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// ==UserScript== // @name bilibili一键投币 // @namespace // @version 0.5 // @description 在视频右上角添加快捷按钮帮助用户在全屏和非全屏下一键投币. 投币不需要退出全屏, 过程没有弹出遮挡提示,不需要暂停视频. 方便支持自己喜欢的作者, 投币获得经验5级帐号不再遥不可及. // @author c4r // @match* // @match* // @match* // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @license MPL-2.0 // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; /** * 玩法:修改第二层div.c4r的类,可改的类名包括(.initial .success .error .processing .surprise .hide .fade),其中.inital和.success需要保证有且仅有一个存在。 */ GM_addStyle(` .processing { animation: rotate 2s infinite linear; } @keyframes rotate { from { transform:rotate(0deg); } to { transform:rotate(360deg); } } .initial { background-color: #cacaca; height:50%; width:50%; top:-7%; right:-7%; border-radius:100%; } .success { background-color: #ffffff; height:50%; width:50%; top:-7%; right:-7%; border-radius:100%; } .error { background-color: #fd676f; } .surprise, #c4r-takecoin:hover .c4r { height:100%; width:100%; top:0; right:0; border-radius:100%; } .c4r { transition: all 0.3s ease; } .c4rHide{ opacity: 0; } .fade { animation: fade 1s 0.3s forwards; } @keyframes fade { 25% { opacity: 0.25; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 75% { opacity: 0.25; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } .bcoin { fill: #1890ff; } .c4r.initial .c4r-logo, .c4r.success .bcoin{ display:; } .c4r.initial .bcoin, .c4r.success .c4r-logo{ display: none; } `) // =========================================================================================== // 全局变量 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // let sureButton = [ // '.coin-operated-m .coin-bottom', // 新, 老版本 // '.coin-sure', // watching list // '.coin-bottom', // 未订阅 // '.coin-bottom span.coin-btn' // 旧,新番剧 // ] // let coinBox = [ // '.coin-box', // 老版本, watching list // '.coin', //新版本 // '.bangumi-coin-wrap' //旧版番剧 // '.coin-info' // 新版番剧 // ] let logoShowStatus = [] // let islogoShowTime = false let isMouseInLogo = false // =========================================================================================== // 没有改动类函数... // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 是否为老版本一般视频 */ function isOldVersion() { return $('i.icon-move.c-icon-moved').length > 0 } /** * 是否为番剧(老版本) */ function isBangumiOld() { return $('div.bangumi-coin-wrap').length > 0 } function isBangumiNew() { return $('div.coin-info').length > 0 } /** * 是否为稍后再看 */ function isWatchList() { return $('.bilibili-player-watchlater-nav-header').length > 0 } /** * 是否为新版本一般视频 */ function isNewVersion() { return $('.coin:not(.u)').length > 0 } /** * 返回投币状态 */ function isCoinTaken() { if (isBangumiOld()) { return $('i.bangumi-coin-d').is(':visible') } else if (isBangumiNew()) { return $('').length > 0 } else if (isOldVersion()) { return $('i.icon-move.c-icon-moved').is(':visible') } else { // new version , watch list return $('span.coin.on').length == 1 } } // /** // * 是否关注up // * bug : 新版, 联合创造返回错误结果 // */ // function isFollowing() { // if (isOldVersion() || isWatchList()) { // return $('div.btn.followed').length > 0 // } else if (isBangumiOld()) { // return $('.func-btns.followed').length > 0 // } else if (isNewVersion()) { // return $('.b-gz.following').length > 0 // } else { // console.log("take-coin : error : ", "unknown version") // return undefined // } // } function islogoForeShow() { if (isCoinTaken() && logoShowStatus.indexOf("actTakingCoin") == -1) { // console.log('forec : taken') return false } else { // console.log('forec : logoShowStatus ', logoShowStatus.length) return logoShowStatus.length > 0 } } /** * 判断视频是否全屏状态 */ function isVideoInFullscreen() { if (document.fullscreenElement && == 'bilibiliPlayer') { return true; } return false; } /** * 插入投币按钮的html代码 * 包含 : * - id(string) : coin-gen * - status(string) : taken, taking, untaken, undefined * - text : 已投, 处理中, 投币, 错误 */ function genButton() { console.log('status : ', isCoinTaken()) let strClass = '' let strStatus = '' let strText = '' if (isOldVersion()) { } else if (isBangumiOld()) { } else if (isWatchList()) { } else { } if (isCoinTaken()) { // 已投币 strClass = 'success' } else { strClass = 'initial' } return '<div id="c4r-takecoin" style="width: 6.5%;padding-top: 6.5%;position: absolute;overflow: hidden;top: 0px;right: 