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// ==UserScript== // @name e621 Artist Gallery // @namespace e621ag // @include *//* // @exclude *//* // @version 1.0 // ==/UserScript== window.addEventListener('load', function() { var sort = 'favcount'; // recommended: 'favcount' or 'score' -- var content = document.getElementById('content'), artistRows = content.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[1].getElementsByTagName('tr'), artists = [], artistLinks = []; for (var i = 0; i < artistRows.length; i++) { artists.push(artistRows[i].children[1].firstElementChild.innerHTML); artistLinks.push(artistRows[i].children[1].firstElementChild.href); } content.innerHTML = '<div id="post-list"><div class="sidebar"><div style="margin:0 0 1em"><h5>Search</h5>' + document.getElementById('searchform').lastElementChild.outerHTML.replace(/\d\d\dpx/g, '140px') + '</div><div style="margin:0 0 1em"><h5>Progress</h5><span id="eag-counter">0</span>/' + artists.length + '</div><div id="eag-noWorks" style="margin:0 0 1em;display:none"><h5>No Works</h5></div></div><div class="content-post"><div id="eag-gallery"></div>' + document.getElementById('paginator').outerHTML + '</div></div><div class="Clear"> </div>'; i = -1; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), anim = false, ratings = { 's' : 'Safe', 'q' : 'Questionable', 'e' : 'Explicit' }, noWorks = document.getElementById('eag-noWorks'), gallery = document.getElementById('eag-gallery'), counter = document.getElementById('eag-counter'); xhr.onload = function() { var result = xhr.responseText; if (result.length < 5 && !anim) return addNoWorks(); // empty response: no art else if (result.length > 5) { var data = JSON.parse(result.substring(1, result.length - 1)), // responseType = 'json' doesn't work in IE newItem = anim ? gallery.lastElementChild : document.createElement('span'); newItem.className = 'thumb'; newItem.innerHTML = '<a class="tooltip-thumb" href="/post?tags=' + artists[i] + '+order:' + sort + '"><img class="preview" src="' + data.preview_url + '" width="' + data.preview_width + 'px" height="' + data.preview_height + 'px" ' + (anim ? 'style="border:3px solid #F00"' : '') + ' title="' + data.tags + ' Artist: ' + artists[i] + ' Rating: ' + ratings[data.rating] + ' Score: ' + data.score + ' Faves: ' + data.fav_count + '"></a><a href="' + artistLinks[i] + '"><span class="post-score" style="display:inline-block;padding:0 4px;min-width:' + (data.preview_width - 8) + 'px">' + artists[i] + '</span></a>'; if (!anim) gallery.appendChild(newItem); if (data.file_ext === 'swf' || data.file_ext === 'webm') { // no thumbnail - try again i--; anim = true; } else anim = false; } else anim = false; if ((i+1) < artists.length) getItem(); }; function getItem() { i++; counter.innerHTML = i + 1; if (artists[i].charAt(0) === '-' || artists[i].length === 0) addNoWorks(); // don't query useless tags, takes too long else {'GET', "" + artists[i] + "+order:" + sort + (anim ? '+-flash+-animated' : ''), true); xhr.send(); } } function addNoWorks() { var newArtist = document.createElement('div'); newArtist.innerHTML = '<a href="' + artistLinks[i] + '">' + artists[i] + '</a>'; = ''; noWorks.appendChild(newArtist); if ((i+1) < artists.length) getItem(); } getItem(); });