "; else c = ""; if(0 != d) d += " Minutes "; else d = ""; if(10 > e) (e = e); var a = "Playing time = " + c + d + e + " Secondes"; return a; } function roundnumb() { if(round == stopAt) stopGame(); else{ round += 1; $(".so-lan-danh").text("Lần đánh: " + round + " / " + stopAt); } var a = $("#balance").text(), b = (Number(a) - Number(startbalance)).toFixed(8); $(".check-start").html('Lợi nhuận: <span style="color:#f00">' + b + "</span> BTC"); } function multiply() { var d = $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(), e = (1 * d).toFixed(8); $(".win-dupbo").val(); $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(e); if(e > higherbet) (higherbet = e); } function multiply_2() { if (($('#balance').text() / _startBalance) >= _maxProfitPercent) stopGame(); var a = $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(), b = $(".xbefore").val(), c = 2e-8 * b, d = $(".maxloser").val(), e = (a * b).toFixed(8); if(e > c){ multi = (2 * a).toFixed(8); if(multi > d)(multi = (1e-8 * b).toFixed(8)); $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(multi); } else $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(e); } function getRandomWait() { var a = parseInt($(".win-dupbo").val()), b = maxWait + 10 * a; return console.log("Đang đợi " + b + "ms trước khi đặt cược tiếp theo."), b; } function startGame(a) { starttime = (new Date).getTime(); startValue = 0.00000002; checkch = 4; xb = 2; ma = 0.002; oldbet = startValue; $(".xbefore").val(xb); $(".maxloser").val(ma); $(".maxheight").val(checkch); round = 0; gameLost = 0; gameWin = 0; reset(); if(1 == x) $hiButton.trigger("click"); else $loButton.trigger("click"); stopAt = null !== a ? a : -1; } function stopGame() { stopped = !0; startValue = oldbet; } function reset() { if(round % 100 === 0 && 0 != round) (startValue = (1 * startValue).toFixed(8)); $("#double_your_btc_stake").val(startValue); } function deexponentize(a) { return 1e6 * a; } function iHaveEnoughMoni() { var a = deexponentize(parseFloat($("#balance").text())), b = deexponentize($("#double_your_btc_stake").val()); return 2 * a / 100 * (2 * b) > stopPercentage / 100; } function stopBeforeRedirect() { var a = parseInt($("title").text()); return stopBefore > a ? (stopGame(), !0) : !1; } var startbalance = 0, stopAt = "?", round = 0, gameLost = 0, gameWin = 0, higherbet = 0; startbalance = $("#balance").text(); var startValue = "0.00000002", stopPercentage = 0.001, maxWait = 300, stopped = !1, stopBefore = 2, oldbet = 1e-8.toFixed(8), xbefore = 100, maxloser = 64e-5.toFixed(8), $loButton = $("#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button"), $hiButton = $("#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button"), x = Math.floor(2 * Math.random() + 1); $("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").unbind(); $("#double_your_btc_bet_win").unbind(); $("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function(a) { if ($(a.currentTarget).is(':contains("lose")')) { var b = parseInt($(".win-dupbo").val()), c = parseInt($(".maxheight").val()), d = parseInt($(".xbefore").val()), e = (parseInt($(".maxloser").val()), parseInt($(".wuynh-hi").val()), parseInt($(".wuynh-lo").val())), f = (parseInt($(".an-hi").val()), parseInt($(".thua-hi").val()), parseInt($(".an-lo").val()), parseInt($(".thua-lo").val())); if(0 == c) alert("Số max cao nhất chưa nhập !"); if(0 == d) alert("Số cược nhân lên đầu chưa nhập !"); gameLost += 1; roundnumb(); $(".thang-thua").html('<span style="color:green">Win: ' + gameWin + " - Lost: " + gameLost + "</span>"); endtime = (new Date).getTime(); var g = (Math.floor((endtime - starttime) / 1e3), parseInt($(".win-next").val())); parseInt($(".win-dupbo").val()); higherBet(); $(".win-dupbo").val(b + 1); var h = e + 1, i = f + 1, b = parseInt($(".check-win").val()); if ($(".wuynh-lo").val(h), $(".thua-lo").val(i), g >= c){ $(".check-win").val(b + 1); multiply_2(); setTimeout(function() { var a = Math.floor(2 * Math.random() + 1); if(1 == a) $loButton.trigger("click"); else $hiButton.trigger("click"); },getRandomWait()); } else { var j = parseInt($(".check-lose").val()); if(1 == j) multiply_2(); else { $(".win-next").val(0);$(".check-lose").val(0); $(".check-win").val(0); multiply(); reset(); } setTimeout(function() { var a = Math.floor(2 * Math.random() + 1); if(1 == a) $loButton.trigger("click"); else $hiButton.trigger("click"); }, getRandomWait()); } } }); $("#double_your_btc_bet_win").