darkred / IMDb user reviews pages - ten star ratings


Version: 2018.4.30+169a746 updated

Summary: In IMDb user reviews pages, display the ratings with 10 stars, instead of just 1

Support: https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues

License: MIT

This userscript applies to IMDb user reviews pages. It displays the ratings with 10 stars, instead of just 1.
It also works when you click the 'Load More' button to view more reviews.

Screenshot from e.g. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076759/reviews

With the script:
With the script

Note: if you use this style: IMDb.com - Nightmode (like me) then comment out line 22 and uncomment line 23,
in order the extra stars to be almost-black (instead of almost-white).

Rating: 0