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// ==UserScript== // @name Github Matches Highlighter // @version 0.3 // @description Highlight all matches of the clicked on word in the Github code viewer // @include* // @copyright 2014, Chin // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // This script uses jQuery, but does not include it, since Github already uses it var cfg = {}; var fns = {}; /** * Add a css style element to <head> */ function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } /** * Highlight all matches of the clicked on word */ function highlightMatch() { var codeContent = document.getElementsByClassName('highlight js-file-line-container')[0]; // revert all highlighted text back to their previous state var highlighted = codeContent.getElementsByClassName('match_highlighted'); while (highlighted.length !== 0) { var span = highlighted[0]; span.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(span.textContent), span); } // Gets clicked on word var t = ''; // Webkit, Gecko var s = window.getSelection(); if (s.isCollapsed) { // don't care when the user highlight text manually s.modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); s.modify('move', 'backward', 'word'); s.modify('extend', 'forward', 'word'); t = s.toString(); t = t.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '').trim(); s.modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); //clear selection var n, allTextNodes = [], walk = document.createTreeWalker(codeContent, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while (n = walk.nextNode()) { allTextNodes.push(n); } for (var i = 0; i < allTextNodes.length; i++) { n = allTextNodes[i]; var replaceNodes = processTextNode(n, t); var parentNode = n.parentNode; parentNode.replaceChild(replaceNodes[replaceNodes.length - 1], n); var referenceElement = replaceNodes[replaceNodes.length - 1]; for (var k = 0; k < replaceNodes.length - 1; k++) { parentNode.insertBefore(replaceNodes[k], referenceElement); } } // normalize the document, i.e. merging adjacent text nodes codeContent.normalize(); // clear the current markers on the indicator fns.codenav_clear_marks(); // add a marker for each highlighted span highlighted = $('.match_highlighted'); for (i = 0; i < highlighted.length; i++) { var tok = highlighted[i]; // grab the line number var lineno = parseInt($(tok).closest('td').attr('id').slice(2)); fns.codenav_mark_line(lineno, tok); } // log the clicked on word for debugging purpose console.log("\"" + t + "\""); } } /** * Given a textNode and a string toFind, returns an array of text nodes/spans such that each occurance * of the toFind in textNode's text is turned into a ".match_highlighted" span */ function processTextNode(textNode, toFind) { var text = textNode.textContent; var nodes = []; var indexLeft = text.indexOf(toFind); if (indexLeft != -1) { if (indexLeft > 0) { // process left node. We can be sure that there's no occurance of toFind in leftText, so just push it in as-is var leftText = text.substring(0, indexLeft); nodes.push(document.createTextNode(leftText)); } var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = toFind; span.className = "match_highlighted"; nodes.push(span); if (indexLeft + toFind.length < text.length) { // todo: process the right part properly var rightText = text.substring(indexLeft + toFind.length); nodes.push(document.createTextNode(rightText)); } } else { nodes.push(textNode); } return nodes; } /** * Try to find the code viewer and bind the onClick event to it. * Also setup the indicator bar. */ function trySetup() { var codeContent = document.getElementsByClassName('highlight js-file-line-container')[0]; if (codeContent) { if (!codeContent.onclick) { codeContent.onclick = highlightMatch; console.log("onClick registered"); setup_config(); setup_scroll_bar(); setup_scroll_bar_positioning(); setTimeout(function() { $(window).trigger('scroll.codenav'); }, 100); console.log("Setup done"); } } else { // console.log("Code viewer not found"); } } /** * Add the necessary css rules */ function setupCss() { addGlobalStyle('.match_highlighted { background-color: rgba(253, 255, 0, 0.28); }'); addGlobalStyle('.codenav_scroll_indicator { width: 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: right; line-height: 1; float: right; \ margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; top: 45px; right: 12px; position: absolute; z-index: 999999; }'); addGlobalStyle('.codenav_scroll_indicator_mark { position: absolute; background-color: #ffa; border: 1px solid #909090; \ width: 10px; height: 8px; float: right; cursor: pointer;}'); } function setup_config() { cfg.original_scroll_pos = $(window).scrollTop(); cfg.