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// ==UserScript== // @name mozillaZine Forums - insert titles to bug links // @namespace darkred // @version 2017.11.16 // @description Inserts titles to bug links that are plain URLs, in // @author darkred, johnp_ // @license MIT // @include* // @grant none // @require // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== // v2.0: Script rewrite (based on johnp_'s contribution in the userscript 'Firefox for desktop - list fixed bugs in Mercurial'): // now the REST API is used (one(1) network connection is made for all unique examined bug IDs) /* eslint-disable no-console */ var silent = false; var debug = false; time('MozillaBugzilla'); var regex = /^https:\/\/bugzilla\.mozilla\.org\/show_bug\.cgi\?id=([0-9]*).*$/; var base_url = ',summary,status&id='; var bugIds = []; var bugCodes = []; var bugTitles = []; var links = document.getElementsByClassName('postlink'); var len = links.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let n = links[i].href.match(regex); let n2 = links[i].innerHTML; if (n !== null && n2.match(/^#[0-9]*/) === null && n2.indexOf('-') === -1) { let id = parseInt(n[1]); if (bugIds.indexOf(id) === -1) { bugIds.push(id); } } } var numBugs = bugIds.length; var counter = 0; var rest_url = base_url + bugIds.join(); time('MozillaBugzilla-REST'); // ADDING a spinning icon to the matching links for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if ( links[i].href.match(regex) && links[i].innerHTML.match(/#[0-9]*/) == null && links[i].innerHTML.indexOf('-') == -1 ) { var elem = document.createElement('img'); // var elem; //(async function() { // elem = document.createElement('img'); // elem.src = GM.getResourceUrl('icon'); var rotatingIcon_base64 = ``; elem.src = rotatingIcon_base64; links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(elem, links[i].nextSibling); // For spinning icon AFTER the link // })(); // links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(elem, links[i].previousSibling); // For spinning icon BEFORE the link } } $.getJSON(rest_url, function(data) { timeEnd('MozillaBugzilla-REST'); $.each(data.bugs, function(index) { let bug = data.bugs[index]; let status = bug.status; log('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); log((index + 1) + '/' + numBugs); // Progression counter log('BugNo: ' + + '\nTitle: ' + bug.summary); bugCodes.push(; bugTitles.push(bug.summary); counter++; // increase counter let i = bugIds.indexOf(; if (i !== -1) {bugIds[i] = null;} }); log('==============\nReceived ' + counter + ' of ' + numBugs + ' bugs.'); // process remaining bugs one-by-one var requests = []; time('MozillaBugzilla-missing'); $.each(bugIds, function(index) { let id = bugIds[index]; if (id !== null) { time('Requesting missing bug ' + id); let promise = $.getJSON('' + id, function(json) { // I've not end up here yet, so cry if we do console.error('Request succeeded unexpectedly!'); console.error('Please submit this information to the script authors:'); timeEnd('Requesting missing bug ' + id); console.log(json); let bug = json.bugs[0]; console.log(bug); // TODO: display as much information as possible }); // Actually, we usually get an error promise.error(function(req, status, error) { timeEnd('Requesting missing bug ' + id); if (error == 'Authorization Required') { log('Bug ' + id + ' requires authorization!'); // log('' + id + ' requires authorization!'); } else { console.error('Unexpected error encountered (Bug' + id + '): ' + status + ' ' + error); } }); requests.push(promise); } }); // wait for all requests to be settled, then join them together // Source: $.when.apply($, $.map(requests, function(p) { return p.then(null, function() { return $.Deferred().resolveWith(this, arguments); }); })).always(function() { timeEnd('MozillaBugzilla-missing'); // console.log(bugCodes); for (let z=0; z < links.length; z++) { loop2: for (let yy=0; yy < bugCodes.length; yy++) { if (regex.test(links[z].href) && links[z].href.match(regex)[1] == bugCodes[yy] && links[z].innerHTML.indexOf('-') == -1 ) { let temp = links[z].innerHTML.match(/([Bb]ug\ [a-zA-Z]*).*[0-9]*/i); var temp2 = links[z].href.match(/^https:\/\/bugzilla\.mozilla\.org\/show_bug\.cgi\?id=[0-9]*(.*)$/); // if (temp !== null) { // links[z].previousSibling.textContent += temp[1] + ' '; // links[z].innerHTML = bugCodes[yy] + ' - ' + bugTitles[yy] + temp2[1]; // } else { // links[z].innerHTML = bugCodes[yy] + ' - ' + bugTitles[yy] + temp2[1]; // } if (temp !== null) { links[z].previousSibling.textContent += temp[1] + ' '; } links[z].innerHTML = bugCodes[yy] + ' - ' + bugTitles[yy] + temp2[1]; break loop2; } } if (links[z].nextSibling && links[z].nextSibling.src === rotatingIcon_base64){ links[z].nextSibling.remove(); // For REMOVE spinning icon AFTER the link // x.previousSibling.previousSibling.remove(); // For REMOVE spinning icon BEFORE the link if (links[z].innerHTML.indexOf('') !== -1 ){ links[z].innerHTML += '  <i>(requires authorization)</i>'; } } } log('ALL IS DONE'); timeEnd('MozillaBugzilla'); }); }); function log(str) { if (!silent) { console.log(str); } } function time(str) { if (debug) { console.time(str); } } function timeEnd(str) { if (debug) { console.timeEnd(str); } }