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// ==UserScript== // @name Water-Crow-Harvest // @namespace Script Runner Pro // @match* // @grant none // @description Water-Crow-Harvest is a discord power tool to nofify user with PvU related tasks. // @version 2.1 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { const WATER_TYPE = 0; const CROW_TYPE = 1; const HARVEST_TYPE = 2; let loopCount = 0; let accountConfig = [{ "account_name": "Vincent", "discord_id": "869025435273556049", "public_addresses": ["0xfa16543c44aee47d11e5b6e081ac0da098b249cb", "0x958549778b03fe5f5724f95ed2a939de0e7edb0e", "0x82fa8dc456d98756da0776d13c137bf7039d5116", "0x465e7b432d9f5a92bc7ad6134181bd5febfde671", "0x26afa0616b594732e6958e8627f6229b1cabf31e"] }, { "account_name": "Kirstine", "discord_id": "869025435273556049", "public_addresses": ["0x484ce2696bf2474fc6fef2219870a744e075c531"] }, { "account_name": "Spencer", "discord_id": "490551670074376212", "public_addresses": ["0xd8a0d6a91f1356bfc6b22ab97ca2c6e5e7304fa3", "0x633aaa6b86ece6af7960cd767d2992ea4ca4bd6f", "0x4fae9a5a7047a3af8c61c1ea04c4a3156c0a77b0", "0x4025161a85b33da5712f28e40fb777677cab718a", "0xa184b79b013b370794e6ac6e83eee9ac28f8e0ab"] }, { "account_name": "Christian", "discord_id": "321519973002510356", "public_addresses": ["0xc04c4b8e143ffec0b1bd28600250215eef84a392", "0xc774cc987ed47968ae95657ab2218ecc7640f1c4", "0xff9693bc7cc2725c40f7f5802003c3bf8f02eb01", "0x1a7104aba66a1a3f612cbaa326289999d6a4444c", "0x136e79a1182aa3499098e796418e4c0501b542b1"] }, { "account_name": "Marims", "discord_id": "884054391479484416", "public_addresses": ["0x76e0609011ed345085a9b738d14bdc988f476de2", "0xac133afc01168e99e3adbe163fc6e73f15c3323f", "0xeb389f0f63976838c8c9c2d955469f76d26cbdb3"] }]; let notification_type = [{ "type": "Water", "description": "Your plant needs water!", "textColor": 5814783 }, { "type": "Crow", "description": "Your plant has crow!", "textColor": 9051106 }, { "type": "Harvest", "description": "Congrats! Your account has a plant(s) to harvest!", "textColor": 2210060 } ] if (!window.accountConfig) { window.accountConfig = accountConfig; } function checkForCrow() { let plantCrow = document.querySelectorAll(''); let uwakCount = 0; let uwakLocation = ''; plantCrow.forEach((kruk) => { if ( == "") { uwakCount += 1; uwakLocation = kruk; } }); if (uwakCount > 0) { let account = getAccount(); notifyDiscord(CROW_TYPE, account); return uwakLocation; } return uwakCount; } function notifyDiscord(notif_type, account) { var myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); myHeaders.append("Cookie", "__cfruid=cc378d1218f130b10a3cc4b30c5dd6778a3c8898-1631196744; __dcfduid=f3c557da117711ec82c142010a0a0266; __sdcfduid=f3c557da117711ec82c142010a0a0266d95a4ab8497af0e5f0afaf78cf8f70c538bab997e56962317cf3d376e408c374"); var raw = JSON.stringify({ "content": `<@${account.discord_id}>`, "embeds": [{ "title": `${notification_type[notif_type].type} Notification`, "color": notification_type[notif_type].textColor, "fields": [{ "name": `${account.account_name} -> Account_${account.account_index}`, "value": `${notification_type[notif_type].description}` }] }] }); var requestOptions = { method: 'POST', headers: myHeaders, body: raw, redirect: 'follow' }; fetch("", requestOptions) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log('error', error)); } function getAccount() { let selectedAccount = {}; accountConfig.some((account) => { let match = account.public_addresses.indexOf(getCurrentUser()); if (match >= 0) { selectedAccount = account; selectedAccount["account_index"] = match + 1; return !!match; } }); return selectedAccount; } function checkHarvest() { if (!document.querySelector(" > button").disabled) { let account = getAccount(); notifyDiscord(HARVEST_TYPE, account); } } function notifyDryWater() { let plantWaterCounts = document.querySelectorAll("span.small"); for (let plantWaterCount in plantWaterCounts) { if (plantWaterCounts[plantWaterCount].innerHTML == "0") { // call water audio let account = getAccount(); notifyDiscord(WATER_TYPE, account); } } } function getCurrentUser() { if (!!window.ethereum) { return ethereum.selectedAddress; } else { console.log(`%c No Metamask Installed`); return; } } function checkMaintenance() { let maintenanceLabel = document.querySelector('.coming'); if (!!maintenanceLabel && maintenanceLabel.innerText.toLowerCase() == 'farm maintenance') { return true; } return false; } setTimeout(() => { if (!checkMaintenance()) { let crowLoop = setInterval(() => { let useCrow = document.querySelector("#__layout > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div >\\\\ > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(5) >\\:tw-flex > button"); let crowLocation = checkForCrow(); notifyDryWater(); checkHarvest(); if (crowLocation !== 0) { console.log(`%c Naay uwak`, 'color:green'); //bugawon; setTimeout(() => {; clearInterval(crowLoop); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 30000); } else { if (loopCount == 6) { window.location.reload(); } console.log(`loop count: %c${loopCount}`, 'color:green'); } loopCount++; }, 10000); } else { console.log(`%c Not in whitelist yet.`, 'color:red'); setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 60000) } }, 5000); })()