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// ==UserScript== // @name GI Match Ticker (Game section) // @namespace // @description Adds division-specific match ticker to league/AFLC games // @include* // @version 1 // @grant xttp // @author daniel_bloodbeak // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // delete the line above "@license MIT" - it was only necessary to get the script uploaded to the website window.setTimeout(function () { var matchNums = 0; var storeItem = ["match1", "match2", "match3", "match4", "match5", "match6", "match7", "match8"]; var divisionDetails = sessionStorage.getItem("leagueDetails"); var divisionArr = JSON.parse(divisionDetails); var matchList = []; var aflc = parseInt(sessionStorage.aflc); var leagueHeader = sessionStorage.leagueHeader; var bodyWidth = [380, 60, 420]; var timeArr = [ [18, 26, 1], [11, 11, 0] ]; var playTimeArr = [ [10, 10], [9, 25] ]; var bodyCellId = ["gameDiv", "clockDiv", "lastPlayDiv"]; var boxNameId = ["homeName", "awayName"]; var boxScoreId = ["homeScore", "awayScore"]; var playCellId = ["basics", "details"]; var timeBoxId = ["quarter", "toGo"]; var day = ["SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"]; if (aflc === 1) { matchNums = 8; } else { matchNums = 5; } for (var a = 0; a < matchNums; a++) { var getMatch = sessionStorage.getItem(storeItem[a]); matchList.push(getMatch); } var count = 0; function spaceOut() { var interval = setInterval(doEverything, 5500); } function resetColor() { for (var dd = 0; dd < boxNameId.length; dd++) { document.getElementById(boxNameId[dd]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; document.getElementById(boxScoreId[dd]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; } } var matchBox = document.createElement("div"); matchBox.setAttribute("id", "matchTicker"); matchBox.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 25px; visibility: hidden; background: transparent; width: 780px; height: 58px; position: relative;"); var divHeader = document.createElement("div"); divHeader.innerHTML = " " + leagueHeader.toUpperCase(); divHeader.setAttribute("style", "padding-bottom: 2px; margin-bottom: 1px; font-style: italic; position: relative; color: white; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 5px; left: 2px; width: 776px; height: 16px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #777777, #dddddd); font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #884400; "); var linkButton = document.createElement("div"); linkButton.innerHTML = " GAME LINK"; linkButton.setAttribute("id", "linkButton"); linkButton.setAttribute("class", "gui_button2"); linkButton.setAttribute("style", "font-weight: bold; color: #222222; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; text-align: center; width: 78px; float: right; height: 12px; position: relative; top: 1px; left: -2px; color: #222222; text-shadow: 1px 0px #eeeeee;"); divHeader.appendChild(linkButton); var gameTable = document.createElement("table"); var gameBody = document.createElement("tbody"); gameBody.setAttribute("style", "width: 770px; top: -1px; left: 0px; border: 2px transparent; border-radius: 5px; background: transparent; width: 660px; position: relative;"); var bodyRow = document.createElement("tr"); for (var b = 0; b < bodyWidth.length; b++) { var bodyCell = document.createElement("td"); bodyCell.setAttribute("id", bodyCellId[b]); bodyCell.setAttribute("style", "border: 2px solid; margin-right: 38px; border-radius: 5px; background: linear-gradient(#999999, #555555); width: " + bodyWidth[b] + "px; height: 44px; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px;"); bodyRow.appendChild(bodyCell); } gameBody.appendChild(bodyRow); gameTable.appendChild(gameBody); matchBox.appendChild(divHeader); matchBox.appendChild(gameTable); var iconContainer = document.getElementById("content_container"); iconContainer.insertBefore(matchBox, iconContainer.childNodes[0]); var boxScore = document.createElement("table"); var boxScoreBody = document.createElement("tbody"); for (b = 0; b < 2; b++) { var gameRow = document.createElement("tr"); var gameCell = document.createElement("td"); gameCell.setAttribute("id", boxNameId[b]); gameCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #cccccc; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; width: 290px ; text-align: center; height: 20px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); var scoreCell = document.createElement("td"); scoreCell.setAttribute("id", boxScoreId[b]); scoreCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #cccccc; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; width: 40px ; text-align: center; height: 