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// ==UserScript== // @name RARBG - various tweaks // @namespace darkred // @version 2021.9.19 // @description Various tweaks for RARBG torrent detail pages, listings and search-by-IMDb-id pages. // @author darkred // @license MIT // @include /^(https?:)?\/\/(www\.)?(proxy|unblocked)?rarbg((2018|2019|2020|2021)?|access(ed)?|cdn|core|data|enter|get|go|index|mirror(ed)?|p2p|prox(ied|ies|y)|prx|to(r|rrents)?|unblock(ed)?|way|web)\.(to|com|org|is)\/(torrent\/.*|torrents\.php.*|catalog\/.*|s\/.*|tv\/.*|top10)$/ // @grant none // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; /* eslint-disable quotes */ // Automatically redirect e.g. // to // if (/torrents\.php\?search=tt\d+/.test(window.location.href)) { // window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('?search=', '?imdb='); window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace('?search=', '?imdb=')); // Use window.location.replace(url) if you want to redirect the user in a way that the current page is forgotten by the back button, ( ) throw 'Reloading page'; // Stop script execution } function minsToHoursMins(totalMin) { var hours = Math.floor( totalMin / 60); var minutes = totalMin % 60; return hours + 'h ' + minutes + 'min' ; } function tableLastRow(){ return $('table[width="100%"][border="0"][cellspacing="1"]').children().last().children().last(); } const isOnTorrentListPage = window.location.href.includes('torrents.php'); if (!isOnTorrentListPage) { $(".header2:contains('Rotten Rating:')") .html('RT Critics Avg:'); $(".header2:contains('RottenTomatoes:')") .html('RT Tomatometer, Audience Score:'); $(".header2:contains('Rotten Plot:')") .html('RT Critics Consensus:'); $(".header2:contains('IMDB Rating:')") .html('IMDb Rating:'); $(".header2:contains('Plot:')") .html('IMDb Summary:'); $(".header2:contains('IMDB Runtime:')") .html('IMDb Runtime:'); // Rating by users - decimal rating var ratingByUsersElement = document.querySelector('.ratingblock p'); var text = document.querySelector('.ratingblock p').innerHTML; ratingByUsersElement.title = ratingByUsersElement.innerText; var regex = /\s+<strong>\s+([\d.]+)<\/strong>\/([\d.]+)(.*)/; var average = text.match(regex)[1] * 2; var votes = text.match(regex)[2] * 2; var rest = text.match(regex)[3]; // Rating by users - ten star rating (instead of five star) document.querySelector('.unit-rating').style.width = document.querySelector('.unit-rating').style.width.replace('px','') * 2 + 'px'; document.querySelector('.current-rating').style.width = document.querySelector('.current-rating').style.width.replace('px','') * 2 + 'px'; document.querySelector('.current-rating').innerHTML = document.querySelector('.current-rating').innerHTML.replace('Currently ', '').replace(/([\d.]+)\/([\d.]+)/, function(m, s1, s2) { return 2 * s1 + '/' + 2 * s2;}); var duration = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Runtime:')").next().html(); $(".header2:contains('IMDb Runtime:')").next().html(minsToHoursMins(duration)); // Add the title text to the IMDb link var titleElement = $(".header2:contains('Title')").parent(); var titleText = $(titleElement).text().replace('Title:',''); $( "a[href*='']" ).html(titleText); // move Runtime inside IMDb Summary var runtimeNode = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Runtime:')"); runtimeNode.parent().hide(); var runtime =; var summaryNode = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Summary:')"); if (runtime !== undefined) {[0].innerText + ' ( ' + runtime + ' )' ); } // remove all '|' from the IMDb Summary text index,string ) { return string.replace(/\|/g,','); }); // move PG Rating inside IMDb Summary var pgNode = $(".header2:contains('PG Rating:')"); pgNode.parent().hide(); var pg =; var summary =; if (pg !== undefined) { + ' [ ' + pg + ' ]'); } // MAKING BOLD (start) ratingByUsersElement.innerHTML = ' Rating: <strong>' + average + '</strong>/' + votes + rest; var imdbRatingNode = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Rating:')").next(); if (imdbRatingNode.length > 0){ $(imdbRatingNode).html($(imdbRatingNode).html().replace(/(.*)(\/.*)/, function(m, s1, s2) { return '<strong>'+ s1 + '</strong>' + s2;})); } $(".header2:contains('Metacritic:')").next().find(">:first-child").css("font-weight","Bold"); $(".header2:contains('RT Tomatometer, Audience Score:')").next().css("font-weight","Bold"); var rtTomatometerNode = $(".header2:contains('RT Tomatometer, Audience Score:')").next(); if (rtTomatometerNode.length !