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// ==UserScript== // @name RedditCommentProfiles // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Sticks Reddit User Profile images to comments, where available. // @author celerym // @match https://**/comments/* // @grant none // @homepageURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== // Adjust the profile image size: var rcp_img_size = '50px'; (function() { 'use strict'; $('.commentarea .entry').each(function() { var blanko = ""; $(".usertext-body", this).prepend("<img src='"+blanko+"' class='rcp_image' style='display:none;'/>"); var rcp_user = $(".author", this).text(); var rcp_img = $(".rcp_image", this); $.get(''+rcp_user, function(data) { rcp_img.attr('src', $(data).find('.ProfileSidebar__usericon-image').attr('src')); if (rcp_img.attr('src') !== blanko) { rcp_img.attr('style', 'float:left;display:inline-block;margin-right:10px;width:'+rcp_img_size+';height:auto;'); } }); }); })();