0px;cursor: pointer;z-index: 100">\ <div id="coin-gen" class="c4r '+ strClass + '" style="position: absolute;">\ <svg class="c4r-logo" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 162.65 162.65"><path d="M102.74,20.66C67.1,13.31,7,103.51,31.89,108.3c13.7,2.65,24.31-4.73,33.83-6.17l13,.31a1.1,1.1,0,0,1,1.43.57,1.08,1.08,0,0,1-.57,1.43c-11,10.93-6.16,8.84-19.75,13-30.17,9.27-57.47,3.07-43.47-33.52C27.2,55.58,71.12,5,105.59,12.2a4.46,4.46,0,1,1-2.85,8.46Z" style="fill:#414042;fill-rule:evenodd"/><path d="M88.73,71.39a74.35,74.35,0,0,1,9.86,22.25c9.45-11.26,23-18.66,35.69-5.72a3.28,3.28,0,0,1-4.22,5c-12.77-4.54-18.35-1.41-26.57,10.46a41.16,41.16,0,0,0-2.9,5.13c.22,8.56-.94,17.53-2.93,27.55-.71,3.53-4.87,24.87-13.45,16.15-6.79-6.9,2.87-39.31,6.21-46,.19-.39.4-.78.6-1.18C90.49,94,88.23,83.34,83.59,75.51a3.28,3.28,0,0,1,5.14-4.07Zm-3.29,73.12a2.36,2.36,0,0,0-.62.85C85.29,144.85,85.3,144.89,85.44,144.51Z" style="fill:#414042;fill-rule:evenodd"/></svg>\ <svg class="bcoin" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 28 28"><path d="M14.89 8.664h3.276c.541 0 .979-.4.979-.892s-.438-.892-.979-.892H9.681c-.541 0-.979.4-.979.892s.438.892.979.892h3.425v1.637a5.64 5.64 0 0 0-5.355 5.616v1.19a.892.892 0 1 0 1.784.001v-1.19a3.855 3.855 0 0 1 3.57-3.831v8.329a.892.892 0 0 0 1.784 0v-8.329a3.855 3.855 0 0 1 3.57 3.831v1.19a.892.892 0 0 0 1.784 0v-1.19a5.64 5.64 0 0 0-5.355-5.616V8.664zM14 26C7.373 26 2 20.627 2 14S7.373 2 14 2s12 5.373 12 12a12.002 12.002 0 0 1-12 12z"/></svg>\ </div>\ </div>' } /** * 返回投币按钮JQ Selector * @returns {string} JQ Selector */ function getCoinBoxSelector() { if (isOldVersion()) { return '.coin-box' } else if (isBangumiOld()) { return '.bangumi-coin-wrap' } else if (isBangumiNew()) { return 'div.coin-info' } else if (isWatchList()) { return '.coin-box' } else if (isNewVersion()) { return '.coin' } else { console.log("take-coin : error : ", "unknown version") return undefined } } /** * 返回确认投币的JQ Selector * @returns {string} JQ Selector */ function getSureButtonSelector() { // console.log('version : ', isFollowing(), isOldVersion(), isBangumiOld(), isWatchList(),isNewVersion()) if ($('.coin-bottom').length > 0) { // 未订阅 return '.coin-bottom' } else { if (isOldVersion()) { return '.coin-operated-m .coin-bottom' } else if (isBangumiOld() || isBangumiNew()) { return '.coin-bottom span.coin-btn' } else if (isWatchList()) { return '.coin-sure' } else if (isNewVersion()) { return '.coin-operated-m .coin-bottom' } else { console.log("take-coin : error : ", "unknown version") return undefined } } } /** * 隐藏"投币确实"的selector */ function getHideSureBackgroundSelector() { if (isWatchList()) { return '.coin-mask, .coin-wrap' } else if (isOldVersion() || isNewVersion()) { return '.bili-dialog-m' } else if (isBangumiOld()) { return '.dialog-mask' } else if (isBangumiNew()) { return '.coin-dialog-mask' } } // =========================================================================================== // 功能函数 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 强制隐藏logo */ function logoHide() { $('#coin-gen').addClass('c4rHide') } /** * 根据情况判断隐藏图标 */ function autoLogoHide() { if (!islogoForeShow() && !isMouseInLogo) { logoHide() } } /** * logo出现 */ function logoShow() { $('#coin-gen').removeClass('c4rHide') } /** * 在投币动作结束后, 改变投币按钮状态 * @param {String} status taken, taking, untaken, undefined * 对应 -> 已投, 处理中, 投币, 错误 */ function changeCoinTaken(status) { if (status == 'taken') { $('#coin-gen').attr('class', 'c4r success surprise') setTimeout(() => { if (logoShowStatus.indexOf("actTakingCoin") != -1) { delete logoShowStatus[logoShowStatus.indexOf("actTakingCoin")] } autoLogoHide() $('#coin-gen').removeClass('surprise') }, 1000); } else if (status == 'taking') { $('#coin-gen').attr('class', 'c4r initial surprise processing') // $('#coin-gen').attr('class', 'c4r success surprise') } else if (status == 'untaken') { $('#coin-gen').attr('class', 'c4r initial') } else { $('#coin-gen').attr('class', 'c4r initial error') if (logoShowStatus.indexOf("actCoinError") == -1) { logoShowStatus.push("actCoinError") } } } /** * 检测进度条 */ function watchVideo() { let strStartRemind = 'timeStartRemind' let strKeepRemind = 'timeKeepRemind' $('video').on("timeupdate", () => { let timePoint1_s = 3. / 4. * $('video').get(0).duration let