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// ==UserScript== // @name Habitica: Party messages // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description Habitica: Party messages // @author chendler // @match https://** // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // init interval id var tInitID; // My name var me; var members = []; var wikiSearchURL = ""; $(document).ready(function() { $(document).on("click", tryToInit); tryToInit(); }); // Try inly if not trying now var isTrying = false; function tryToInit() { if(isTrying) return; isTrying = true; // set little delayso URL is changed if clicked on navigation setTimeout(function(){ if(top.location.pathname !== "/party") return; //console.log("TRY TO INIT..", top.location.pathname); tInitID = setInterval(function(){ console.log("-- Try to init..", top.location.pathname); var isAlreadyProcessed = $(".row.processed").length > 0; if(isAlreadyProcessed) { console.log("-- Already processed"); window.clearInterval(tInitID); isTrying = false; return; } var isChatRow = $(".chat-row").length > 0; var isLeader = $(".title-details .leader").length > 0; var haveMessages = $(".chat-row .card-body .text.markdown > p").length > 0; if( isChatRow && isLeader && haveMessages) init(); },1000); },3000); } function init() { isTrying = false; console.log("=== INIT ==="); window.clearInterval(tInitID); // Leader me = $(".title-details .leader").text().replace(":","").trim(); console.log("My name:", me); // Members without leader members = []; $(".party-members .character-name").each(function(){ members.push($(this).text()); }); members.push(me); console.log("Members:", members); // Do stuff with chat messages chatMessages(); } function chatMessages() { var $rows = $(".card-body .text.markdown > p"); var daysClass = "today"; var prevDaysClass = ""; $rows.each(function(){ var $msg = $(this); var $card = $msg.closest(".card"); var $row = $card.closest(".row"); var $rowWrap = $row.parent(); // whole wrapper of one mesage contents var s = $msg.text(); $row.addClass("processed"); $rowWrap.addClass("row-wrap"); // Bold usernames $.each(members, function(i, val){ s = s.replace(val, "<b class=username>"+val+"</b>"); }); // Time ago var timeAgo = $card.find(".time").text(); if(timeAgo.indexOf("day ago") >= 0) daysClass = "yesterday"; else if(timeAgo.indexOf("days ago") >= 0) daysClass = "days-ago"; else if(daysClass != "today") daysClass = "old"; $card.addClass(daysClass); $rowWrap.addClass(daysClass); if(prevDaysClass == "today" && daysClass != prevDaysClass) $rowWrap.before("<hr/>"); prevDaysClass = daysClass; // Casts var rgx = new RegExp(/casts (.+?) for the party/gi); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("cast"); s = s.replace(rgx, "casts <a href='"+wikiSearchURL+"$1' class=wiki target=_blank>$1</a> for the party"); } // Found rgx = new RegExp(/found (\d+) (.+?)\./gi); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("found"); s = s.replace(rgx, "found <b class='count count-$1'>$1</b> <a href='"+wikiSearchURL+"$2' class=wiki target=_blank>$2</a>."); } // Damage rgx = new RegExp(/\. (.+?) attacks party for (\d+\.\d+) damage\./i); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("boss"); s = s.replace(rgx, ". <span class=damage>$1 attacks party for <b class=hp>$2</b> damage.</span>"); } // Attack rgx = new RegExp(/^(.+?) attacks (.+?) for (\d+\.\d+) damage\./i); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("boss"); s = s.replace(rgx, "<span class=attack>$1 attacks <a href='"+wikiSearchURL+"$2' class=wiki target=_blank>$2</a> for <b class=hp>$3</b> damage.</span><br/>"); } // Start rgx = new RegExp(/Your quest, (.+?), has started\./i); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("start"); s = s.replace(rgx, "<h4>Your quest, <a href='"+wikiSearchURL+"$1' class=wiki target=_blank>$1</a>, has started.</h4>"); } // Victory: Boss rgx = new RegExp(/You defeated (.+?)! Questing party members receive the rewards of victory\./i); if( rgx.test(s) ) { $card.addClass("victory"); s = s.replace(rgx, "<h4>You defeated <a href='"+wikiSearchURL+"$1' class=wiki target=_blank>$1</a>!</h4> <div class=desc><i>Questing party members receive the rewards of victory.</i></div>"); } // Victory: Collect rgx = new RegExp(/All items found! Party has received their rewards\./i); if( s.indexOf("All items found! Party has received their rewards") >= 0 ) { $card.addClass("victory"); s = "<h4>Victory! All items found!</h4> <div class=desc><i>Party has received their rewards.</i></div>"; } // Assign new html $msg.html("<code>"+s+"</code>"); }); }