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// ==UserScript== // @name Clean and Simple FilesTube // @namespace Clean-and-Simple-FilesTube // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @require // @author DarkSkul // @description Show directly the links and their source and remove All the Ads and unnecessary items from // @include* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @version 9.3 // @source // ==/UserScript== var idnb = 1; function replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(text) { var exp = /((https?|ftp|file):\/\/[^\n\r]+)/ig; return text.replace(exp,"<a style='text-decoration:none;' href='$1'><font color=red>$1</font></a><br>"); } function RemoveBoldTag(strg) { strg=strg.replace(/<span style="font-weight:bold;">/g,""); strg=strg.replace(/<\/span>/g,""); strg=strg.replace(/<\/*b>/g,""); return strg; } function getLinks(loadUrl,resultLink) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: loadUrl, onload: function(response) { code = response.responseText; //Get source source = $(code).find('.fSrc').html(); //Get dl links var nbLines=0; var urls = ""; $(code).find(".file-link-main").each(function(){ urls = urls + $(this).attr('href') + "\n"; nbLines=nbLines+1; }); //Add copy button copyId = 'successCopy' + idnb; $(resultLink) .nextAll("br:first") .replaceWith("<button id='"+ copyId + "' type='button' >Copy links</button><br>"); jcopyId = "#" + copyId; $(jcopyId).click(function() { GM_setClipboard(urls); $(this).after("<span> Links copied! </span>"); }); //Add DL links if(nbLines < 6) $(resultLink).parent().append(replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(urls)); else $(resultLink).parent().append("<div style='height:130px;max-height:130px;overflow-y:scroll;width:700px;'>"+replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(urls)+"</div>"); //Add source link $(resultLink).parent().append("<a href='" + source + "' style='text-decoration:none;'><font color=green>" + source + "</font></a>"); idnb = idnb+1; } }); } str = location.href; $(document).ready(function(){ if(\/?$/ig) !== -1 ) { // Home page //style $(".logo").css("margin-top","50px"); //Hide unwanted items GM_addStyle(".hB, .mcl {\ndisplay:none !important;\n}"); } else if( (\/[^\/]+\/.+/ig) !== -1) || (\.html/ig) !== -1) ) { // Results page //style $("#results-holder").css("padding-left", "5%"); $("#results").css("width", "100%"); $(".iRss").clone().css("margin-right", "10%").css("padding", "0px 10px").appendTo(".cf"); $("#pager").css("padding", "0"); //links & source $("a.rL").each(function(){ url = $(this).attr('href'); getLinks(url, $(this)); }); //Hide unwanted items GM_addStyle("#most-popular-topics, .rBvi, #spla, .rQ, .rB, .spL, .rSt, .rS, .rate, .alt_button, #recent {\ndisplay:none !important;\n}"); } else { // Download page //smaller title title = $(".fH > h1").html(); $(".fH > h1").replaceWith("<h3>" + title + "</h3>"); //Hide unwanted items $("#disqus_thread").remove(); GM_addStyle(".dsq-brlink, .lS, #ac_form, .sr, #ajx_rate, H2, .fSl, .rl > DL ~ * {\ndisplay:none !important;\n}"); //source sourcelink=$('.fSrc').html(); $('.fSrc').attr('href',sourcelink); } //global ads GM_addStyle("#stkTgl, #uB, .fBx, .ft, .ftP, .fdb, .rr, .spF {\ndisplay:none !important;\n}"); });