== 0) $(rtTomatometerNode).html($(rtTomatometerNode).html().replace(/(.*) (\d+%)(.*)s (\d+%)/, function(m, s1, s2, s3, s4) { return s1 + '<strong>'+ s2 + '</strong>' + s3 + '<strong>'+ s4 + '</strong>' ;})); var rtCriticsAvgNode = $(".header2:contains('RT Critics Avg:')").next(); if (rtCriticsAvgNode.length !== 0) $(rtCriticsAvgNode).html($(rtCriticsAvgNode).html().replace(/(.*)(\/.*)/, function(m, s1, s2) { return '<strong>'+ s1 + '</strong>' + s2;})); var userRating = $(".header2:contains('Rating:')").filter(function() { return $.trim($(this).text()) === "Rating:"; }).parent(); userRating = $("p:contains('votes cast'), p:contains('vote cast')"); $(userRating).css('font-size', '11px'); $(userRating).html($(userRating).html().replace('Rating:', '')); $(userRating).replaceWith(function() { return "<div>" + this.innerHTML + "</div>"; }); // MAKING BOLD (end) var vpn = $(".header2:contains('VPN:')").parent(); var mediaInfo = $(".header2:contains('MediaInfo »')").parent(); var trailer = $(".header2:contains('Trailer:')").parent(); var imdbLink = $('img[src=""]').parent().parent(); var ratingByUsers = $('.ratingblock').parent().parent(); var category = $(".header2:contains('Category:')").parent(); var size = $(".header2:contains('Size:')").parent(); var showFiles = $(".header2:contains('Show Files »')").parent(); var added = $(".header2:contains('Added:')").parent(); var title = $(".header2:contains('Title:')[align='right']").parent(); // var pgRating = $(".header2:contains('PG Rating:')").parent(); var imdbRating = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Rating:')").parent(); var metacritic = $(".header2:contains('Metacritic:')").parent(); var RTCriticsAvg = $(".header2:contains('RT Critics Avg:')").parent(); var RTTomatometer = $(".header2:contains('RT Tomatometer, Audience Score:')").parent(); var genres = $(".header2:contains('Genres:')").parent(); var actors = $(".header2:contains('Actors:')").parent(); var director = $(".header2:contains('Director:')").parent(); // var imdbRuntime = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Runtime:')").parent(); var year = $(".header2:contains('Year:')").parent(); var imdbSummary = $(".header2:contains('IMDb Summary:')").parent(); var RTCriticsCons = $(".header2:contains('RT Critics Consensus:')").parent(); var showNFO = $(".header2:contains('Show NFO »')").parent(); // example URL where the NFO is provided: var hits = $(".header2:contains('Hits:')").parent(); var peers = $(".header2:contains('Peers:')").parent(); var hitAndRun = $(".header2:contains('Hit&Run:')").parent(); var tags = $(".header2:contains('Tags')").parent(); var releaseName = $(".header2:contains('Release name:')").parent(); // duplicate the 'Size' row right after the 'Title' row var sizeClone = size.clone(); sizeClone.insertAfter( $(".header2:contains('Torrent:')").parent() ); vpn.hide(); // The 'VPN' row is hidden because it's an ad. // trailer.hide(); // For reference: is blocked by default in uBlock Origin (via EasyList) year.hide(); // The 'Year' row is hidden because that info is still contained in various other rows ('Release Name', 'IMDb' link title, 'Title') category .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); releaseName .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); showNFO .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); size .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); showFiles .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); mediaInfo .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); added .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); title .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); // year .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); // imdbRuntime .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); genres .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); director .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); actors .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); // pgRating .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); imdbLink .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); trailer .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); imdbRating .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); imdbSummary .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); RTTomatometer .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); RTCriticsAvg .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); RTCriticsCons .