20px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); gameRow.appendChild(gameCell); gameRow.appendChild(scoreCell); boxScoreBody.appendChild(gameRow); } boxScore.appendChild(boxScoreBody); document.getElementById("gameDiv").appendChild(boxScore); var timeBox = document.createElement("table"); var timeBody = document.createElement("tbody"); timeBody.setAttribute("id", "timeBody"); var timeRow, timeCell; for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) { timeRow = document.createElement("tr"); timeCell = document.createElement("td"); timeCell.setAttribute("id", timeBoxId[c]); timeCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #aaaaaa; position: relative; top: " + timeArr[c][2] + "px; font-weight: bold; font-size: " + timeArr[c][0] + "px; width: 55px ; text-align: center; height: " + timeArr[c][1] + "px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); timeRow.appendChild(timeCell); timeBody.appendChild(timeRow); } timeBox.appendChild(timeBody); document.getElementById("clockDiv").appendChild(timeBox); var playBox = document.createElement("table"); var playBody = document.createElement("tbody"); var playRow, playCell; for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { playRow = document.createElement("tr"); playCell = document.createElement("td"); playCell.setAttribute("id", playCellId[c]); playCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #aaaaaa; font-weight: bold; font-size: " + playTimeArr[c][0] + "px; width: 365px ; text-align: center; height: " + playTimeArr[c][1] + "px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); playRow.appendChild(playCell); playBody.appendChild(playRow); } playBox.appendChild(playBody); document.getElementById("lastPlayDiv").appendChild(playBox); spaceOut(); function doEverything() { var homeName, awayName, homeFlag, awayFlag, homeScore, awayScore, qtr, possession, timeLeft, homeStatus, awayStatus, mins, playLine, lastPlay, playType; var distance, yardLineFind, yardLineClean, yardLine, playLocate, playSort, playFilter, attendanceLocate, attendanceGather, attendance, weather; var firstArr = []; var secondArr = []; var clockArr = []; var dataArr = []; var statusArr = []; var playArr = []; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var dataBlock = this.responseText.split("top_panel"); var testBlock = dataBlock[1].split("div"); var testItem = testBlock[2].slice(8, 20); if (testItem.match(/match_review/i)) { var teamHunt = testBlock[4].split(">"); homeName = teamHunt[7].slice(0, -4); awayName = teamHunt[11].slice(0, -4); for (var z = 0; z < divisionArr.length; z++) { if (homeName === divisionArr[z][0]) { homeFlag = divisionArr[z][1]; homeScore = divisionArr[z][3] + "-" + divisionArr[z][4]; } if (awayName === divisionArr[z][0]) { awayFlag = divisionArr[z][1]; awayScore = divisionArr[z][3] + "-" + divisionArr[z][4]; } } homeStatus = ""; awayStatus = ""; playLine = ""; lastPlay = ""; possession = ""; var dateHunt = new Date(); var yearHunt = dateHunt.getUTCFullYear(); var monthHunt = dateHunt.getUTCMonth(); var dayHunt = dateHunt.getUTCDay(); var dateNum = dateHunt.getUTCDate(); var gameMonth = parseInt(teamHunt[18].slice(5, -6)); var gameDate = parseInt(teamHunt[18].slice(8, -3)); var daysToGo; if (gameMonth > (monthHunt + 1) || gameMonth < monthHunt) { if (gameMonth === 3 && yearHunt / (yearHunt / 4) !== 4) { gameDate += 28; } else if (gameMonth === 3 && yearHunt / (yearHunt / 4) === 4) { gameDate += 29; } else if (gameMonth === 5 || gameMonth === 7 || gameMonth === 10 || gameMonth === 12) { gameDate += 30; } else { gameDate += 31; } } daysToGo = gameDate - dateNum; var actualDay = dayHunt + daysToGo; if (actualDay > 6) { actualDay -= 7; } qtr = day[actualDay]; timeLeft = teamHunt[20].slice(0, -3); = "visible"; for (var de = 0; de < boxNameId.length; de++) { document.getElementById(boxNameId[de]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; document.getElementById(boxScoreId[de]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; } } else { var dataSplit = dataBlock[1].split("div"); var homeLocate = dataSplit[9].split(">"); homeName = homeLocate[3].slice(0, -3); var homeHunt = homeLocate[1].split("png"); homeFlag = homeHunt[1].slice(1, -1); var awayLocate = dataSplit[11].split(">"); awayName = awayLocate[3].slice(0, -3); var awayHunt = awayLocate[1].split("png"); awayFlag = awayHunt[1].slice(1, -1); var homeStatusLocate = dataSplit[17].split(">"); var awayStatusLocate = dataSplit[19].split(">"); homeStatus = homeStatusLocate[2].slice(0, -6); awayStatus = awayStatusLocate[2].slice(0, -6); var minFinder = dataSplit[28].slice(-4); mins = minFinder.slice(0, 2); homeScore = dataSplit[22].slice(17, -2); awayScore = dataSplit[26].slice(17, -2); var qLocate = dataBlock[1].split("comments"); var qtrLocate = qLocate[1].split(">"); qtr = qtrLocate[2].slice(6, 9); var timeLocate = qtrLocate[4].split("<"); timeLeft = timeLocate[0].slice(-5); possession = timeLocate[0].slice(6, -6); var downLocate = qtrLocate[7].split("-"); var down = downLocate[0].slice(0, 3); if (down === "\</d" || down === "&nb") { down = "a"; } if (down === "a") { playType = qtrLocate[9].slice(0, 4); } else { playType = qtrLocate[9].slice(0, 4); distance = downLocate[1]; yardLineFind = downLocate[2].slice(0, 5); yardLineClean = yardLineFind.replace(/\D/g, ""); yardLine = parseInt(yardLineClean); } playLocate = dataBlock[1].split("event_description"); playSort = playLocate[1].split("\</div>"); playFilter = playSort[0].split(",,"); lastPlay = playFilter[0].slice(2); var fgSort = playLocate[2].split("\</div>"); var fgFilter = fgSort[0].slice(2); var tdSort = playLocate[3].split("!"); var tdFilter = tdSort[0]; var lastTD = tdFilter.slice(2); if (mins === "FT" && homeScore === awayScore) { qtr = "OT"; var otBlock = dataBlock[1].split("quarter_5"); var possBlock = otBlock[2].split("owner_switch"); var possLocate = possBlock[possBlock.length - 1].split(">"); possession = possLocate[1].slice(6); var lastPlayBlock = possBlock[possBlock.length - 1].split("event_down"); var lpbDetails = lastPlayBlock[lastPlayBlock.length - 1].split("event_"); var playDepth = lpbDetails[0].split("-"); down = playDepth[0].slice(-3); if (down === "\</d" || down === "&nb") { down = "a"; } if (down === "a") { playType = lpbDetails[1].slice(6, 10); } else { distance = playDepth[1]; playType = lpbDetails[1].slice(6, 10); yardLineFind = playDepth[2].slice(0, 5); yardLineClean = yardLineFind.replace(/\D/g, ""); yardLine = parseInt(yardLineClean); } playLocate = possBlock[possBlock.length - 1].split("event_description"); playSort = playLocate[playLocate.length - 1].split("\</div>"); playFilter = playSort[0].split(",,"); lastPlay = playFilter[0].slice(2); } var weatherLocate = dataBlock[1].split("weather_icon"); var weatherClean = weatherLocate[1].split(".gif"); weather = parseInt(weatherClean[0].slice(-1)); if (weather === 0) { weather = 1; } attendanceLocate = dataBlock[1].split("venue_info"); attendanceGather = attendanceLocate[1].split("\</div>"); attendance = attendanceGather[0].slice(2); = "visible"; for (var d = 0; d < boxNameId.length; d++) { document.getElementById(boxNameId[d]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; document.getElementById(boxScoreId[d]).style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; } if (playType === "Kick") { if ( goal/i) === -1) { lastPlay = lastTD + "! \<br></b>Extra point attempt is good."; playType = "TOUCHDOWN"; } else { lastPlay = fgFilter; playType = "FIELD GOAL"; } if (homeName === possession) { document.getElementById("homeName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#aaffaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("homeScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#aaffaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("awayName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; document.getElementById("awayScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; } else if (awayName === possession) { document.getElementById("awayName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#aaffaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("awayScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#aaffaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("homeName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; document.getElementById("homeScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa)"; } else { resetColor(); } } if (playType === "Fiel") { playType = "FIELD GOAL"; } if (down === "a") { playLine = possession.toUpperCase() + " " + playType.toUpperCase(); } else { playLine = "\<b>" + down.toUpperCase() + " AND " + distance + " - " + possession.toUpperCase() + "\</b> at the " + yardLine + " yard line"; if (yardLine > 79 && homeName === possession) { document.getElementById("homeName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#ffaaaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("homeScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#ffaaaa, #eeeeee)"; } else if (yardLine > 79 && awayName === possession) { document.getElementById("awayName").style.background = "linear-gradient(#ffaaaa, #eeeeee)"; document.getElementById("awayScore").style.background = "linear-gradient(#ffaaaa, #eeeeee)"; } else { resetColor(); } } } = "visible"; clockArr.push(qtr, timeLeft); statusArr.push(homeStatus, awayStatus); playArr.push(playLine, lastPlay); firstArr.push(homeName, homeScore, homeFlag, homeStatus); secondArr.push(awayName, awayScore, awayFlag, awayStatus); dataArr.push(firstArr, secondArr); for (var b = 0; b < 2; b++) { var gameCellUpdate = document.getElementById(boxNameId[b]); var scoreCellUpdate = document.getElementById(boxScoreId[b]); var playCellUpdate = document.getElementById(playCellId[b]); gameCellUpdate.innerHTML = dataArr[b][0]; var flagImg = document.createElement("img"); flagImg.setAttribute("src", "" + dataArr[b][2] + ".png"); flagImg.setAttribute("style", "float: left; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 1px;"); gameCellUpdate.appendChild(flagImg); var statusImg = document.createElement("img"); if (testItem !