burn / Straight2ThePoint


Version: 0.2.21+49ecc27 updated

Summary: Scroll web page to the sentence shown in search engine results.


Copyright: 2022, burn (https://openuserjs.org/users/burn)

License: MIT

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Scroll web page to the sentence shown in search engine results

When you click on a link in the results of a search engine, this userscript highlights the words shown as snippet, if found and visible in the web page that opens, be it in same tab, new tab or new browser page.
PLEASE NOTE : Use ctrl + click to open link in a new tab and shift + click to open link in a new browser page.

I've read this reddit post and decided to develop this userscript. At the moment only google search results are supported, but, as the same goal can be achieved using almost any search engine, I will add more of them.

Technical details

Highlighting is made using a <mark> tag. I deliberately did not add any css style, therefore highlighting colour can vary from site to site.

  • Yes, "scroll" ain't the most appropriate term, I'd say more like "jump".
  • No, I'm not adding useless things like "smooth scroll".


coming soon

Search engines supported

  • google
  • [coming soon] duckduckgo
  • [you name it, let me know]


This userscript is tested on Firefox and Brave, both with Tampermonkey, on OSX and Windows operating systems.

Feedback appreciated

Please use the issues section.

Rating: 0