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); metacritic .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); ratingByUsers .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); hits .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); peers .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); hitAndRun .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); tags .insertAfter(tableLastRow()); } else { // i.e. if isOnTorrentListPage === true // var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[onmouseover^="return"]'); var links = document.querySelectorAll('td[valign="top"] > a[onmouseover^="return overlib"]'); // The "Recommended torrents" elements on* . // for(let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for(let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].addEventListener('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); let tLink = this.getAttribute('href'); if (!tLink.includes('imdb=')){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', tLink, false); //, url, async) xhr.onload = function () { let container = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement; container.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; let retrievedLink = container.querySelector('.lista>a[href*=""]').href; // the 'IMDB link' element in the retrieved RARBG page if (retrievedLink) { let currentDomainName = window.location.hostname; links[i].setAttribute('href', 'https://' + currentDomainName + '/torrents.php?imdb=' + retrievedLink.match(/(tt\d+)/)[1]); // example URL: } let imdbPlot = $(container).find(".header2:contains('Plot:')").filter(function() { // return $(this).text() === "Plot:"; // // }).next()[0].innerText; // [0] ---> convert jQuery element/node to a regular DOM element }).next()[0].innerHTML.replace('<span>','').replace('</span>',''); if (imdbPlot !== undefined){ imdbPlot = removePipesLinebreaks(imdbPlot); // remove all '|', and replace all newlines with spaces sessionStorage.setItem("imdbPlot", imdbPlot); } else { // never actually needed: all Recommended movies have IMDb plot sessionStorage.removeItem("imdbPlot"); imdbPlot = ''; } let rtPlot = $(container).find(".header2:contains('Rotten Plot:')").next().html(); if (rtPlot !== undefined){ rtPlot = removePipesLinebreaks(rtPlot); sessionStorage.setItem("rtPlot", rtPlot); } else { sessionStorage.removeItem("rtPlot"); rtPlot = ''; } window.location.href = links[i].href; // }; xhr.send(); } }, false); } } function removePipesLinebreaks(s){ if (s) { return s.replace(/( \|)/g,',') .replace(/(\|)/g,',') .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r| |<br>)/g,' '); } } function makeBold(s, regex){ if (regex.test(s)) { return s.replace(regex, function(m, s1, s2, s3) { return s1 + '<b>'+ s2 + '</b>' + s3 ;}); } } const isOnSearchbyIMDbIdPage = window.location.href.includes('/torrents.php?imdb='); let imdbPlotStored = sessionStorage.getItem("imdbPlot"); if (imdbPlotStored === null || imdbPlotStored === 'undefined') { sessionStorage.removeItem("imdbPlot"); imdbPlotStored = ''; } let rtPlotStored = sessionStorage.getItem("rtPlot"); if (rtPlotStored === null || rtPlotStored === 'undefined') { sessionStorage.removeItem("rtPlot"); rtPlotStored = ''; } if (isOnSearchbyIMDbIdPage) { let searchListingHeader = document.querySelector('').textContent; const imdbIdRegex = /tt\d+/; let imdbId; if (imdbIdRegex.test(searchListingHeader)){ imdbId = imdbIdRegex.exec(searchListingHeader)[0]; } let imdbRatingElement = $("b:contains('IMDB Rating:')"); if (imdbRatingElement.length > 0){ imdbRatingElement.html('<a href="' + imdbId + '/">IMDb</a> Rating:'); } else { // Example: // imdbRatingElement = $("b:contains('Runtime:')"); imdbRatingElement = $("b:contains('Runtime:'), b:contains('Year:')"); // when there's no 'Runtime' element but only 'Year', e.g. $(imdbRatingElement).parent().html($(imdbRatingElement).parent().html() + '<b>IMDB Rating:</b><br>'); imdbRatingElement = $("b:contains('IMDB Rating:')"); imdbRatingElement.html('<a href="' + imdbId + '/">IMDb</a> Rating: -'); } RTTomatometer = $("b:contains('Rotten Rating:')"); if ( RTTomatometer.length > 0 ) { RTTomatometer.html(RTTomatometer.html().replace('Rotten Rating:', 'RT Critics Avg:')); } RTCriticsAvg = $("b:contains('RottenTomatoes:')"); if ( RTCriticsAvg.length > 0 ) { RTCriticsAvg.html(RTCriticsAvg.html().replace('RottenTomatoes:', 'RT Tomatometer:')); } if (imdbPlotStored) { imdbPlotStored = removePipesLinebreaks(imdbPlotStored); $(imdbRatingElement).next().after("<b>IMDb Summary:</b> " + imdbPlotStored + '<br>'); // // Example list page with all possible rows: i.e. // IMDb Rating: 7.4/10 // IMDb Summary: // RT Critics Avg: // RT Tomatometer: // RT Critics Consensus: if (rtPlotStored) { rtPlotStored = removePipesLinebreaks(rtPlotStored); let rtRatingElement = $("b:contains('RT Critics Avg:'), b:contains('RT Tomatometer:'), b:contains('IMDb Summary:')").last() ; // alternative selector for when no RT row is present, e.g. var br = ''; if ($("b:contains('RT Tomatometer:')").length !