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// ==UserScript== // @name Kamihime Project R - Display enemy hp // @description Displays enemy hp // @license MIT // @match // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { var interval = setInterval(function() { if (typeof kh !== 'undefined' && kh.Enemy && kh.EnemyStatusBar && kh.BattleWorld) { clearInterval(interval); var orig_ctor = kh.EnemyStatusBar.prototype.ctor; kh.EnemyStatusBar.prototype.ctor = function new_ctor(t, n, a, i) { orig_ctor.apply(this, new_ctor.arguments); var hp_text = this.ui.getChildByName("hp_text") || new ccui.Text(); hp_text.setName("hp_text"); hp_text.setFontSize(10); hp_text.enableOutline(cc.color.BLACK, 1); hp_text.setPosition([234, 145, 145][a-1], 42); this.ui.addChild(hp_text); } var formatNumber = function(num) { return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'); } var updateHPText = function(e) { ccui.helper.seekWidgetByName(e.statusPanel.ui, "hp_text").setText(formatNumber(e.hp) + "/" + formatNumber(e.maxHp)); } kh.Enemy.prototype.adjustHP = function(t) {, t); updateHPText(this); } var orig_start = kh.BattleWorld.prototype._start; kh.BattleWorld.prototype._start = async function new_start(sceneInstanceId) { this.enemyList.filter(t => t && Object.entries(t).length).forEach(updateHPText); return orig_start.apply(this, [sceneInstanceId]); } } }, 10); })();