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// ==UserScript== // @name Golindo // @namespace Mndra // @description WAR32F // @author MyMy // @include http://*.ogame.*/* // @exclude http://** // @exclude http://** // @exclude http://** // @exclude http://** // @exclude http://* // @exclude* // @history eventos // @history 2.32 version // ==/UserScript== var sMIN = getVar('sMIN', 90); var sMAX = getVar('sMAX', 256); var autofresh = getVar('autof', 'ON'); var alrt_mess = getVar('stt_alrt_mess', 'OFF'); var alrt_atak = getVar('stt_alrt_atak', 'ON'); var s_h_snd2 = getVar('s_h_snd2', 0); var s_h_snd = getVar('s_h_snd', 0); var body = document; var a = 1; var p, h, n1, n2, n3; var sURL = unescape(window.location); var url = location.href; var serveur = url.split('/') [2]; { //Division OAN div_oan p = document.getElementById('menuTable'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'div_oan'; h.setAttribute('style', ';position:relative;width:170px;text-align:center;'); n1 = '<br>'; n1 += '<span id="div_rfr" width="170px"></span>'; n1 += '<span id="div_alrt_mess"></span>'; 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} else { setVar('autof', 'ON'); } reload(); } } //Division Bouton ON OFF refresh { //Division Bouton ON OFF alerte messages bt_alrt_mess in div_alrt_mes p = document.getElementById('div_alrt_mess'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'bt_alrt_mess'; h.setAttribute('style', ';width:145px;margin-top : 5px;padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;border-top: 1px outset black;border-left: 1px outset black;border-right: 1px outset black;color: #6f9fc8;background-color: #0d1014;text-align:center;'); if (getVar('stt_alrt_mess') == 'ON') { h.innerHTML = 'Son Message : <br><input type="hidden" id="alrt_mess" value="' + alrt_mess + '"><font color="green">[ON]</font> - <font color="red">OFF </font> '; } else { h.innerHTML = 'Son Message : <br><input type="hidden" id="alrt_mess" value="' + alrt_mess + '"><font color="red">ON</font> - <font color="red">[OFF]</font> '; } h.addEventListener('click', function () { b_alrt_mess(); }, false); p.appendChild(h); function b_alrt_mess() { var stt_alrt_mess = document.getElementById('alrt_mess') .value; if (getVar('stt_alrt_mess') == 'ON') { setVar('stt_alrt_mess', 'OFF'); } else { setVar('stt_alrt_mess', 'ON'); } reload(); } } //Division Bouton ON OFF alerte messages { //Division Bouton ON OFF alerte atak bt_alrt_atak in div_alrt_atak p = document.getElementById('div_alrt_atak'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'bt_alrt_atak'; h.setAttribute('style', ';width:145px;padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;border-bottom: 1px outset black;border-left: 1px outset black;border-right: 1px outset black;color: #6f9fc8;background-color: #0d1014;text-align:center;'); if (getVar('stt_alrt_atak') == 'ON') { h.innerHTML = 'Son Attaque : <br><input type="hidden" id="alrt_atak" value="' + alrt_atak + '"><font color="green">[ON]</font> - <font color="red">OFF </font> '; } else { h.innerHTML = 'Son Attaque : <br><input type="hidden" id="alrt_atak" value="' + alrt_atak + '"><font color="green">ON</font> -<font color="yellow">[OFF]</font> '; } h.addEventListener('click', function () { b_alrt_atak(); }, false); p.appendChild(h); function b_alrt_atak() { var stt_alrt_atak = document.getElementById('alrt_atak') .value; if (getVar('stt_alrt_atak') == 'ON') { setVar('stt_alrt_atak', 'ON'); } else { setVar('stt_alrt_atak', 'ON'); } reload(); } } //Division Bouton ON OFF alerte atak { //Division timer stt_timer p = document.getElementById('div_timer'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'stt_timer'; h.setAttribute('style', ';width:140px;margin-bottom : 5px;margin-top : 5px;border: 1px outset black;color: #6f9fc8;background-color: #0d1014;text-align:left;padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;padding-left: 5px;'); n1 = ''; n1 += 'Refresh '; n1 += '<input id="Smin" name="Smin" type="input" size="1" value="' + sMIN + '"> sec mini<br>'; n1 += 'Refresh '; n1 += '<input id="Smax" name="Smax" type="input" size="1" value="' + sMAX + '"> sec maxi'; n1 += '<div id="bt_save"></div>'; n1 += ''; h.innerHTML = n1; p.appendChild(h); { //Boutton Sauvegarder bt_save p = document.getElementById('bt_save'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'save_time'; h.setAttribute('style', ';text-align:center;padding-top: 5px;'); h.innerHTML = '<input type="button" value="save" title="" class="btn_blue" >'; h.addEventListener('click', function () { save_timer(); }, false); p.appendChild(h); } //Boutton Sauvegarder } //Division timer { //snd1 son message snd1 = document.getElementById('inhalt'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'sndTable'; h.setAttribute('style', ';display:none;position:relative;clear:both;width:100%;float:left;border:0px;'); snd1.appendChild(h); tabla = ''; document.getElementById('sndTable') .innerHTML = ''; tabla += '<table border="0" width="100%" style="">'; LineStyle = 'style="max-height:20px;min-width: 20px; max-width: 30px; overflow: hidden;font-weight:bold;"'; tabla += '<tr style="max-height:20px;font-weight:bold;"><td><EMBED NAME=\'CS1224981463558\' SRC=\'\' LOOP=\'false\' AUTOSTART=\'true\' HIDDEN=\'true\' WIDTH=\'0\' HEIGHT=\'0\'></EMBED></td>'; tabla += '</tr></table>'; document.getElementById('sndTable') .innerHTML = tabla; } //snd1 son message { //snd2 son attaque snd2 = document.getElementById('inhalt'); h = document.createElement('div'); = 'sndTable2'; h.setAttribute('style', ';display:none;position:relative;clear:both;width:100%;float:left;border:0px;'); snd2.appendChild(h); tabla = ''; document.getElementById('sndTable2') .innerHTML = ''; tabla += '<table border="0" width="100%" style="">'; LineStyle = 'style="max-height:20px;min-width: 20px; max-width: 30px; overflow: hidden;font-weight:bold;"'; tabla += '<tr style="max-height:20px;font-weight:bold;"><td><EMBED NAME=\'CS1224981463558\' SRC=\'\' LOOP=\'\' AUTOSTART=\'true\' HIDDEN=\'true\' WIDTH=\'0\' HEIGHT=\'0\'></EMBED></td>'; tabla += '</tr></table>'; document.getElementById('sndTable2') .innerHTML = tabla; } //snd2 son attaque { //Boutton Option p = document.getElementById('playerName'); h = document.createElement('a'); = 'bopt'; if (getVar('s_h_oan') == 0) { h.innerHTML = 'Emy'; document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'none'; } else { h.innerHTML = 'VeoVeo'; document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'inline'; } h.addEventListener('click', function () { f_s_h_oan(); }, false); p.appendChild(h); } //Boutton Option { //BOUTON AFFICHER REGLAGE p = document.getElementById('menuTable'); h = document.createElement('a'); = 'b_s_h_oan'; if (getVar('s_h_oan') == 0) { h.innerHTML = '<li><a class="menubutton" href="javascript:void(0)" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel">Abrir</span></a></li>'; document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'none'; } else { h.innerHTML = '<li><a class="menubutton" href="javascript:void(0)" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel">CERRAR</span></a></li>'; document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'inline'; } h.addEventListener('click', function () { f_s_h_oan(); }, false); p.appendChild(h); } //BOUTON AFFICHER REGLAGE function save_timer() { var sMIN = document.getElementById('Smin') .value; var sMAX = document.getElementById('Smax') .value; setVar('sMIN', sMIN); setVar('sMAX', sMAX); reload(); document.getElementById('save_time') .innerHTML = '<br>Fait'; } function f_s_h_oan() { if (getVar('s_h_oan') == 1) { setVar('s_h_oan', 0); reload(); document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'none'; } else { setVar('s_h_oan', 1); reload(); document.getElementById('div_oan') .style.display = 'inline'; } } function getVar(varname, vardefault) { var res = GM_getValue( + varname); if (res == undefined) { return vardefault; } return res; } function setVar(varname, varvalue) { GM_setValue( + varname, varvalue); } function getRefreshTime() { return (parseInt(sMIN) + Math.round(Math.random() * (sMAX - sMIN))) * 1000; }; if (autofresh == 'ON') { setInterval(reload, getRefreshTime()); } // function reload() { window.location.replace(sURL); }; //setTimeout(document.location.reload()) ; if (alrt_mess == 'ON') { if (['message-wrapper'].some(function (e) { if (document.evaluate('.//a[@class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile "]', document.getElementById(e), null, 8, null) .singleNodeValue) return true; })) document.getElementById('sndTable') .style.display = 'inline'; } if (alrt_atak == 'ON') { if (['message-wrapper'].some(function (e) { if (document.evaluate('.//div[@class="tooltip eventToggle soon"]', document.getElementById(e), null, 8, null) .singleNodeValue) return true; })) document.getElementById('sndTable2') .style.display = 'inline'; } if (a == 1) { if (['eventHostile'].some(function (e) { if (document.evaluate('.//value[@0]', document.getElementById(e), null, 8, null) .singleNodeValue) return true; })) document.getElementById('sndTable2') .style.display = 'inline'; }