timePoint1_e = 3. / 4. * $('video').get(0).duration + 3 // console.log("video time : ", $('video').get(0).currentTime) if ($('video').get(0).currentTime > timePoint1_s && $('video').get(0).currentTime < timePoint1_e) { // 闪烁 if (logoShowStatus.indexOf(strStartRemind) == -1) { logoShowStatus.push(strStartRemind) } if ($("#coin-gen").hasClass("success") || $("#coin-gen").hasClass("error")) { } else { $("#coin-gen").addClass('surprise fade') } } else if ($('video').get(0).currentTime > timePoint1_e) { if (logoShowStatus.indexOf(strStartRemind) != -1) { delete logoShowStatus[logoShowStatus.indexOf(strStartRemind)] } if (logoShowStatus.indexOf(strKeepRemind) == -1) { logoShowStatus.push(strKeepRemind) } if ($("#coin-gen").hasClass("success") || $("#coin-gen").hasClass("error")) { } else { $("#coin-gen").removeClass('fade').addClass('surprise') } } else { // $("#coin-gen").removeClass('surprise') } if (islogoForeShow()) { logoShow() } }); } /** * 视频fullscreen时候要做的事情 */ function processFullScreen() { if (isVideoInFullscreen()) { // 视频为全屏 if (isOldVersion() || isWatchList() || isBangumiOld() || isBangumiNew()) { console.log("Bcoin : start watching hide bar") observerHide.observe($('.bilibili-player-video-control').get(0), { subtree: false, childList: false, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"], attributeOldValue: true, characterDataOldValue: false }) } else { console.log("Bcoin : new version") observerHide.observe($('#bilibiliPlayer > div.bilibili-player-area').get(0), { subtree: false, childList: false, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"], attributeOldValue: true, characterDataOldValue: false }) } } else { // 视频退出全屏 observerHide.disconnect() // $('#coin-gen').show() logoShow() } // 加载watching list // if (isVideoInFullscreen()) { // $("#bcoin-watch-list").append($(".bilibili-player-wraplist").html()) // } else { // $("#bcoin-watch-list").empty() // } } /** * 实际运行部分 */ function watching() { // 添加按钮 console.log("take-coin : add button") $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() logoShowStatus = [] if (isOldVersion() || isWatchList() || isBangumiOld()) { console.log("oldversion") if ($('.bilibili-player-video-wrap').length == 0) { let callbackPlayer = function (mutationList, observer) { // console.log("coin change : ", mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { // if($('.van-icon-videodetails_throw')){ if ($('.bilibili-player-video-wrap').length > 0 && $('#coin-gen').length == 0) { // $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('.bilibili-player-video-wrap').append(genButton()) observer.disconnect() console.log('disconnect coin observe') } // } }) } let observerPlayer = new MutationObserver(callbackPlayer) observerPlayer.observe($('#bilibiliPlayer').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) } else { $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('.bilibili-player-video-wrap').append(genButton()) } } else if (isNewVersion()) { console.log("new version") $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('#bilibiliPlayer').append(genButton()) if (!$('.coin').hasClass('on')) { observerNewVersionCoin.observe($('.coin').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) } } else if (isBangumiNew()) { console.log("Bangumi New version") $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('#bilibiliPlayer').append(genButton()) if ($('.coin-info span').text().trim() == '--') { observerBangumiNewCoin.observe($('.coin-info').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: true, attributes: false, attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) } } else { console.log("unknown version") } processFullScreen() watchVideo() } /** * 模拟鼠标 * @param {*} node * @param {*} eventType */ function triggerMouseEvent(node, eventType) { var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent(eventType, true, true); node.