darkred / Rotten Tomatoes Decimal Rating


Version: 7+64a74bb updated

Summary: Changes base-5 Rating of Rotten Tomatoes to base-10

Support: https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues

License: MIT

By default RottenTomatoes pages uses base 10 rating for TOMATOMETER and base-5 for AUDIENCE SCORE.
This script changes the latter's base-5 to base-10, and modifies both relevant tooltips, in order to be perceived more easily.
It modifies these 3 elements:

  • appends the descriptive text (=6 stars or higher) to the text of the TOMATOMETER tooltip,
  • modifies the text, from 3.5 stars or higher into 7 stars or higher, inside the AUDIENCE SCORE tooltip,
  • multiplies x2 the AUDIENCE SCORE Average Rating.

Note 1: since v2 the script modifies the elements immediately after they are displayed (not after page completely loads).
Note 2: this script uses the setMutationHandler function (by wOxxOm)

Thanks a lot to wOxxOm: he initially wrote it ([v1](https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/comment/5975/#Comment_5975)) and he also offered improvements ([v2](http://stackoverflow.com/a/32413134/3231411) and [v3](https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/7583/x))

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Rating: 0