darkred / GitHub - Confirmations before submitting issues and comments


Version: 2017.4.26+3e2cd40 updated

Summary: Creates a confirmation popup whenever attempting to create an issue or post comment via Ctrl+Enter in GitHub


Support: https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues

License: MIT

GitHub by default allows in the issues area for a public repo:

  • submitting a new issue with just 1 character as title and no body, and
  • posting a comment with just 1 character .

This script creates a confirmation popup whenever attempting to submit an issue or post a comment via Ctrl+Enter in GitHub
i.e. it applies in these 3 cases:

  • when attempting to submit a new issue (while having focus in issue title textbox) via Ctrl+Enter or Enter
  • when attempting to submit a new issue (while having focus in issue body textarea) via Ctrl+Enter
  • when attempting to submit a new comment (while having focus in the new comment textarea) via Ctrl+Enter

Thanks to trespassersW for his help here.

Hosted in GitHub

Rating: 0