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// ==UserScript== // @name MPChotbutton // @match // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== $(document).ready(function() { $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />'); $("#shoutbox-wrapper tr.row1 td.short").append($("<div id='containerdiv' style='padding: 8px;'></div>")); $("#containerdiv").append($("<div id='targetdiv' style='min-height:36px;'></div>")); $("#containerdiv").append($("<div id='emotediv' style='min-height:20px;'></div>")); tags.forEach(function(item) { createTagButton(item); }); emotes.forEach(function(item) { createEmoteButton(item); }); //$("#containerdiv").append($("<input class='jscolor' value='ab2567' onchange='setColor(this.jscolor)'>")); var qButton = $("<a>quote</a>"); qButton.attr({ "class":"qButton", "style" : style + style2 + "margin: 0; padding: 0px;" }); qButton.append($("<i class='fa fa-quote'></i>")); var scotsButton = $("<a>Scotsman has Soured on</a>"); scotsButton.attr({ "style" : style + style2 });; $("#emotediv").append(scotsButton); $("#shoutbox-shouts-table tr.row2").hover(function (){ $('#shoutbox-shouts-table tr.row2 .qButton').remove(); { var quote = $(this).closest('td').contents().not($(this).closest('td').children()).text().trim(); writeQuote(quote); }); //'#shoutbox-shouts-table tr.row2 span.right.desc span' qButton.insertAfter($(this).find("span.right.desc span")); }); //replace this with a solution that just puts a quote button when you hover, this is a headache because of how the DOM updates /*var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { // fired when a mutation occurs console.log('mutation Occured'); $('.qButton').remove(); { var quote = $(this).closest('td').contents().not($(this).closest('td').children()).text().trim(); writeQuote(quote); }); qButton.insertAfter('#shoutbox-shouts-table tr.row2 span.right.desc span'); }); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true });*/ }); function createTagButton(tag){ var button = $("<a>"); button.attr({ "style" : style + style2 }); button.text(tag); //attach actual functionality { writeTag(tag); }); button.prepend($("<i class ='fa "+ icons[tag] + "' style='margin-right: 8px; color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);'> </i>")); //alert(icons[tag]); $("#targetdiv").append(button); } function createEmoteButton(emote){ var button = $("<a>"); button.attr({ "style" : style }); button.text(emote); //attach actual functionality { writeEmote(emote); }); $("#emotediv").append(button); } function writeTag(tag){ var text = $('[name="shout_msg"]'); var Pos = text[0].selectionStart; var textAreaText = text.val(); var textToAdd = "[" + tag + "][/" + tag + "]"; var length =("[/" + tag + "]").length; text.val(textAreaText.substring(0, Pos) + textToAdd + textAreaText.substring(Pos) ); var id = $('[name="shout_msg"]').attr('id'); $('[name="shout_msg"]').focus(); } function writeEmote(emote){ var text = $('[name="shout_msg"]'); var Pos = text[0].selectionStart; var textAreaText = text.val(); var textToAdd = ":" + emote + ":"; text.val(textAreaText.substring(0, Pos) + textToAdd + textAreaText.substring(Pos) ); var id = $('[name="shout_msg"]').attr('id'); $("#" + id).focus(); } function writeQuote(quote){ var text = $('[name="shout_msg"]'); var Pos = text[0].selectionStart; var textAreaText = text.val(); var textToAdd = "[quote]" + quote + "[/quote]"; text.val(textAreaText.substring(0, Pos) + textToAdd + textAreaText.substring(Pos) ); var id = $('[name="shout_msg"]').attr('id'); $('[name="shout_msg"]').focus(); } function writeScotsman(){ console.log('scotsman'); //call to wikipedia api to get random article var url = "*"; $.getJSON( url, function( data ) { var key = Object.keys(data.query.pages)[0]; var thing = data.query.pages[key].title; $('[name="shout_msg"]').val("Scotsman has soured on "+ thing); }); } var colour1 = ''; var colour2 = ''; var style = "background-color: #219971;border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.15);border-top: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.4);" + "margin: 2px;color: white;border-radius: 4px;padding:4px 10px;cursor:pointer; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,120,25,0.75);" + "text-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);min-width: 30px;box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);"; var style2 = "font-weight: bold;background-color: #555;display: inline-block; text-align: left;"; var tags = ["img","quote","spoiler","i","b","sperg"]; var emotes = ["jew","jewpuppet","mlad","allears","lol","lolnig","jewgold","hurr","mystery","troll","farage","negress"].sort(); var icons={"img":"fa-image","quote":"fa-quote-left","spoiler":"fa-lock","i":"fa-italic","b":"fa-bold","sperg":"fa-puzzle-piece"};