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function(a) { if ($(a.currentTarget).is(':contains("win")')) { console.clear(); gameWin += 1; roundnumb(); endtime = (new Date).getTime(); Math.floor((endtime - starttime) / 1e3); if (higherBet(), stopBeforeRedirect()) return; if (iHaveEnoughMoni()) { var b = (parseInt($(".wuynh-hi").val()), parseInt($(".wuynh-lo").val())), c = (parseInt($(".an-hi").val()), parseInt($(".an-lo").val())), d = b + 1, e = c + 1, f = (parseInt($(".thua-lo").val()), parseInt($(".check-win").val()), parseInt($(".win-next").val())), g = parseInt($(".win-dupbo").val()), h = parseInt($(".check-lose").val()), i = parseInt($(".check-win").val()), j = parseInt($(".maxheight").val()); if ($(".wuynh-lo").val(d), $(".an-lo").val(e), $(".win-next").val(f + 1), g >= j ? ($(".check-lose").val(h + 1), multiply_2()) : ($(".win-dupbo").val(0), reset()), g >= j && h >= 1 && ($(".win-next").val(0), $(".check-lose").val(0), $(".check-win").val(0), $(".win-dupbo").val(0), multiply(), reset()), f >= j && i >= 1 && ($(".win-next").val(0), $(".check-lose").val(0), $(".check-win").val(0), $(".win-dupbo").val(0), multiply(), reset()), stopped) return stopped = !1, !1; } setTimeout(function() { var a = Math.floor(2 * Math.random() + 1); if(1 == a) $loButton.trigger("click"); else $hiButton.trigger("click"); }, getRandomWait()); } }); $(".payout_value_input").val(2.5); $("nav").prepend('<input class="check-lose" value="0"><input class="check-win" value="0"><input class="xbefore" value="0"><input class="maxloser" value="0"><input class="maxheight" value="0"><p class="all-th"><span class="so-lan-danh"></span><br/><span class="thang-thua"></span><br/></p><label class="entry-hi">Số lần đánh BET LO<input class="wuynh-hi" value="0" style="width:100%"/><input class="an-hi" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:green"><input class="thua-hi" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:#f00"></label><label class="entry-lo">Số lần đánh BET<input class="wuynh-lo" value="0" style="width:100%"/><input class="an-lo" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:green"><input class="win-next" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:green"><input class="thua-lo" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:#f00"></label><input class="win-dupbo" value="0" style="width:50%;color:#fff;background:#f00"></label><button class="check-start"></button><button class="max-bet"></button><button class="load-lai">StopNow</button><button class="cuoc-lai">Cược lại</button><button class="check-stop">StopWin</button>'); $(".check-lose").css({ position: "fixed", top: "45px", left: 0, width: "82.5px" }); $(".check-win").css({ position: "fixed", top: "45px", left: "82.5px", width: "82.5px" }); $(".win-dupbo").css({ position: "fixed", top: "75px", left: "0px", width: "82.5px", height: "30px" }); $(".win-next").css({ position: "fixed", top: "75px", left: "82.5px", width: "82.5px", height: "30px" }); $(".max-bet").css({ position: "fixed", top: "105px", left: 0, width: "165px" }); $(".check-start").css({ position: "fixed", top: "180px", left: 0, width: "165px", background: "#ddd" }); $(".check-stop").css({ position: "fixed", top: "290px", left: 0, width: "165px", background: "#ddd", cursor: "pointer" }); $(".all-th").css({ position: "fixed", top: "180px", display: "none", right: 0, width: "300px", background: "#ddd", "border-top": "2px solid #aaa" }); $(".entry-hi").css({ position: "fixed", padding: "5px", top: "45px", right: 0, display: "none", width: "150px", background: "#ddd", cursor: "pointer" }); $(".entry-lo").css({ position: "fixed", padding: "5px", top: "45px", right: "0px", width: "167px", background: "#ddd", cursor: "pointer", "border-right": "2px solid #aaa" }); $(".load-lai").css({ position: "fixed", top: "250px", right: 0, width: "167px", background: "#ddd", cursor: "pointer" }); $(".cuoc-lai").css({ position: "fixed", top: "200px", right: 0, width: "167px", background: "#ddd", cursor: "pointer" }); $(".maxheight").css({ position: "fixed", top: "300px", right: "100px", width: "67px" }); $(".xbefore").css({ position: "fixed", top: "300px", right: "0px", width: "100px" }); $(".maxloser").css({ position: "fixed", top: "335px", right: "0px", width: "167px" }); $(".load-lai").click(function() { document.location = "/"; }); $(".check-stop").click(function(){ stopGame(); }); $(".cuoc-lai").click(function() { startGame(); }); startGame(); })();