dc165015 / xsnvshen


Version: 0.3+de32cb7 updated

Summary: Extract the original full size images from xsnvshen.com. Press space to start/stop slideshow, drag any extracted image to hide it and double click to reload it.

Copyright: 2019, dc165015 (https://openuserjs.org/users/dc165015)

License: MIT

Extract the original full size images from xsnvshen.com and enable slideshow. After showing the full size images, it is recommended to use saveimage addon to download all big images.


  1. Ctrl+` to toggle the show of all full size images. Arrow keys to scroll up and down. Space key to start/stop slides.
  2. Click 'REMOVE' on the thumb to skip the specific images, or click 'SELECT' to select the ones.
  3. Double click on the full size image will reload it. Drag it will remove it.
  4. Escape to reset.

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