$code_body = $('.js-file-line-container'); var font_size = cfg.$code_body.css('font-size'); cfg.line_height = font_size ? Math.floor(parseInt(font_size.replace('px', '')) * 1.5) : 19; } function setup_scroll_bar() { // Manual width is to fix firefox problem. var $scrollindicator = $('<div class="codenav_scroll_indicator"></div>') .appendTo($('.js-file-line-container').parent()); var $bwrapper = $('.blob-wrapper'); var total_num_lines = $('.js-line-number').length; // total lines in file var did_set_border = false; // Define marking functions. fns.codenav_mark_line = function(n, $elt) { // Reset height to handle resize var $bwrapper = $('.blob-wrapper'); $scrollindicator.height(Math.min($(window).innerHeight(), $bwrapper.height())); if (!did_set_border) { $bwrapper.css('border-right', '14px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)'); did_set_border = true; } // Compute marker position var height; if ($('body').height() > $(window).height()) { // Has scroll bar. height = Math.round((n / total_num_lines) * 100) + '%'; } else { // Handle the special case where the document fits within the entire window. height = (cfg.line_height * n - 20) + 'px'; } var $mark = $('<span class="codenav_scroll_indicator_mark"></span>') .appendTo($scrollindicator) .css('top', height) // Fix positioning if code is horizontally scrollable //.css('margin-left', -1*Math.max(0, $fcode.width() - 920 + 11)) .on('click', function() { // Note this doesn't handle resize between setup and click. scroll_to_lineno(n); }); }; fns.codenav_clear_marks = function() { $('.codenav_scroll_indicator_mark').remove(); }; } /** * As we scroll past the top of the file code container, attach the line marker container to be * fixed in the viewport (& reset it to be contained in the file container if we scroll back up.) */ function setup_scroll_bar_positioning() { // This function is called on pjax page loads (where the window object persists but the page // content changes), so first unregister any old window event handlers before adding new ones $(window) .off('scroll.codenav') .off('resize.codenav'); if (!is_code_page()) { return; } var $bwrapper = $('.blob-wrapper'); var $scrollindicator = $('.codenav_scroll_indicator'); // Cache the current 'position' attribute of $scrollindicator to save a CSS lookup/set each scroll var last_position = null; // On page scroll, check if the $scrollindicator container holding our line markings should be // attached to its parent like a normal element, or fixed in the viewport as we scroll down $(window).on('scroll.codenav', function() { var amount_scrolled_below_top_of_bwrapper = $(window).scrollTop() - $bwrapper.offset().top; var amount_scrolled_below_bottom_of_bwrapper = amount_scrolled_below_top_of_bwrapper + $(window).height() - $bwrapper.height(); if (amount_scrolled_below_top_of_bwrapper > 0) { // If we've scrolled past the top of the code blob container, fix $scrollindicator to viewport if (last_position !== 'fixed') { // Only update CSS attributes if not already set correctly $scrollindicator .css('position', 'fixed') // We don't need to add padding for the file header bar because it's scrolled offscreen // at this point .css('top', '0px') .css('left', Math.round($bwrapper.offset().left + $bwrapper.width() - 7) + 'px'); last_position = 'fixed'; } } else { // If we're above the top of the code blob container, attach $scrollindicator to it if (last_position !== 'absolute') { $scrollindicator .css('position', 'absolute') // We add 45px of padding above it to account for the file header info/actions bar .css('top', '45px') .css('left', 'auto'); last_position = 'absolute'; } } if (amount_scrolled_below_bottom_of_bwrapper > 0) { $scrollindicator.height($(window).innerHeight() - amount_scrolled_below_bottom_of_bwrapper); } else { $scrollindicator.height($(window).innerHeight()); } }); // We resize the $scrollindicator container to be the visible height of the blob wrapper $(window).on('resize.codenav', function() { $scrollindicator.height($(window).innerHeight()); $(window).trigger('scroll.codenav'); }); } function scroll_to_lineno(n) { var $bwrapper = $('.blob-wrapper'); var $lineelt = $('#LC' + n); var linepos = $lineelt.offset().top; var margin = Math.round($lineelt.height() / 3); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: (linepos - margin) }); } function is_code_page() { return $('#LC1').length > 0; } setupCss(); // Try once after page loads trySetup(); // This is needed since Github uses AJAX to load new page contents, so we need to constantly monitoring the page setInterval(function() { trySetup(); }, 2000);