darkred / Reddit Infinite Scrolling


Version: 2018.4.25+e5717f6 updated

Summary: Adds infinite scrolling to subreddits and to comments.

Support: https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues

License: MIT

This script adds infinite scrolling to subreddits and to comments.
To Subreddits it does this while omitting the nav buttons as new page content is loaded.
It also works for comments (in pages with a lot of comments, for example this one).

It uses jScroll (a jQuery plugin)
Official site: http://jscroll.com/
GitHub page: https://github.com/pklauzinski/jscroll

Thanks a lot to jScroll's developer, Philip Klauzinski,
for essentially making this script himself, (the initial version, i.e. for subreddits only),
as well as wOxxOm for his help here.

Hosted in GitHub

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