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// ==UserScript== // @name BlockYaAds // @description Block all ads on // @version 0.6.9 // @author Chrono // @license MIT // @match* // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { var ignoredClasses = [ "_", "Aside", "Attach", "Avatar", "Badge", "Button2-Icon", "ButtonGroup", "ButtonGroup_gap_xl", "ButtonWithIcon-m__iconWrap", "cke", "CollapsibleToolbar__overflow", "CollapsibleToolbar__visible", "CollapsibleToolbar__zeroWidth", "CollectorIcon-m__root", "Collectors-m__root", "compose", "Compose", "Contact", "ContentHeader-m__header", "Control", "cut", "Cut", "dialog", "MidgetsPanel", "Separator", "Expander", "Filter-m__root", "Filters", "Folder", "Footer-m__footerContainer", "FooterItem-m__item", "Header", "HeaderSearch-m__root", "Image-Container", "Labels-m__root", "LabelsExpander-m__root", "Layout-m__root", "LeftColumn", "MainButtons", "MainContent", "Message", "Messenger", "PageLayout", "Popup", "PSHeader", "Prev", "Quote", "Recipient", "Related", "Right", "Root", "Section", "Sender", "Spin", "StatuslineRoot-m__root", "Svg360_root", "Tag-m__icon", "Tag-m__root", "Text", "Title", "Theme", "ToggleSelectedAction__root", "tooltip", "Tooltip", "User", "With", "WrappingList-m__extra", "WrappingList-m__item", "WrappingList-m__root", "WrappingList-m__tail", "WrappingList-m__withExtra", "WrappingList-m__withTail", "b-", "common-m__withGhostButton", "g-hidden", "is-collapsed", "js", "mail", "message-list-banner-portal", "messages-date-pager-float-box", "mid", "mr_css", "new__root", "ns-action", "ns-view-abook", "ns-view-advanced", "ns-view-app", "ns-view-attach", "ns-view-browser", "ns-view-collect", "ns-view-compact-header", "ns-view-compose", "ns-view-contact-actions", "ns-view-container", "ns-view-copy", "ns-view-fake", "ns-view-fill", "ns-view-folders", "ns-view-footer", "ns-view-header", "ns-view-id", "ns-view-infoline", "ns-view-labels", "ns-view-layout", "ns-view-left", "ns-view-loading", "ns-view-mail", "ns-view-main", "ns-view-message", "ns-view-midgets", "ns-view-mops", "ns-view-notifi", "ns-view-opt-in-subs-box", "ns-view-opt-in-subs-view", "ns-view-page", "ns-view-ps-header", "ns-view-quick", "ns-view-react-left-column", "ns-view-react-main-buttons", "ns-view-react-promo-container", "ns-view-react-quick-reply", "ns-view-right", "ns-view-service", "ns-view-setup-abook", "ns-view-setup-left", "ns-view-sidebar-with-widgets", "ns-view-sidebar-with-widgets-box", "ns-view-skin", "ns-view-system-alert-container", "ns-view-tech", "ns-view-themes", "ns-view-themes-messages-list-control", "ns-view-themes-selector-box", "ns-view-themes-skin-rotater-box", "ns-view-thread", "ns-view-timeline", "ns-view-timeline-box", "ns-view-timeline-collapsed", "ns-view-timeline-loader-box", "ns-view-timeline-toggle", "ns-view-timeline-wrap", "ns-view-tip", "ns-view-toolbar", "ns-view-toolbar-box", "ns-view-view", "qa", "react", "ScreenLayer", "search", "styles__buttons", "styles__item", "styles__messages", "styles__root", "styles__wrapper", "theme-overrides-m__root", "ui-dialog", "ui-widget", "ui-corner", "ui-front", "_nb-popup", "nb-popup", "ui-resizable-handle", "ui-resizable-s" ]; 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