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// ==UserScript== // @name FarmersWorld Bot // @namespace Script Runner Pro // @match // @grant none // @version 1.2 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { function Mining() { this.isInitialized = false; this.toolCount = 0; = []; this.currentToolIndex = 0; this.init = () => { if (!this.isInitialized) { this.isInitialized = true; this.getNumberOfTools(); } } this.getNumberOfTools = () => { let tools = document.querySelectorAll('img.carousel__img--item'); if (!!tools && tools.length > 0) { this.toolCount = tools.length; = tools; } return; } = () => { //let timeoutCount = this.currentToolIndex == 0 ? this.currentToolIndex + 1 : this.currentToolIndex; let energyNeedRefill = false; let energyStats = document.querySelectorAll('div.resource-number')[3].innerText; energyStats = energyStats.match(/\d+/g); if (this.currentToolIndex != { this.checkMine([this.currentToolIndex]); this.currentToolIndex++; } else { this.currentToolIndex = 0; } if (!!energyStats && energyStats.length > 0) { let remaining = parseInt(energyStats[0], 10); let total = parseInt(energyStats[1], 10); if ((remaining/total) <= 0.5) { let refillable = total - remaining; this.refillEnergy(refillable); return; } else { console.log(`%c You still have energy left!`, 'color:yellow'); } } setTimeout(, 10000); return; } this.refillEnergy = (energy) => { let plusIcon = document.querySelector('img.resource-energy--plus').click(); setTimeout(() => { let modal = document.querySelector(''); if (!!modal) { let plusBtn = document.querySelectorAll('img.image-button')[2]; for (let i = 5; i <= energy;) { setTimeout(() => {; }, 500); i += 5; } let exchangeBtn = document.querySelector('div.plain-button.long'); setTimeout(() => {;; }, 1000); } }, 1000); return; } this.checkMine = (tool) => {; console.log(` %c Executing Tool Index: ${tool.getAttribute('alt')}`, 'color:gray'); setTimeout(() => { let mineBtn = document.querySelectorAll('div.plain-button.semi-short')[0]; let repairBtn = document.querySelectorAll('div.plain-button.semi-short')[1]; let infoTime = document.querySelector(''); if (!!infoTime && infoTime.innerText == '00:00:00') {; console.log(`%c Mined Successfully.`, 'color:green'); } else { try { if (eval(document.querySelector("div.content").innerText) <= 0.25) {; console.log(`%c Tool Repaired!!!`, 'color:blue'); } } catch (err) { console.log(`%c Not valid for Repair`, 'color:orange'); } console.log("not yet ready"); } }, 500); } } function Farming() { this.isInitialized = false; this.seedCount = 0; this.seeds = []; this.currentSeedIndex = 0; this.init = () => { if (!this.isInitialized) { this.isInitialized = true; this.getNumberOfPlants(); } } this.getNumberOfPlants = () => { let plants = document.querySelectorAll('img.carousel__img--item'); if (!!plants && plants.length > 0) { this.seedCount = plants.length; this.seeds = plants; } return; } this.water = () => { //let timeoutCount = this.currentToolIndex == 0 ? this.currentToolIndex + 1 : this.currentToolIndex; if (this.currentSeedIndex != this.seeds.length) { this.checkMine(this.seeds[this.currentSeedIndex]); this.currentSeedIndex++; } else { this.currentSeedIndex = 0; } setTimeout(this.water, 10000); return; } this.checkMine = (seed) => {; console.log(` %c Executing Seed Index: ${seed.getAttribute('alt')}`, 'color:gray'); setTimeout(() => { let waterBtn = document.querySelectorAll('div.plain-button.semi-short')[0]; if (!!waterBtn && waterBtn.innerText.toLowerCase() == 'water') {; console.log(`%c Plant Watered Successfully.`, 'color:green'); } else { console.log("not yet ready"); } }, 500); } } function decisionMode(mode) { let farmModeComponent = document.querySelectorAll('img.rice'); let miningComponent = document.querySelector('div.badge-container'); let farmMode = new Farming(); let miningMode = new Mining(); if (mode == "1") { console.log(`%cMining activated`, 'color:green'); if (!!miningComponent && miningComponent.classList.length > 0) { if (!miningMode.isInitialized) { miningMode.init(); }; } } else if (mode == "2") { console.log(`%cFarming activated`, 'color:green'); if (!!farmModeComponent && farmModeComponent.length > 0) { if (!farmMode.isInitialized) { farmMode.init(); } farmMode.water(); } } else { alert("Invalid mode selected; exit code 1;"); return; } } let checkerInt = setInterval(() => { let homePage = document.querySelector('section.home-container'); if (!!homePage) { let decisionMaker = window.prompt("Choose Mode (1) mine | (2) farm", "1"); decisionMode(decisionMaker); clearInterval(checkerInt); } }, 5000); }());