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// ==UserScript== // @name Add to Chrome // @version 1.0.1 // @description Convert Chrome extension links to download extension from page. // @author celliott1997 // @include * // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function create(Element){return $(document.createElement(Element));} var webstore = ""; $(document).ready(function(){ $("a[href]").each(function(){ var button = $(this); var linkUrl = button.attr("href"); var appId = linkUrl.substring(linkUrl.lastIndexOf("/")+1); if (linkUrl.indexOf(webstore) > -1){ create("link").attr("rel", "chrome-webstore-item").attr("href", webstore+appId) .appendTo(document.head);{ evt.preventDefault(); chrome.webstore.install(); return false; }); } }); }); })();