== "match_review") { if (statusArr[b] === "Online!") { statusImg.setAttribute("src", ""); } else { statusImg.setAttribute("src", ""); } statusImg.setAttribute("style", "float: left; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 4px; margin-top: 3px; margin-left: 2px; border-color: #cccccc;"); gameCellUpdate.appendChild(statusImg); } scoreCellUpdate.innerHTML = dataArr[b][1]; if (testItem === "match_review") { = "12px"; } playCellUpdate.innerHTML = playArr[b]; } var scoreHome = parseInt(dataArr[0][1]); var scoreAway = parseInt(dataArr[1][1]); var timeRow, timeCell; if (mins === "FT" && qtr !== "OT") { document.getElementById("timeBody").innerHTML = ""; timeRow = document.createElement("tr"); timeCell = document.createElement("td"); timeCell.innerHTML = "FINAL"; timeCell.setAttribute("id", timeBoxId[0]); timeCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #aaaaaa; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; width: 55px ; text-align: center; height: 48px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); timeRow.appendChild(timeCell); timeBody.appendChild(timeRow); timeBox.appendChild(timeBody); document.getElementById("clockDiv").appendChild(timeBox); var newBasic; var plural = "s"; if (scoreHome - scoreAway === 1 || scoreAway - scoreHome === 1) { plural = ""; } switch (true) { case (scoreHome > scoreAway): newBasic = document.getElementById("basics"); newBasic.innerHTML = homeName + " won by " + (scoreHome - scoreAway) + " point" + plural + "."; break; default: newBasic = document.getElementById("basics"); newBasic.innerHTML = awayName + " won by " + (scoreAway - scoreHome) + " point" + plural + "."; } var weatherIcon = document.createElement("img"); weatherIcon.setAttribute("src", "" + weather + ".gif"); weatherIcon.setAttribute("style", "float: left; height: 25px; width: 30px; padding-left: 5px;"); var wipeDetails = document.getElementById("details"); wipeDetails.innerHTML = "Played at " + attendance; wipeDetails.appendChild(weatherIcon); } else if (mins === "FT" && qtr === "OT") { document.getElementById("timeBody").innerHTML = ""; timeRow = document.createElement("tr"); timeCell = document.createElement("td"); timeCell.setAttribute("id", timeBoxId[0]); timeCell.innerHTML = "OT"; timeCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #aaaaaa; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; width: 55px ; text-align: center; height: 48px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); timeRow.appendChild(timeCell); timeBody.appendChild(timeRow); timeBox.appendChild(timeBody); document.getElementById("clockDiv").appendChild(timeBox); } else { document.getElementById("timeBody").innerHTML = ""; for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) { timeRow = document.createElement("tr"); timeCell = document.createElement("td"); timeCell.setAttribute("id", timeBoxId[c]); timeCell.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 1px 1px #aaaaaa; position: relative; top: " + timeArr[c][2] + "px; font-weight: bold; font-size: " + timeArr[c][0] + "px; width: 55px ; text-align: center; height: " + timeArr[c][1] + "px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);"); timeRow.appendChild(timeCell); timeBody.appendChild(timeRow); var timeCellUpdate = document.getElementById(timeBoxId[c]); timeCellUpdate.innerHTML = clockArr[c].toUpperCase(); } } var hBall = document.createElement("img"); hBall.setAttribute("src", ""); hBall.setAttribute("style", "height: 10px; width: 15px; padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 4px; float: right; opacity: 0.7;"); var aBall = document.createElement("img"); aBall.setAttribute("src", ""); aBall.setAttribute("style", "height: 10px; width: 15px; padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 4px; float: right; opacity: 0;"); var homeBall = document.getElementById("homeName"); var awayBall = document.getElementById("awayName"); if (homeName === possession) { homeBall.appendChild(hBall); awayBall.appendChild(aBall); } if (awayName === possession) { homeBall.appendChild(aBall); awayBall.appendChild(hBall); } } };"GET", "" + matchList[count], true); xhttp.send(); var addLink = document.getElementById("linkButton"); addLink.setAttribute("onclick", "document.location.href = '" + matchList[count] + "'"); count += 1; if (count > 7 && Number(aflc) === 1) { count = 0; } if (count > 4 && Number(aflc) === 0) { count = 0; } } }, 100);