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } var clickTimeout = { _timeout: null, set: function (fn) { var that = this that.clear() that._timeout = setTimeout(fn, 300) }, clear: function () { var that = this if (that._timeout) { clearTimeout(that._timeout) } } } // =========================================================================================== // observation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 检查是否视频周边控制器隐藏状态是否变化 */ let callbackHide = function (mutationList, observer) { // console.log(mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { // console.log(mutation.oldValue, $(".bilibili-player-video-control").attr('style')) if (isOldVersion() || isWatchList() || isBangumiOld() || isBangumiNew()) { if ($(".bilibili-player-video-control").attr('style') == 'opacity: 0;' || $(".bilibili-player-video-control").attr('style') == 'opacity: 1;') { if ($(".bilibili-player-video-control").attr('style') == 'opacity: 0;') { // console.log("Bcoin : hide") // autoLogoHide() } else { // console.log("Bcoin : show") // $('#coin-gen').show() // logoShow() } } } else { // 新版 if ($("#bilibiliPlayer > div.bilibili-player-area").hasClass('video-control-show')) { // $('#coin-gen').show() // logoShow() } else { // autoLogoHide() } } }) } let observerHide = new MutationObserver(callbackHide) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 新版coin图标会晚一点加载出来, 用来等待加载coin */ let callbackNewVersionCoin = function (mutationList, observer) { // console.log("coin change : ", mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { if ($('span.coin')) { // console.log($.trim($('.coin').text())) // if ($('.coin').hasClass('on')) { $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('#bilibiliPlayer').append(genButton()) // observer.disconnect() // console.log('disconnect coin observe') } // } }) } let observerNewVersionCoin = new MutationObserver(callbackNewVersionCoin) /** * 新版banggumi coin图标会晚一点加载出来, 用来等待加载coin */ let callbackBangumiNewCoin = function (mutationList, observer) { // console.log("coin change : ", mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { // if($('.van-icon-videodetails_throw')){ // console.log($.trim($('.coin').text())) if ($('.coin-info span').text().trim() != '--') { $('#c4r-takecoin').remove() $('#bilibiliPlayer').append(genButton()) observer.disconnect() // console.log('disconnect coin observe') } // } }) } let observerBangumiNewCoin = new MutationObserver(callbackBangumiNewCoin) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 检测video变化, 开始添加按钮 */ let callbackVideo = function (mutationList, observer) { // console.log(mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { // 旧版, 以及发生视频变化 if ($('bilibili-player-video')) { console.log('take-coin : 视频变更 ', mutation) // console.log('take-coin : 视频变更...') // 添加按钮 // if ($('#coin-gen').length == 0) { // watching() // } observerVideo.disconnect() console.log('take-coin : continue observing...') observerVideo.observe($('.player').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) watching() } }) } let observerVideo = new MutationObserver(callbackVideo) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 等待投币确认按钮弹出 */ let callbackCoinBox = function (mutationList, observer) { let button = getSureButtonSelector() let isClicked = false let isDisconnect = false let hideSelector = getHideSureBackgroundSelector() // if (isWatchList()) { // hideSelector = '.coin-mask, .coin-wrap' // } else if (isOldVersion() || isNewVersion()) { // hideSelector = '.bili-dialog-m' // } else if (isBangumiOld()) { // hideSelector = '.dialog-mask' // } // console.log(button, $(button).length, hideSelector, "callbackCoinBox : ", mutationList) mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { if ((!isClicked) && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 && $(button).length > 0) { // console.log("take-coin :", "click") $(hideSelector).css('opacity', '0') $(button).get(0).click() isClicked = true } if ((!isDisconnect) && mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) { // console.log("take-coin :", "remove surebutton") setTimeout(() => { console.log('check : ', isCoinTaken()) if (isCoinTaken()) { changeCoinTaken('taken') } else { changeCoinTaken('unknown') } }, 1500) observer.disconnect() isDisconnect = true } }) } let observerCoinBox = new MutationObserver(callbackCoinBox) // =========================================================================================== // 全局listener // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 全屏变化 */ document.onfullscreenchange = function (event) { console.log("FULL SCREEN CHANGE") processFullScreen() } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 检测按钮被按 // 