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// ==UserScript== // @name Feedly Engagement based Color // @namespace // @version 0.2.1 // @description color a Feedly list based on the engagement // @license MIT // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author burn // ==/OpenUserJS== /* PLEASE READ HERE This userscript was originally written by modalblue and published on I was using it years ago and I've decided to fork his code and continue maintaining it, just because I needed it working again. */ (function() { 'use strict'; const DBG = false; var mo = null; var attributeNamePrefix = "engagement-color"; var colors = {}; var css = { mainTag: "article", entry:"article.entry" , nbrRecommendations:"span.EntryEngagement" , unreadClass: "entry--unread" }; function myLog(s) { return (DBG && console.log( + " | " + s)); } function MakeColor(str) { if (str > 1000) str = 1000; return str / 1000; } function Colored() { var recommend = 0; var items =; if (items.length!=0) { myLog("found " + items.length + " articles"); items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.querySelector(css.nbrRecommendations)) { recommend = item.querySelector(css.nbrRecommendations).textContent.replace(/[\s\+]/g, "").replace(/^([\d]+)[A-Z]$/, "$1" + "000"); myLog("Found recommend: " + recommend); if (recommend > 0) { if (colors[recommend] === undefined) { myLog("adding css classes for " + recommend + " rule"); colors[recommend] = MakeColor(recommend); GM_addStyle( css.mainTag+"[colored='" + attributeNamePrefix+recommend + "'] {background:rgba(0,204,0," + colors[recommend] + ") !important;}" + css.mainTag+"[colored='" + attributeNamePrefix+recommend + "']:hover {background:rgba(0,204,0," + colors[recommend] + ") !important;}" ); } if (!item.getAttribute("colored")) { myLog("adding colored attribute with value " + attributeNamePrefix+recommend); item.setAttribute("colored", attributeNamePrefix+recommend); } if (item.classList.contains(css.unreadClass) && recommend >= 1000) { myLog("adding text color to unread article with recommend >= 1000"); GM_addStyle( css.mainTag+"[class^='entry'][class*='"+css.unreadClass+"'][colored='"+attributeNamePrefix+recommend + "'] div.content div.summary {color: #adff2f !important;}" ); } } } }); // end foreach } else myLog("items.length is 0"); }; mo = new MutationObserver(Colored); mo.observe(document.getElementById("root"), {childList:true, subtree : true}); })();