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// ==UserScript== // @name Bumblebonus (Speedcontrol + Large Images) // @name:de Bumblebonus (Große Bilder + Sprachnachrichtengeschwindigkeit) // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match https://** // @require // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_addStyle // @version 2.0.3 // @author - // @description 28.1.23 // @description:de 28.1.23 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== var picssectionstring = `<div class="profile__section--text profile__section--location"> <div class="profile__subtitle"> <div class="profile__subtitle-icon"><span class="icon icon--size-stretch" role="presentation" data-qa-role="icon" data-qa-icon-name="profile-badge-location"><svg data-origin="pipeline" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16 32C7.163 32 0 24.837 0 16S7.163 0 16 0s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16zM9.608 13.72c-.259 3.7 5.772 10.168 6.141 6.825-5.569 7.084-9.27.259-3.7-2.492-6.906-6.144-7.161-3.652-.256-6.822 2.537-7.08 6.237zM16 16a2.133 2.133 0 110-4.267A2.133 2.133 0 0116 16z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg></span></div> <div class="profile__subtitle-text"> <div class="p-2 text-ellipsis font-weight-medium"><span>Pics</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="profile__about"> <ul id="picture_list" class="profile__badges"> </ul> </div> </div> `; function InsertImages() { var x = $(".profile__photo"); var i; if (!x.hasClass("processed")) { var picSection = $($(".profile__section")[0]).append(picssectionstring); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { src = x[i].src; slug = src.split('&size')[0]; $("#picture_list").append('<li class="profile__badge">\ <div class="pill"> \ <div class="pill__title">\ <div class="p-3 text-ellipsis font-weight-medium">\ <a href="' + slug + '" style="text-decoration:underline;color:#454650;" target="_blank">Pic ' + i + '</a>\ </div>\ </div>\ </div></li>'); } x.addClass("processed"); } } function swapAudio() { var x = $(".message-audio > audio"); color = (x.parents().eq(3).hasClass("message--out")) ? "#282828" : "#ffc629"; var i; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { var audioUrl = $(x[i]).attr("src"); var audioTag = '<div style="background-color:"' + color + '";border-radius:15px;padding-top:5px;" > \ <audio controls id="audio' + i + '" src="' + audioUrl + '" style="border-radius:15px;margin-left:10px;"></audio> \ <button style="margin-right:5px;margin-top:-30px;background:#e6b225;text-align: center;width: 60px;height: 40px;border-radius:15px;display: inline-block;vertical-align:middle;color:#000;" data-current-speed="1" data-audiosource="audio' + i + '" class="speedControl" "> 1x </button> \ </div>'; $(x[i]).parent().html(audioTag); $(x[i]).removeClass("message-audio"); } } $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on("click", ".speedControl", function () { var currentSpeed = $(this).data("current-speed"); var source = $(this).data("audiosource"); var newSpeed = currentSpeed + 0.25; var audioElement = document.getElementById(source); if (newSpeed > 2) newSpeed = 1; audioElement.playbackRate = newSpeed;; $(this).html(newSpeed + "x"); $(this).data("current-speed", newSpeed); }); window.setInterval(() => { InsertImages(); swapAudio(); }, 500); });