为防止按钮被删, $(document).on 必须放在这里 $(document).on('click', function (event) { // console.log("click : ", event) if ($('#coin-gen.initial').length > 0) { clickTimeout.set(function () { console.log("take-coin : 投币") // if (isOldVersion()) { // // console.log("old version") // $('.coin-box').click() // } else { // // console.log("other version") // // new version || watchlist || bangumiOld // $('.coin').click() // } let CoinBoxObserverSelector = '' if (isWatchList()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = 'div[coinnum]' } else if (isOldVersion() || isNewVersion()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = '#app > div' } else if (isBangumiOld() || isBangumiNew()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = '#app' } observerCoinBox.observe($(CoinBoxObserverSelector).get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: false, // attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) let coinButton = getCoinBoxSelector() console.log(coinButton, $(coinButton).length) $(coinButton).get(0).click() console.log("changeCoinTaken...") changeCoinTaken('taking') if (logoShowStatus.indexOf("actTakingCoin") == -1) { logoShowStatus.push("actTakingCoin") } }) } if ($('#coin-gen.success').length > 0) { clickTimeout.set(function () { $('#coin-gen').addClass('processing') setTimeout(() => { $('#coin-gen').removeClass('processing') }, 2000); }) } }) $(document).on('dblclick', function (event) { // console.log("click : ", event) if ($('#coin-gen').length > 0) { if (isNewVersion() && ($('').length == 0 || (!isCoinTaken()) || $('span.collect.on').length == 0) ) { console.log("take-coin : 一键三联") clickTimeout.clear() let CoinBoxObserverSelector = '' if (isWatchList()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = 'div[coinnum]' } else if (isOldVersion() || isNewVersion()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = '#app > div' } else if (isBangumiOld() || isBangumiNew()) { CoinBoxObserverSelector = '#app' } observerCoinBox.observe($(CoinBoxObserverSelector).get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: false, // attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) let coinButton = getCoinBoxSelector() // console.log(coinButton, $(coinButton).length) triggerMouseEvent($('').get(0), "mousedown"); console.log("changeCoinTaken...") changeCoinTaken('taking') if (logoShowStatus.indexOf("actTakingCoin") == -1) { logoShowStatus.push("actTakingCoin") } } } }) $(document).on('mouseover', function (event) { if ($('#coin-gen').length > 0) { // console.log('take-coin :', 'mousenter') isMouseInLogo = true // logoShow() } }) $(document).on('mouseout', function (event) { if ($('#coin-gen').length > 0) { // console.log('take-coin :', 'leave') isMouseInLogo = false autoLogoHide() } }) let mousemoveTimeoutID = 0 $(document).on('mousemove', function (event) { // console.log('take-coin :', 'mousemove out') if ($('#coin-gen').length > 0) { // console.log('take-coin :', 'mousemove') logoShow() if (mousemoveTimeoutID) { clearTimeout(mousemoveTimeoutID) } mousemoveTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => { // console.log('take-coin :', 'Hide') autoLogoHide() }, 1500); } }) // =========================================================================================== // ready // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).ready(function () { console.log('take-coin : ready ...') if ($('.player').length > 0) { // 添加按钮 watching() // 检测按钮消失, 重新加载 console.log('take-coin : observing...', $('.player').length) observerVideo.observe($('.player').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) } else { // 在列表页面 // 通过检测是否含有.player元素判断 let callbackGoToWatch = function (mutationList, observer) { if ($('.player').length > 0) { // 添加按钮 watching() // 检测按钮消失, 重新加载 console.log('take-coin : observing...', $('.player').length) observerVideo.observe($('.player').get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) observer.disconnect() } } let observerGoToWatch = new MutationObserver(callbackGoToWatch) let strWaitLoadPlayer = '' if ($('.app-wrap').length > 0) { strWaitLoadPlayer = '.app-wrap' } else if ($('#app').length > 0) { strWaitLoadPlayer = '#app' } observerGoToWatch.observe($(strWaitLoadPlayer).get(0), { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false }) } }) })();