== 0){ br = '<br>'; } $(rtRatingElement).parent().html($(rtRatingElement).parent().html() + br + "<b>RT Critics Consensus:</b> " + rtPlotStored + '<br>'); // This is the best way to insert text node after text node in jQuery (don't try after() or append() or .siblings().last()[0].nextSibling ) } // new xhr for when plot is not already retrieved (=when opening a link from the Recommended area in a new tab) } else if (document.querySelector('.lista2t').rows.length > 1) { // if searchbyIMDbResultsTableLength has results let tLink = document.querySelector('.lista2t').rows[1].cells[1].children[0].href; // the URL in the results table first row let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', tLink, false); //, url, async) xhr.onload = function () { let container = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement; container.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; let imdbPlot = $(container).find(".header2:contains('Plot:')").filter(function() { // return $(this).text() === "Plot:"; // (in order to only select IMDb's plain "Plot", not "Rotten Plot", too ) // }).next()[0].innerText; // [0] ---> convert jQuery element/node to a regular DOM element }).next()[0].innerHTML.replace('<span>','').replace('</span>',''); imdbPlot = removePipesLinebreaks(imdbPlot); sessionStorage.setItem("imdbPlot", imdbPlot); let rtPlot = $(container).find(".header2:contains('Rotten Plot:')").next().html(); if (rtPlot !== undefined){ rtPlot = removePipesLinebreaks(rtPlot); sessionStorage.setItem("rtPlot", rtPlot); } else { sessionStorage.removeItem("rtPlot"); rtPlot = ''; } let imdbRatingElement = $("b:contains('IMDb Rating:')"); $(imdbRatingElement).next().after("<b>IMDb Summary:</b> " + imdbPlot + '<br>'); if (!rtPlotStored) { let rtRatingElement = $("b:contains('RT Critics Avg:'), b:contains('RT Tomatometer:'), b:contains('IMDb Summary:')").last() ; // if no RT row is present var br = ''; if ($("b:contains('RT Tomatometer:')").length !== 0){ br = '<br>'; } if (rtPlot !== ''){ $(rtRatingElement).parent().html($(rtRatingElement).parent().html() + br + "<b>RT Critics Consensus:</b> " + rtPlot + '<br>'); } } }; xhr.send(); } // make bold (example URL: let imdbRefRatingElement = $("b:contains('IMDb Rating:')").parent(); let imdbRatingBoldRegex = /(.*IMDb<\/a> Rating:<\/b> )([\d.]+)(\/.*)/; let rtCriticsBoldRegex = /(.*RT Critics Avg:<\/b> )([\d.]+)(\/.*)/; let rtTomatometerBoldRegex = /(.*<b>RT Tomatometer:<\/b> <img.*> )(\d+%.*\d+%)(.*)/; imdbRefRatingElement.html(makeBold(imdbRefRatingElement.html(), imdbRatingBoldRegex)); imdbRefRatingElement.html(makeBold(imdbRefRatingElement.html(), rtCriticsBoldRegex)); imdbRefRatingElement.html(makeBold(imdbRefRatingElement.html(), rtTomatometerBoldRegex)); // duration from min to h:mm let durationRegex = /(.*<b>Runtime:<\/b> )(\d+)(.*)/; if (durationRegex.test(imdbRefRatingElement.html())){ imdbRefRatingElement.html(imdbRefRatingElement.html().replace(durationRegex, function(m, s1, s2, s3) { return s1 + minsToHoursMins(s2) + s3 ;})); } imdbRefRatingElement.html(imdbRefRatingElement.html().replace('RT Tomatometer:', 'RT Tomatometer/Audience Score:')); let preferredPatterns = [ /([\s\S]+<br>)\s+<b><a href="https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\//, /(<b><a href="https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\/tt\d+\/">IMDb<\/a> Rating:.*\.<br>)/, /(<b>RT Critics Avg:.*10<br>)/, // /(<b>RT Tomatometer:.*%<\/b>\s+<br>)/, /(<b>RT Tomatometer\/Audience Score:.*%<\/b>\s+<br>)/, /(<b>RT Critics Consensus:.*)/, ]; let result = []; for (let i=0; i < preferredPatterns.length;i++) { if (preferredPatterns[i].test(imdbRefRatingElement.html())) { result[i] = imdbRefRatingElement.html().match(preferredPatterns[i])[1]; } else { result[i] = ''; } } // rearrange: IMDb Summary --> IMDb Rating --> RT Tomatometer --> RT Critics Avg --> RT Critics Consensus imdbRefRatingElement.html(result[0] + result[1] + result[3] + result[2] + result[4]); }